
Monday, February 2, 2015

Another Bates Wedding?

When does Michaella Bates plan to tie the knot with boyfriend Brandon Keilen? Find out in the following video:


  1. Yes; there are many such money-saving tips to get closer to the date. One couple I know have tatoos on their ring fingers; much cheaper and more practical than rings. Not to mention an amazing testimony when people ask them "what if you get divorced"? And a small wedding; she just mentioned her family; so if all it is is the Bates and Keilen families, so be it.
    Praying for God's guidance for them both. I'm glad Michaela can work as a nanny in the meantime and help in the saving-money process

  2. There's just a blank page for me:(
    Could you post the video some other way?

    1. Here is the direct link to the video:

      Lily and Ellie

  3. Isn't waiting to get married until you can afford children the same as birth control? This seems like they're waiting for the best time to get married financially for them instead of relying on the Lord's time-table which is in their hearts.

    1. Perhaps waiting and being sensible, responsible young adults IS the 'Lord's Timetable'? Is it REALLY all about having as many children as humanly possible? There are more things to a marriage than that ait seems to me that these two have got their heads screwed on and are doing what they can to be patient and well-prepared for a life together that is not just about scraping by. I'm sure the babies will come soon enough, let them use the brains that God gave them to decide when is the most sensible time to marry.

    2. Response to Kandace- I prefer to believe that God's will includes practicing common sense and refraining from marriage/children until you have the means to support them. Sounds like Brandon is a keeper.

    3. that isnt true their saving for a house to so i think they can do what they want.

  4. I think Kandace that they're waiting until Brandon has graduated and starts earning a wage so he can buy a home and support his wife. I don't think any of us can really "afford" our kids lol xx

  5. I pray they rely on God's guidance. He will provide all our needs ,if, we rely only on Him.

  6. I hope They get engaged soon

  7. Michella reminds me so much of Jana & Jill, she is too sweet, oh how i wish prince charming would sweep Jana off her feet.:-)

  8. 1 Timothy 5:8 says, "But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel."
    I think its wonderful that they are waiting. Not being able to provide for your new family puts a huge strain on extended family and society. Kelly did say that he was paying his own way through college and would need to replenish funds. Which probably means getting a good paying job to support a family. That's smart!

  9. Lily and Ellie you both are too nice to do a blog about the Bates too!!! Thanks so much!!! -- Amber

  10. I was just wondering if at all possible that we can get all the families pictures with their names by them so we can identify them easier, that would be great.

    1. We are in the process of creating a page with names and pictures. :)

      ~Lily and Ellie

  11. Kandace, why does it matter how they choose to plan their life?

  12. Maybe he wants to save up for an engagement ring first, which is kind of nice.

  13. Praying Lord will bless Michaella and Brandon with as many children after you two get married!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait for you and Brandon to get married, and to watch it on TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

  14. I think that Brandon is being very thoughtful of Michael and their possible future children by waiting until he is financially able to provide for a family. They are definitely showing patience! They both have good heads on their shoulders so I'm sure they will do fine in the future. Same as Jill and Derick and Erin and her husband. However, I think Ben and Jessa probably married a little too soon as he is a sophomore in college -- yes they can make it but I think they might struggle a little more than if they had waited two more years. Erin and her husband I believe waited 3 years until she was nearly graduated that if she had gotten pregnant right away that she would have given birth after graduation.

  15. I have no problem with what they're doing and think they are very good people to plan and prepare for their future. My question is only if waiting to marry when you're financially prepared for children is the same as marrying then using birth control to wait to have children till you're financially prepared? It sounds the same to me so I'm just wondering what others think.


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