
Friday, July 24, 2015

What's New With the Bates?

The Bates share all the latest family updates in the following video. With 19 busy kids, the Bates are bound to make another big announcement soon, so stay tuned.


  1. Please stay the down to earth family that we have all come to know & love. Seen to many Christain based reality TV show families get caught in the lime light of stardom only to have it come crashing down.

    1. This family have devout parents who put their faith first. Kelly and Gal are true christians who gave their all to Christ. The children were raised with Christ as the head of their home. How could they go wrong? Yes there are different personalities but they raised in a strong and solid foundation. Some children go astray but I doubt it here. Most homes do not have such a strong father presence. He is a Pastor who guides his children well. He works outside the home but he is always available even in time of emergency. Just look at the older married children and that should be your proof. They are different from the Duggers. I can not see humble Gil pursuing a political career. His Saviour is first. His family second. He guards his children in prayer.

  2. I love Lawson's teasing to Nathan! Actual brothers. :)

  3. I cant wait till they announce something ... cuz I love LOVE big announcements from the Bates!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THE BATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Nathan's in a courtship, I think.

  5. Ooh, la la... Waiting for Nathan's courting announcement any day now! ;)

  6. Random question: do any of the Bateses, besides Kelly and Erin, wear glasses or contacts?

  7. was that a hint, hint, nudge, nudge from Lawson?

  8. I'm sensing a courtship will be announced soon :)

  9. I just love the Bates family and really look forward to the show each week. It's fun to see all the exciting things that are happening in their lives and how they all interact with each other. It's so nice to see siblings who truly care about each other and are so encouraging and close. Such a sweet family! I'm really looking forward to seeing Michael and Brandon's wedding and know it must be a very busy but very joyful time in the Bates home. God bless!

    1. I can't wait for Michael's wedding either. She waited so long for Brandon. I think Gil and Kelly can't wait to see their daughter have her dreams come true either. Michael really loves Brandon how many young woman would wait so long ?

  10. Love this family and how they encourage their children to continue their education. Also like the idea that there are not such restrictions put on them.

  11. How are the wedding plans going?

  12. I like the Bates fam quite much , they are real and it's fun to read what happens in this huge family. I also hope that they will stay real, humble and true to themselves, and that the negative effects of fame will stay away. All the best!

    1. I hope for the same thing. It would be a shame if the fame and money would get into their heads and change them from the humble, frugal family that they are.

  13. I enjoy your show, but couldn't understand your comment in a recent episode that (don't remember which son) had DYSLEXIA when he was little ! Just a clarification to your statement....once someone is diagnosed with dyslexia that person has it for LIFE ! No one outgrows DYSLEXIA, they just learn to live with it and make the best of the situation with appropriate tutoring and the appropriate schools .

    1. I think what they meant was before Dyslexia is noticed and treated a child often struggles and is often considered a little slow compared to the other children's process. A dyslexia child feels different. And it can affect their self esteem. It is not always detected early. Kelly is a remarkable woman to see that Nathan had it and was willing to give him extra time and help her child through it. You can outgrow the struggles with Dyslexia once you know how to pin point the problem area. Kelly went to college foe special ed. She is well qualified to know the problems involved. Nathan is an adult now and I am certain he no longer has the same struggles as he had as a child.

  14. From watching this promo seems like more babies for zach and maybe alyssa along with courtships for nate and possibly tori. That's just my opinion though lol


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