
Thursday, January 29, 2015

"Nashville Son" Recap

Tonight on Bringing Up Bates "Nashville Son"...
  • The Bates family is preparing to plant a winter vegetable garden. They have had gardens in the past, but it is been several years. "Eating healthy is a good goal," says Kelly. "That's what we're aiming for, but we fall short a lot of times, probably just because of habit and what's convenient, what's cheap."
  • Gil and Kelly disagree about where the garden should sit. Gil thinks the valley is the best place. "I'll tell you what. Water rolls downhill," says the dad of 19. Kelly points to an unused piece of land at a higher elevation. Her rationale? "Water comes from the sky...everywhere."
  • Kelly and her supporters decide to give in "with a good attitude," as the mom of 19 says. Kelly asks Gil to consider building a playground on the plot of land she had initially chosen for the garden.
  • "When there's a difference of opinion, we try to listen to each person's opinion," says Kelly. "But it comes to a point when you can see from their expressions, their tones, their attitudes that...this has gone a little bit too far. We're not just sharing opinions at this point. There are some hard feelings that are forming."
  • The whole family helps Gil plow the land and prepare the garden for planting. Erin's husband, Chad, who grew up on a farm, comes over to help.
  • Lawson drives three hours to Nashville to record a new song, which was released yesterday. He took up the hobby of writing music a few years ago. Some of his songs are about his experiences, and some are stories about other people.
  • "I am very excited but also very nervous," says Lawson. The 22-year-old has managed a landscaping business for several years and still keeps that as a day job, but he is currently placing more emphasis on building his music career.
  • When he arrives in Nashville, Lawson, who has never had vocal training, meets with performer and voice coach Joyce Martin.
  • Lawson records at the studio belonging to legendary bluegrass musician Ricky Skaggs. His new song, called "Problems," is a duet with Rachel Leftwich, Rick Skaggs' niece.
  • While visiting Music City, Lawson also has the privilege of discussing his career goals with Ed Leonard, president of Daywind Records.
  • Upon returning home, Lawson receives accolades from his family when he plays the recording of his song.
  • Here is Kelly's take on musical training: "Gil and I never had a musical background and can't even read a note of music, but we felt like it was really important for all of the children to have music lessons just so we could use it for ministry."
  • Lawson, Nathan, and Trace are asked who they think will be the next Bates to get hitched. "It will probably be Lawson, or Tori," says Nathan. "Them girls like to jump ship early," adds Lawson.
  • Kelly says courtship is a popular topic of conversation in the Bates family, as the kids like to tease each other about potential mates, or lack thereof, and try to match-make.
  • Lawson says his parents don't force their kids to pursue courtship over careers, or vice versa. Instead, they tell their children to make their own choices, and they promise to be there to support, encourage, and advise them.


  1. I can not get the channel for your show but follow all of the family on face book.
    I was able to see the show once before they changed the channels around and I love the show.

  2. When can we see the episodes on here?

  3. Great show!
    I love the way UP sets up the various segments for each episode.
    It never gets boring or repetitive.
    Wish they were on an hour though...; )

  4. Would someone please put the episodes on YouTube? I have only been able to watch the first episode.

  5. Good episode so glad to see all the older Bates kids branching out, with School, Careers and persuing their dreams. Really like this family. I wish Lawson all the best. And I think the little kids interviews are the cutest thing ever, Judson is so funny, his expressions crack me up.

  6. How can we view the last episodes if we don't have cable? I was able to watch the first episode on You tube but I haven't been able to watch any after that.

  7. Im havin so much fun watching this family. They are amazing and honest, i just wish the show was an hour long.

  8. Hi Readers,

    Right now, the show is not available on Amazon, iTunes, or YouTube. (The episodes are uploaded to YouTube by other viewers, not by us.) UP is currently trying to figure out a way to make "Bringing Up Bates" available online. We will let you know if they come up with a solution. :)

    Lily and Ellie

  9. The next Lawson has to do a duet, I think He should do it with Amy Duggar


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