
Monday, August 3, 2015

Alyssa's New Look

Alyssa Webster, the sixth oldest of Gil and Kelly Bates' 19 children, recently made a big change to her appearance. Previously a blonde, she is now a proud brunette.

Alyssa Webster shows off her new do

Take a look at these photos from a few years back to see Alyssa's natural hair color. 

Alyssa Bates

Alyssa Bates and Jana Duggar

Photos courtesy of the Bates and Duggar families


  1. She looks pretty either way, of course, but I LOVE the brown hair on her better! She makes it look GOOD!

  2. Why does she wear jeans??? Love her anyways!!!

  3. I think she is very pretty either way, although I am a big fan of keeping your natural hair color. Am I seeing things or is she wearing a pair of jeans?

    1. I like her a lot but I don't understand why she would.go so dark? And her father being a Pastor and being explained why jeans are not appropriate why would you turn away from that ? Just curious.

  4. Hey, she's wearing jeans! Does she not follow the skirts-only conviction for girls that the rest of her family has?

    1. You know what I love? I love the Gil and Kelly have raised their children to be able to think for themselves. They provided a foundation and guidelines, and then had the confidence to step back and allow their children the freedom to make their own decisions and to express themselves and their indviduality as they see fit. Jeans. Skirts. These do not a Christ follower make. They are choices. I have no doubt that Alyssa's heart is devoted to the Lord, and no doubt that her family loves and accepts her for the independent, lovely young woman she has become. Gil and Kelly, you have my respect and admiration.

  5. Alyssa and all of the Bates girls are absolutely gorgeous, but most importantly they have the true beauty that radiates from their joy in the Lord.

  6. Very pretty girl but I prefer her as a blonde. Love to know why the change.

    1. Me too. Why the change??!!

    2. She is beautiful. I like her. Why the change ?!

  7. Y'all is it just me or is she wearing jeans…??? Oooohh…


  8. Miss the natural and modest girl. Don't forget what attracted your husband to you. I guess sometimes when we're young and we move away we're still very impressionable. Still very sweet and lovely girl just wish her roots would have stuck in deeper.

    1. I love how she has kept modest as she has been married! :)

    2. modest?? haha! Maybe in the world's eyes...

    3. She was very modest while home.

    4. I don't understand why the changes ? She did appear modest.

  9. I like her better blond!

  10. Alyssa looks great with any color, but I like the blonder look on her best.

  11. Her hair looks terrific! Nice chestnut brown like her Mom's.

    1. It just isn't her. I like her though.

  12. Her new warm brown color is lovely!!

  13. Looks like she was a brunette when she was younger. Also glad to see she wears jeans too.

    1. Yeah, the blonde was highlights. :)

    2. she actually is naturally blond:) she pretty eather way but i like her way better blonde (thats a compliment cuz shes really blonde realisticly)

  14. So what is her natural hair color?

    1. Kind of a dark blonde/light brown. The blonde we see in the "before" picture is from highlights. :)

    2. Love the dark hair. A beautiful girl.

  15. Is alyssa wearing pants in the first pic?

  16. Wow you look really pretty Alyssa. I'm sorry I didn't get give you and your husband my congratulations for little Allie. She is such a beauty. God bless you and you will be in my prayers.

  17. I didnt think they wear pants.

  18. I liked her hair color the way it was. Don’t care for dark brown & dark jeans.

  19. What's wrong with jeans? Glad to see she's leaving and cleaving and that includes doing her own thing, wardrobe-wise.

  20. I like her better as a blonde.

  21. I think she looks beautiful all three ways. As for the pants thing, is it really that big of a deal? She's is not dressed immodestly and everyone has their own convictions and standards. To expect that she would be exactly like her famy is silly because, people grow up and make choices of their own. I am sure she still loves the Lord and is living for Him daily.

    1. Jasmine - I agree, but to people who are fixed on the outward appearance, apparently jeans really ARE that big of a deal!

    2. Well...I do think jeans matter. Sorry. Don't mean to offend anyone.

    3. Jeans, pants or whatever, including dresses, that are SKIN TIGHT are NOT MODEST! The fact that Alyssa is getting all this attention, both from the worldly crowd and those with convictions against tight fitting clothes of any stripe, shows what a distraction her choices are in her witness. Hope she matures quickly as she is only 20 years old but her choices reflect against her and she now has a child to consider.

  22. Sad, she blends into the world, and people praise her for it. Really why would someone say, I'm glad to see her wear pants, what is so wrong with someone that doesn't?

    1. Agreed! As Christians we don't have to look frumpy or old fashioned but should stand apart from the world. Sad that so many people are happy to see her in jeans. I don't wear them but they can look somewhat modest. Hers are maybe the worlds idea of modest but they hug every curve and definitely are not modest.

    2. AMEN! @Terry Moore

    3. It's sad to see one of the Bate' s girls turning a little bit away from her parents ways. I believe Alyassa will change even more. It's just starting. And I think, if it continues, In time, it may become harder for her to visit her parents home...She will be so different...but . Maybe she will one day realize she should have stayed in Tennessee For those who stayed remained steadfast to The Lord s ways..

    4. Alyssa is changing.So much so suddenly.

    5. . Alyssa must remember.what standards she sets for herself, her children will be following in them and Alyssa do remember, some of your children may even get much more slack with their dress code than you did . Be careful Alyssa. I love you.

  23. You are very pretty and seem very sweet, but I encourage you to keep your hair as natural as possible. Please research the harmful effects of hair products on your overall health! What an example you can be in your celebrity if you embraced less toxic alternatives. I am NOT a treehugger, but with all the cancer that has been in my family I believe we should be informed about unnecessary chemicals we place on our body and not just in it. And enough with the pants! So long as they are covering well, there is little difference between them and a long skirt except a seam down the middle.

  24. She is lovely either way. Nice to see her, as an adult, make her own choices about what she wears. Wearing pants is not a sin, in fact it puts the blame on impure thoughts onto women. That's not a good message to send,

  25. So sorry you're losing your testimony and your stand point on natural beauty and skirt-wearing... :-(

    1. Yes, I used to be able to point her out to my daughters as a beautiful teen who still looks modest, loves God and uses her talents for him. Now I had to use this photo as an example of how some rebel against their parents as soon as they leave home. We don't know everything that goes on in that house but I would assume this outfit would embarrass mom and dad, along with a few of the pics I've seen of her in short dresses. We should be praying for these families in the limelight as even websites like this can give them a big head and prideful heart which can lead to falling into the works and it's ways.

    2. To be so judgeful is very sinful as Jesus is not judging her so why should y'all? Shame shame

    3. Her testimony has nothing to do with how she looks like only to do with how her heart looks like.

    4. Have you all forgotten that God looks at the inside and not the outside? Who are we to judge her character based on the clothes she chooses to wear? Who are we to judge at all?

    5. She is all she may have jeans on, that's not a sin. Sometimes new moms need a change, usually hair is the first big change a new mom makes. Granted it is usually a cut but the color looks great.

    6. And so sorry you don't understand what a testimony means. It's about what God has done in your life and how you now want to live for Him. It has nothing to do with jeans vs. skirts.

    7. Oh good heavens.... Coloring her hair (which looks AMAZING, by the way!) and wearing jeans doesn't necessarily equal rebellion. I have seen many occasions where jeans were much more modest than a skirt. "Man looks at the outward appearance but the LORD looks at the heart." Leave the poor girl alone!

    8. I am trying to be respectful but I strongly disagree with your comment. I am skirts and dresses 99% of the time. But every now and then I wear jeans if the situation is more appropriate. My parents never really cared about what I wore but discouraged immodest dress. Your comment tells me you have a distorted view of authority and submission. Alyssa is not some single young adult living on her own. She is a married young mother of one. And as a married lady she is no longer under her parents rules or standards. But she is to submit to her husbands authority. Some men prefer that their wife wear pants. Some men want their wives to wear skirts and dresses. Some men don't care what their wife wears. Everybody is different. Alyssa still shows respect and honour to her parents. But she may be wearing clothes her husbands prefers her in. If her husband doesn't like her wearing pants and she wears them anyway she is in rebellion to her husband. Your comments were unbiblical,very judgemental and prideful. But this may of been because of a degree of ignorance. What concernes me is that you are passing this onto your children. And either they will become judgemental as well. Or they will resent you for it when they are older. Please be careful what you communicate to your children.

      Alyssa looks lovely!

    9. Who is judging her? We are making observations. Can't you see how she has changed? What is wrong with being disappointed? Can we not express our feelings? We are just as fond of her as You are, but we are disappointed. . Her standards have changed so suddenly.

    10. Read your Bibles. Do you think Kelly Jo and Gil raised their children a certain way just for the fun of it ? They give their Saviour their all and brought Him honor in everything they did. A remarkable couple. They raised their children in biblical knowledge and their has chosen a slightly different way. Sad. And it more than a hair style and jeans. She is of the world. As christians we are to be set apart. So sad.

    11. She is "of the world" for wearing a pair of cotton pants? That's harsh. I would think immorality, ungodly conduct, etc., would be indicators of being "of the world", not living as a Christian in a pair of pants. Sheesh. And here I thought it was the heart that was the measure of one's devotion to Christ. Please, can we not refrain from judging Alyssa's character based on a pair of pants? That legalistic view suggests that only those who walk around in skirts could possibly be saved. Sad message.

  26. She looks fabulous! So much like her
    Mom. Love her look. You'd never know she had a baby a few months ago :)

  27. Good for her for breaking from the mold!!!

    1. It's not breaking from the mold. She was raised in a loving Christian home. Her parents placed God first in their lives. They spent years and years guiding her in bible knowledge. She knows more than most Christians about the ways of the Lord. She is reveling not breaking out of a mold. Hopefully she will turn back. You can't go wrong following biblical principles.

    2. I think Alyssa is finding herself. Doesn't.She know, she was perfect the way she was ? The change of hair.color doesn't.matter but.why ? Why jeans ?

    3. Breaking.from the mold ? All the Bates children are clearly separate.individuals raised to be as such. Breaking from the mold ? I don't.understand that. Modest dress is more.than just a dress code.

  28. I wouldn't say anything about the pants except they are skin tight. No, not everyone clings to how they were brought up but I do appreciate the Bates family modesty standards.

  29. She's a pretty girl either way. So glad to see her making her own choices and not being controlled. She looks nice in jeans, and sometimes they are more appropriate

    1. She was never controlled. If.She was her.parents would have disowned her by now. Lol.

  30. Whoa! Surprised she's wearing jeans! I wear both. Both can be modest if not worn too tight.

  31. A beautiful girl. Love the brown hair best. It's fun to try something different for a change.

    1. She is a beautiful girl. It's not about beauty but standards and lifestyle. And knowing better.

    2. It's not about her living her life a data she choices it's about her rejecting the biblical guidelines she was raised in. Remember she has more biblical knowledge than most people have. Just as the Diggers do. Look at the Digger girls. Look at Jill and Jessa Digger. Do they conform? They set themselves apart bringing God the honor and glory. It's not even about personality. Look at jessa. Headstrong but devoted to Her Saviour in her convictions. She has turned her whole life over to Him. Alyssa has chosen her own way. How much more will she change? Sad. She was raise strongly in biblical ways. The Bible does speak of dress code.

  32. Cannot express how deeply THRILLED I am to see Alyssa wearing pants!! You go, girl!! :)

  33. The blonde was much prettier!

  34. The jeans aren't a matter of impurity, she has lived her life set by her parents standards, not that she has her own family she is able to set her own standards. When she was prego she wore jeans as well. She is not going around wearing short shorts that nobody should be able to wear. What she wears doesn't determine her spiritual beliefs, I don't care what anybody wears. Her hair was highlighted blond whether by the sun or by chemicals. Everyone is in tilted to their own opinions. I like the blond better, but it is her life and she gets to decide how to live it.

    1. I don't.know. Christians are to be in the world not.of.the world. I just hope Alyssa doesn't change.too much.

  35. As long as she is happy, that is what matters.

    PS Alyssa ...... Saw a Coke bottle with your name at the Citrus Tower Publix on 8/5 at a display behind the help desk. I'd have bought it for you but not sure where to bring it. I live up just above the winery on 27.

  36. I like the blond better as well. I am a Christian and I see nothing wrong with wearing jeans and stylish trendy clothes just don't allow them to become a stumbling block to others. I realize she is very young and living in a state (Florida) where it's common practice to see bathing suits, tank tops, and shorts. However modesty can be defined in several ways. I personally have run across some of the most judgmental rude skirt wearing long haired Christians because I was in pants with highlighted hair. So I think it's a balance because their 'witness' did nothing but turn me off.

  37. I am disappointed in Alyssa. I loved her natural hair color and her modest ways. Loved how she wore dresses. The dark hair does not look natural.

  38. I like natural better. It looks better on her.

    1. We are all uniquely made. No two people have the same fingerprint or foot impressions. God made us all special. Why dye your hair when there is no real need? Is it vanity? Why wear jeans? Conform to the world? Why not be set a part ? You are the salt of the earth. Where is your testimony? Your parents show their s daily. Don't want to be like them?

    2. Why is weari jeans conforming to the world? God never said what specifically to wear or even what length the clothes we wear should be. we are to modest but the bible never says specifically what that includes. There is nothing wrong with the way she dresses.

  39. To anyone reading this who is not a Christian and wants to understand more ---
    Some of the comments you are reading are NOT representative of Christianity. Christianity is about a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, who is the Only Way to get to God. Christianity has nothing to do with wearing skirts instead of pants or dying or not dying your hair. Those are personal choices that the Duggars and others make as they personally feel lead, but they are not requirements of Christianity. God is interested in what's in your heart, not your outward appearance. If you have a relationship with Him, He will lead you in all areas of your own life. You are not required to dress a certain way to come to Him.
    (I hope this is posted. It needs to be said, in light of some of the comments here.)

  40. Alyssa looks wonderful, she is a beautiful young woman and she looks gorgeous as a blond and as a brunette. Glad she is having fun trying a new color.

  41. I wonder what other of her convictions has changed (not speaking of the hair color) ? I noticed they waited a while to have a baby. And the 'convictions' may just have been rules to her at her parent's house. It does seem as if she is making lots of changes in her life. I wonder about John's upbringing. When Gil (or any parent) sees one of their children making lifestyle choices different than their own, is it disappointing? My kids are still at home and think it will hurt to see them do things differently than they've been taught. I'm not judging. I'm just curious.

    1. It is personal choice on when to have a baby. That has nothing to do with dress code. And nothing is stated in the Bible about when a couple should have a child or how many years they should be spaced apart. That is choice. The bible doesn't say we should have5, 10 20 or 25.

    2. We can only give our children love and love is known to be long.suffering. We do need to pray fir our children. The bible states that the way a child is trained, they will come back to it. Let's pray for Alyssa. She may come back to her parents teachings.

  42. She looks better natural, imo... and jeans can be modest... just not skin tight/huggy ones like hers. but that's between her and her husband and God. just sad to see her change so much.

  43. Good grief! There's a balance between judging EVERY LITTLE THING that someone does and completely praising her for abandoning her convictions... Find that balance. I agree, it's disappointing, but that's her business, not ours!

    1. I wouldn't judge.Alyssa but the sudden change and so dark is hard to accept. It's easier when a person goes lighter with their hair them many shades darker. I can see.her hearing jeans you wonder why when she was raised with strong bible beliefs?

    2. Look into her heart and spirit instead of her jeans. I much rather see her in those jeans than the poor Duggar girls in those long, hot, heavy, skirts and thong shoes.
      The Bates girls will be easier to approach by else can they be a witness for Christ?

  44. It just shows that she has not chosen to follow her parents ways. It would be nice to see some of the girls follow Kelly's example. It looks like Erin does and Whitney may.

  45. I think Alyssa looks beautiful. Her Christian character & faith shines through, weather her hair is dark or lighter. As far as some people observing her "change" in wardrobe....compared to the "world" she's pretty modest and a lovely. I know some extremely modest Christians on the outside, but on the inside, they are so busy judging everyone else, that it takes away from their outward symbol of modesty. Kelly seems like an amazing mom, who loves her children. Their love of Jesus shines through them. God bless the Bates family. Thank you for being an encouraging, Godly example of how to raise a family.


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