
Friday, May 15, 2015

Carson Paine is Here!

Erin and Chad Paine welcomed baby Carson yesterday night. "Words cannot describe the joy we feel," Erin told PEOPLE. Despite Erin's high risk pregnancy, Carson is healthy. We are in the car and unable to post a picture, but you can see one on the PEOPLE website:


  1. Congratulations to the three of you. He is adorable, Blessings to you

  2. I am a Christian, but I don't understand how people say "God gave us a healthy baby. We prayed for it." Does that mean the times Erin was pregnant and miscarried, God did not answer their prayers? Erin had a healthy delivery and baby due to the skills of the medical profession. Without that, she would still be miscarrying one after the other.

    1. Because God is the giver of life. He always answers prayers and sometimes that answer is no. Trust me I speak from experience. All wisdom and knowledge comes from God, so He should get all the glory.

    2. that is a fact! we lost a pregnancy and after that i tried for 7 years and my answer was always no, but then out of the blue, our miracle came. she IS a gift from God, when "medical professionals" told us we would never have a child. i am so thankful for doctors and ALL medical pros, don't get me wrong, but i believe their talents and abilities come from the Lord. just my humble Christian opinion!

    3. I think it's quite short-sighted to say God's answer is "no". Better would be, "God is doing something much greater here than I could ever understand or imagine."

  3. He was actually born yesterday

  4. Sooooooooooooooooo excited for her and Chad!! They will be wonderful parents and I hope they will be parenting a lot of little children. God bless them!!

  5. The bates now have the a,b,c grandchildren!!! Allie, Bradley and carson!!! Congratulations to the bates!

    1. Good point! It's so cute! I hope these three grow up best friends :)

  6. Congraulations Erin & Chad! Carson is so cute.

  7. So happy for them! Praise God for a healthy little boy...

  8. Thanking GOD and so HAPPY for her

  9. Can't believe he is finally here!!!Congratulations!!:)

  10. Congratulations Erin and Chad! So happy for you both. Carson is so cute and looks so healthy! Doesn't look early to me:) God bless you all! A big X for Carson's chubby little cheek;)

  11. So happy for Erin and Chad on the birth of Carson. He is beautiful. Also to Kelly and Gil and the Payne grandparents congrats on a new grandbaby.

  12. I love watching your show. Beautiful baby boy! Congratulations!

  13. Am happy for you Erin. Your dream came true. There is nothing more fulfilling than motherhood. Am happy for Chad. What a proud father he must be ! The Lord is Good !!!! God Bless!!!!


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