
Monday, January 12, 2015

Bates Respond to Last Week's Episode

What does the Bates family have to say about last week's episode? Read some of their reactions below:

Lawson Bates, 22, says his parents have equipped their children to move out of the house and start families of their own.
"I think my brother and sisters who have already gotten married and moved out have been doing a really great job," said Lawson. "They don’t hear me say that often, so I hope they’re reading this! Won’t happen again soon, ha!"

When it comes to courtship, Gil and Kelly Bates set a few basic parameters and then encourage their children to come up with other boundaries.
"I’m sure I will face new and difficult challenges when I am in a courtship, but until then, I’m happy to say that I haven’t broken (too many) rules," says Lawson. "Mom and Dad, hope you’re reading this too!"

Erin (Bates) Paine, 23, admits that she has been known to give her younger siblings Popsicles before bed when they come to visit. "I just can’t get used to a quiet house, so ever since I got married and moved out, I’ve made it a point to have my younger siblings over," says the third oldest Bates child. 

Erin also reveals that, with 18 siblings, she never expected to have a difficult time having children. She is thankful for the support of her husband, Chad. "God knew what He was doing when he brought us together," says Erin. "While we don’t know what our future holds, we know who holds it!"

Alyssa (Bates) Webster, 20, shares that it was difficult to adjust to married life in Florida. "My family’s house is extremely loud and crazy, and in Florida it’s far quieter, especially since John is gone at work for most of the day," she says. Alyssa admits it is almost impossible for her to cook for only two people, as she was used to cooking for 21 when she lived at home. 

Photos: Courtesy of UP


  1. I just really love this family.But i fear the fans are already ruining communications with Erin.She has been lovely enough to chat with us on IG, but ever since the first show aired insensitive folks cant seem to quit talking about her miscarriages, so therefore her posts have been very few and her comments back pretty much stopped...i knew this would happen.Please people watch what u say, i know some of u mean well and just want to give good advice, but when something awful like that happends, let God, family, friends,and her husband be the ones who confort her the most.We can wish her well and pray for her.

  2. I love these young people as I have known them for over five years. It is wonderful how they are blossoming out and blessing others by sharing their lives. I pray for them daily.

  3. I honestly can't imagine going from cooking for 21 to cooking for 2. I come from a "big" family (small compared to them), and it would be difficult for me to cook for two, as well.

    ~Hazel S.

  4. When will the "Courtship and Marriage" episode be posted? I've been eagerly awaiting it. :)

  5. Cool thanks for posting!!!!!!!!!!!
    Ashley Madeline

  6. My mom grew up cooking for a family of seven, she's been out of her house for close to fifty years, and with somethings she cooks it's still way too much!

  7. Wow! Popsicles before bed :)

  8. Erin, I don't know if you will see this. It sounds like you have the MTHFR mutation. I also have that and I am by no means an expert, but you NEVER want to ale folic acid with this mutation. In fact you want to avoid it as much as possible. You want to take folate instead! is a really good resource. I am also taking b12 in the form of methylcobalamin. You do not want to take cyancobalimin. Sometimes women who are trying to get pregnant need to take a blood thinner such as Lovenox. Thank you for showing the love of Jesus!

  9. I like this family!

  10. Great Family.
    Thank you so much for making a blog about the Bates!

  11. Love all the updates, thanks ladies!!!

  12. I really appreciate the Bates family sharing on their television show, as well as their thoughts about the show afterward. Thank you very much!

  13. Dear Erin Bates Paine: I pray you read this message to you. Please please go to a good Fertility Clinic that is staffed with fertility physician specialists. Fertility is a very special field of medicine- there are many medical reasons for miscarriage and inability to conceive or inability to carry infant to term. You would not leave Diabetes or cancer without medical attention, so please seek some medical advice from a SPECIALIST. In Baltimore the Shady Grove Fertility Center is Excellent! Usually a hormone imbalance can be rectified. Also, there are many types of fertility drugs. Also, ask your doctor about the MTHFR Genetic Mutation, where you can take lots of folic acid and other modalities. Good luck to you and Chad, you are wonderful people and deserve much happiness.

  14. Oops, you probably mean "Bateses respond" :)

  15. Neat family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) I LOVE watching Bates show every Thursday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for posting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God bless:)

  16. Erin how long did you take the folic acid and low dose aspirin before you found out that you were pregnant???


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