
Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Communicating with Judson and Jeb

Judson (almost five years old) and Jeb (three-and-a-half) are the youngest of Gil and Kelly Bates' 19 children, According to the rest of the Bates clan, these boys have a language of their own. "We don't understand anything [Jeb] says, but you can tell him and Judson get into some really deep discussions sometimes," shares Lawson in the video below.


  1. We just saw these precious little guys last Sunday! We remember when Jud was born. We had just begun knowing the Bates family at that time. We always enjoy our times together.

  2. Those boys are all "to cute"!

  3. That's funny :) my friend spoke her own language till she was five/six years old and her sister was the only one to understand it, so she was her translator :D

    1. That is so funny. I thought Jeb is so cute. He was so funny on their last I love you day when he had gotten a toy guy he was eager to play with. And he banked in a language all his own. Love those two boys. So entertaining.

  4. Those two are so cute together! I bet they will always have an extremely close bond. I just love watching the Bates family and wish the episodes could be an hour long instead of just half an hour. They seem like family that I wish I could see more often than just once a week, but we'll take whatever we can get!

    1. That would be great !! An hour show ! I agree !! Hope someone is listening. We can't get enough of the Bates ! There is a lot of a story line their, there is enough kids and in laws to watch.

  5. It was Lawson's Birthday on the 27th.... :-)

  6. That's hilarious. It is very true. I often ask my kids to explain what the youngest are saying. Maybe it's us adults who are missing out. Lol

  7. Way to go Bates Family - you seek to know each other - and it is clear you love each other. What a wonderful reflection of God's love for His children.

  8. When you are that CUTE and little everything is a great conversation. As he matures, his language skills will become more independent of his brother. Enjoy this time:) When he starts speaking the universal language you'll miss these precious, TRYING, laughable days!

    1. I wonder if all children are this way. Are they ? Or are there's just some kids like Jeb? I would really know. Does anyone know? I had only one child and she spoke.So clearly. Children are so interesting.

  9. Love those little boys !! They two two close brothers! Just wished Gil carried Judson a little bit more. He is always carrying Zeb. Those two little boys are just two years apart. Give Judson more attention. I noticed how Chad gave Judson some time when he showed him the birds nest.


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