
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

"Bringing Up Bates" Episode Summaries

The all-new UP original series Bringing Up Bates premieres in two days! Let's see what's in store for the Bates family in the first three episodes...

Thursday, January 1, 9:00pm ET
Bringing Up Bates “Meet the Bates” (60 min) 
Meet the super-sized Bates family: Parents Gil and Kelly Jo Bates have 19 kids, 3 kids-in-law, and their first grandbaby on the way! The house is buzzing as the family gathers for dinner, including married couples Zach & Whitney -- who are expecting baby Bradley in one month – and Erin & Chad. As Kelly Jo and the girls plan a baby shower for Whitney, Gil and the older boys are off to a tree cutting job. Later, Erin shares that she had another miscarriage and is struggling to get pregnant. On the day of the shower, chaos ensues when Trace gets into a car accident and sibling Alyssa and her husband, John, arrive from Florida with news of their own.

Thursday, January 8, 9:00pm ET
Bringing Up Bates “Courtship and Marriage” (30 min)
Newlywed Erin Bates is adjusting to married life, going from a house with 18 siblings to a house with just her husband, Chad. To help ease the transition to a quiet house and help the heartache of another miscarriage, she hosts her younger siblings for a sleepover. Meanwhile, eldest  daughter Michael is in a courtship with a young man named Brandon, who is away at seminary school in Texas. She wants to surprise him with a visit, but how will that go over with the Bates family’s strict courtship and intimacy rules? Then, at Zach and Whitney’s final ultrasound before the birth, the couple gets honest about having a baby – and if they’ll follow in Zach’s parents’ footsteps in every sense. Later, at an OBGYN check-up, Erin and Chad get news that impacts their desire to start a family.

Thursday, January 15, 9:00pm ET
Bringing Up Bates “Bates Gone Wild” (30 min) 
Nothing like driving lessons and a camping trip to bring out family dynamics. As the Bates family gears up to rough it outdoors – how do they pack for so many and move the troops all at once? – Tori and Carlin’s nerves are rattled by older brothers Zach and Lawson as they practice one last time for their driving test. Later, settling in at the campsite proves challenging, as not everyone is thrilled to be in the wild. Then as Gil, Kelly Jo, and the older kids take a canoe trip, 16-year-old Carlin babysits 8 younger siblings. As daunting as it seems, she fares better than the adults do on the canoe trip.

Photo: Courtesy of UP


  1. Woohoo! Excited for this new blog. I watched the first episode about 4 times already today after discovering it was pre-released on demand and I am so in love with this new show. I love how un-produced the show feels ... no staged conversations between family members "for the benefit of the viewers" ... just a glimpse into their lives and sharing genuine life experiences with us. I'm already addicted! :)

  2. PLEASE POST THE EPISODES ON YOUTUBE!!!!! That would mean the world to me!!! I love them so much!!!! Am I the only one that just thought Erin had one miscarriage? That's so sad! :( can't wait to see these if they're posted online! GREAT blog y'all, thank you so much for this!!

    1. You aren't the only one that thought she only had one miscarriage. It's probably because they only announced one miscarriage.

    2. Erin actually had two. Its soo sad.

    3. I just found out that Erin's actually had three miscarriages. So sad. Praying that the Lord would bless sweet Chad and Erin with a precious little one of their own in this new year.

  3. Thanks for doing this blog as I won't be able to watch the episodes I can at least read the blog. Thank you again!

  4. Aw.. I hope everything works itself out for Chad and Erin. they are in my thoughts and prayers

  5. I am so excited for the show! Do you know if the shows will be available online? I am so sorry to hear of Erin's second miscarriage.

  6. Do you know the bates personally?

    1. Hi Faith,

      We are blessed to know the Bates family. :)

      ~Lily and Ellie

  7. Will we be able to purchase these episodes? I don't have cable.

  8. Unfortunately, like so many others we can not get UP TV.

  9. aw poor erin. I feel so bad for her. She wants to start a family and she sees her siblings pregnant and having children. I hope she can get some good news soon!!

  10. Has Erin had two miscarriages? My heart just breaks for her and Chad.

  11. Will there be a way to watch these online?

  12. I wonder why TLC/ Discovery didn't pick this show up? I wonder if they thought that one huge family show The Duggers, was enough, or did the Bates choose to not go to TLC???

  13. Love the Bates family. Prayers for Chad ans Erin.

  14. Erin had another miscarriage? Now the doctor has some news? That doesn't sound good. Hopefully whatever's wrong can be fixed with surgery.

  15. hello lily and ellie,
    i just want to know, does it take a lot of your time to do the duggars and the bates blogs?
    are you also doing other blogs?

    1. Hi Mel,

      Blogging is time consuming, but we enjoy doing it and are blessed to have the privilege of blogging on behalf of both the Duggars and the Bates. Right now, we only have two blogs. :)

      Thanks for being a loyal reader!
      Lily and Ellie

    2. Lily and Ellie, it must be especially hard for you, as friends of both families, to read the unkind and critical things some people say about these two wonderful families.

  16. Excited to know they are back on tv! I watched their season years ago and loved the honesty and integrity of this family. :)
    Thank you for starting a blog as well! I hope episodes will be put online somewhere as we don't have cable or dish. :/

  17. I don't get that channel !!!!!

  18. Where did you find the pre-released episode?

  19. Anyone know is Dish Tv carrying UP channel.

    1. Hi Pauline,

      Dish does carry UP. To find out what channel it is on in your area, visit this page on the UP website:

      Lily and Ellie

  20. I cant wait to watch bringing up bates!! I love the duggars and the bates!! I'm sooo sad to hear about erins miscarriages and I am praying for her her husband and her two miscarried babys.... I hope she is blessed with one soon. Merry Christmas and happy new year!!!

  21. Oh our family can't wait to be invite once again to be apart of the Bates life watching them on UP. Thank you UP and The Bates Famliy for bringing back such a wholesome good faith family on TV.

  22. I'll be watching the show on UP on Thursday. I didn't know that Erin miscarried a second time, I just knew from another blog that she miscarried early last spring. But I'm excited to see the Bates back on TV for the first time since their short serious, The United Bates of America, ended three years ago on TLC.

  23. I didn't know Erin miscarried twice. I just knew from another blog she miscarried earlier last spring. Nice to see the Bates back on TV for the first time in almost four years.

  24. Thank you for doing a blog on the Bates. This family is awesome

  25. God has not forgotten Erin. He has a plan for her life!

  26. very excited about this new blog!! thank you

  27. Like everyone else has said I thought chad and Erin just had the one miscarriage my heart breaks for them Alyssa and Whitney having children can't be helping my prayers are with Erin and Chad. Excited for the show it sounds like it should be awesome just like 19 kids can't wait to get to know the bates more than just when they visit on the Duggars show.

  28. Erin had another miscarriage? Wow, poor she. She seems like a normally healthy girl. I guess we'll find out from the show what could be wrong. Especially difficult I'd think for her and Chad to see Whitney being happily pregnant and then Alyssa. Hopefully it all will work out for her!

  29. I love the Bates! If they read this thanks for being true to Christ and never waving, standing firm on His promises, and running the race until He calls us home! Br1n9 up Bates God way!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Much love coming your way!

  30. I also feel for Erin. My husband and I have been wanting children for almost 4 years now. It's difficult being with friends children and family's children. Praying for children for them.

  31. Poor Erin! It must be hard to have repeat miscarriages while her other married siblings and friends are having babies. I never had children, but lost my husband when I was 36. Loss can really hurt when you see everyone else in couples. So, though it's different, I can sort of relate. Praying for them. Reading their blog, I'm sure it's therapeutic to be writing about what they've learned to be thankful for. And it's so good that they're loving each other through it

  32. I didn't interpret Erin's description of her miscarriage as two events. She was describing the one that happened a few months into their marriage. If she's had more than one, I haven't heard anyone in the family talk about it. Possible that was a typo in the description.

  33. Please, Erin, see a specialist. There has got to be a reason for your struggles and with the help of a fertility specialist your dreams can come true. That's how I got my precious little girl who is truly a gift from God. She is a miracle.

  34. Wait, Erin had two miscarraiges? Oh, no!!

  35. Lily and Ellie- Will you post recaps like you do of 19 Kids?

    1. We posted a recap of the first episode and hope to continue to post recaps throughout the rest of the season.

      Lily and Ellie

  36. thank you for starting this blog. I am from Canada and we do not get UP TV here, so am thankful for the summaries. Although they make me want to watch the episodes even more. Hope you are able to post them somehow after they are aired for us to see.

  37. Thanks for this new blog !

  38. What a labor of love for you guys. I do hope y'all get compensation through advertising. TLC should definitely pay y'all. Thank you for the wonderful job! Suggestion - it would be cool if the header was setup like Duggars so that we can see close ups of all the kids. And will you be doing birthdays and anniversaries? Thanks again for the great job!!!

    1. Hi Glenda,

      Thank you for your kind words. :) We are working on more pages for the blog.

      Lily and Ellie

  39. So happy that you have started this blog! Yay - two encouraging and fun blogs to check out daily! Thanks so much. Happy New Year!!

  40. thanks for the Bates blog!! I'm soo excited to watch brining up bates tomorrow!! I'm praying for Erin and her husband and hope that they will be able too get through this time of grief. I hope they are ingufled in love this new year by each other friends family fans and God. I hope Erins babies can start developing all the way and be brought into this world!! I am praying for the babies she has lost and know they are safe in the comfort arms of God.

  41. So the Bates approve of people watching broadcast TV now, as long as it to watch their show?

  42. We are some of the unfortunate people who can't receive the UP channel : ( We look forward to reading this blog in order to know what's currently happening within the Bates family. As a mother of two and grandmother of three, I would truly enjoy reading a book written by Kelly Jo. Her sunny disposition, strong faith and her kind, loving interactions with her husband and children is so encouraging! God bless each of the Bates : )

  43. It's great to see this blog, I love the Bates family! I'm just sorry that I can't watch these new episodes since I live in Sweden. Does anyone know if Bringing Up Bates will be avaliable for purchase on DVD after the season is finished? Or can I buy the downloads somewhere?

  44. Boo I don't get the UP , channelon cable

  45. To the people who.don' call your cable provider and tell them you want up tv. Thatd what I did and they got it for me.

    1. No good for those of us living overseas unfortunately!

    2. If u can get You Tube, its on there...goodluck :-)

  46. Hi Readers,

    We are working with UP TV to try to find a way for viewers to watch the show online after it airs. We will keep you posted. :)

    ~Lily and Ellie

  47. Awesome!! So glad to get to know the Bates like I have the Duggars!! Thanks so much Lily and Ellie, these blogs are awesome!!!

  48. I enjoyed the first episode of Bringing Up Bates: it was great!; I wish I could view it on a regular basic but I don't have extended cable TV in my home (I was at a relative's house who live in another state). Hopefully, episodes will be on you tube. Also, I am so sad about Erin's and Chad's miscarriages--I have experienced that pain also. I really believe that they will be blessed with a child someday. They have their youth and GOD on their sides!. Christina H.

  49. I will pray for Erin . I know how hard it can be to suffer miscarriages . God bless her .

  50. I love the show and I would love if you could put the show on YouTube because I can't always see the show on Thursdays.

  51. Do we know how many episodes there are going to be? Also when might we hear about it it has been renewed?

  52. I was surprised so much of the 1st show was devoted to Erin's miscarriage. Yes, it is sad but too much time on it. That's a very personal thing. I just hope the Bates realize what they are exposing their family to by putting everything out there on TV for the public. They are such a nice family.


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