
Friday, March 13, 2015

Recap: "The Bates Go to Florida"

Here is the recap of last night's show. We usually post our recaps immediately after each episode airs, but we were delayed this week due to technical difficulties. Thank you for your patience. :)

Bringing Up Bates "The Bates Go to Florida"
  • The Bates clan arrives at Alyssa and John's home near Orlando. They newlywed couple has a small house that they keep very clean. "It was like somebody opened the floodgate..." said Gil, looking back on the family's visit.
  • Kelly tells the kids to mind their manners while they are at Alyssa's. "We listen to the rules, but I don't know if we fully obey them," says Carlin.
  • Alyssa is expecting a baby girl, Allie Jane, on April 10th. The Bates can't wait to welcome another grandchild.
  • "Having a granddaughter is going to be exciting," says Kelly. "I know at the same time it is going to be really, really hard because I can't just go down the street and see her and hold her anytime I want to."
  • John says he wants to wait about a month after the baby is born for Alyssa's 18 siblings to come visit. The kids aren't too happy about that.
  • Gil brings his tree trimming supplies to clip a few branches for his daughter. Meanwhile, Kelly and Alyssa cook dinner. "It's definitely different cooking for 21 again," says Alyssa.
  • "Alyssa's all about presentation," says Kelly. "She makes it look good."
  • The entire family heads to Clearwater to go to the beach for the first time in seven years.
  • "We like beaches, and we like people," says Gil. "We just like people to have all their clothes on at the beaches."
  • Several of the kids wear swimsuits, which means WholesomeWear for the girls and swim trunks and shirts for the boys. The others wear regular clothes, but that doesn't stop their dad and siblings from throwing them in the ocean.
  • Next, the family goes to the Clearwater Aquarium, where they have the privilege of feeding Winter, a dolphin with a prosthetic tale who stars in the movies Dolphin Tale and Dolphin Tale 2.
  • "It was pretty cool getting to pet a movie star dolphin...says " Katie.
  • At Showcase of Citrus, the Bates pick fresh oranges. Then, they take a ride on one of the world's largest monster trucks. "I don't' think you could have picked a better way to end the trip," says Lawson.


  1. I didn't understand why the family didn't understand John and Alyssa wanting to wait a month before everyone visits. I mean, I totally understand them being eager to meet their niece, but you do have to respect their wishes. I mean, I understand where John and Alyssa are coming from. That's just a little overwhelming. Give them a little time to adjust to parenthood

    1. Sorry but I don't understand. I understand them wanting their own space but I'm sure he'll let his family come. Besides, you'll have a life time with her! But if John does choose to not let the bates come then I'd like to say to the bates, don't worry, when they have other children they'll be begging for the bates to come! :)

    2. What's good to consider is their personalities. In the end not everyone is a people person and I for one, get very tired by being around people. Even after I see my own family, I need two weeks to recover from that alone. If I were to be pregnant, I would kindly ask everyone to not come over for at least a month so maybe it's nothing unusual there. It's all a matter of perspective.

    3. My daughter just became a mother and she is overprotective.A visiting nurse even told my daughter to allow family members to bond with the baby. She refuses. You should allow family to see and hold the baby. There are enough adults around to supervise. And Everyone know how fragile babies are and will be careful.

  2. I hope they post them on the Internet soon! I think it was kinda mean of John to say he doesn't want her siblings visiting for a month! They're family! Seriously! I don't know... I guess he has his reasons...

  3. I really look up to them.

  4. I love the bates!!

  5. Hi, can you tell me if Gill and Tommy Bates are related ? They look so much alike, and thanks for your blogs they are awesome

    1. I can tell you that someone asked them that question on their blog before and they said that they weren't related that they knew of.

    2. They look so much alike.

    3. I thought the samething and I thought I saw Gil Bates in the audience at Tommy Bates church

  6. I think it could be overwhelming to have so many people converging on you after a birth. However, you think John could have some guidelines so the Bates' could visit: like stay at a hotel!

  7. I love the Bates! I'm wondering if they have written any books like the Duggars have? I felt bad for the Bates when John and Alyssa reacted the way they did regarding them coming to visit after the baby. Makes me wonder how many kids were in Johns family growing up. I also noticed that Alyssa's been wearing pants and jeans on her Instagram till her family showed up, then it was a cute skirt and wedges. Lol!

    1. I think Alyssa is being very respectful by wearing the proper clothes in front of her parents for her siblings. I don't agree with John about holding his baby but he is the parent.

  8. Minor detail, but an actual tail (of an animal) is spelled differently than tale (a story). So the movie is Dolphin Tale (kind of a play on words, because it is about a dolphin's tail, but is actually a Dolphin Story). :)

  9. A question about their swimsuits: I just checked the wholesomewear website, which claims they have affordable swimsuits, but the cheapest I can find is $90!!! Do the Bateses really pay that much for swimwear??

    1. Hahaha! We find a lot of our stuff used, but it's a little harder to find modest swimwear for us girls. So yah, sometimes we have to pay a bit for a swimsuit. But, a lot of the younger girls (and even me sometimes) get pass-me-downs. So, that keeps it cheaper. Hope this helped! :)

    2. Not sure this went through, so sending it again…

      Carlin -- hey! You're one of our favorite members of the Bates family -- it's fun to see you interacting with Tori. Thank you for your family's Godly witness. Sending love and prayers for God's richest blessings to you all from here in Los Angeles

    3. They probably wait for clearance sales or buy out of season clothes. They are very frugal .They do not squander their money. They are careful and feel they must be accountable to God as most Christians feel.

  10. Anyone who thinks it's mean to ask for a month before having 18 people plus parents all visiting at once is well eh clueless to how much effort it is to get used to a new born and also how much work it us to look after that many ppl....... now personally I'd of said come one at a time to older girls and be prepared to help out as much as possible ; )

  11. John and Alyssa seem to act a bit funny with alyssas family like telling everyone else first they were expecting and not letting the family come visit for a month
    I love the Bates family but I get the impression things aren't quite right between the bates and john and alyssa
    Maybe I'm just picking it up wrong I dunno :)

  12. I get the impression the there is something strange between the bates and john and alyssa but I could just be picking it up wrong but from what I've seen they act very cold with alyssas family I thought but sure like I said I might just be getting the wrong end of the stick! Love their whole family :)

    1. When people visit, and happen to live a distance away, it takes some time adjusting. Look at how Gil's parents react after the Bates family leave. And remember a film.crew was brought along. Keep in mind, Alyssa and John are so in love and they are used to the two of them. I thought John and Alyssa were very happy when Gil and Kelly visited after the baby was born, John appeared so happy to see them and appreciated their visit. And...well...remember....not everyone likes in laws. And that's ok.

  13. That was fun to watch!

  14. I totally get not wanting 18+ people to visit your house immediately after having a baby... it takes a while to get settled into a routine, figure out nursing if that is the route she takes, and to feel up to visiting with ANYBODY, much less having to house, feed and clean up after that many people. I'd much rather have a husband who doesn't want me to have deal with that stress over the entire Duggar clan going over to Josh and Anna's house within a day of her giving birth.

  15. I think it is nice everyone having their own personality. I was wondering watching how close Erin and Whitney were to everyone during their births- that seemed weird. They seem so down-to-earth and everyone is different, but to me how Alyssa and John chose not to have their birth on video for the whole world to see, and not to have parents and in-laws in the room with you while giving birth- that seemed more normal. Newborns are also very fragile, many doctors recommend not exposing them to germs, even little siblings or aunts and uncles. There is a wide range of "normal"- what makes me see the Bates as such a healthy family is how each one chooses their own path. Micheallas wedding was more rustic look, Erin more traditional style, Alyssa funky and fun- all done with class. Also the way they told their family they were expecting- Alyssa so funky and telling siblings and parents at once, and Erin more formal in a restaurant; choices that reflect their personalities and the appropriateness of the situation. Whitney had the whole family at the hospital with her- she had a long labor, Zach needed a break, and she had an apidural, so little ones - and her husband- gofing around helped pass the time, whereas Erin had a really quick, painful and precarious labor- it was more appropriate just to have her parents, one sister and her husband. I hope that if a son or son in law in the future realises he gets sick and very nervous with medical things he will have the confidence to say- I want to be in the hallway the whole time and make other arrangements for you to have the help you need. WHo knows- with Alyssa making the choice to birth privately maybe she and her husband did it like that- and while its nice if a husband is able to be supportive during the birth- its fine if he can't. What amazes me is the shared values of faith in a higher power, love, family, hard work ethic and the ability to face each day as a new adventure.

  16. I want to know if the Bates family follow the Acts 2:38 and receive the Holy Ghost with evidence of speaking in tongues or what religion they are? I was also wondering if they are related to Tommy Bates because they look so much alike.

  17. I was wondering if Tommy Bates was related to them. I saw a picture of a big family when his church was being advertised last Sunday on the WORD


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