
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Daddy-Daughter Tennis Date

In the following video clip, Gil Bates gives 16-year-old Josie Bates, his 10th oldest child, a private tennis lesson.

"Our children don't care how much money we make, and they don't care what kind of cars we drive," shares Gil Bates. "They really care about how much time we're willing to really spend with them. I'm really thankful to have a daughter that loves her dad and family and wants to take time with me," says Gil.


  1. Sometimes I wonder if the same people always choose the "shocking" reaction no matter what the article's about, lol.

    1. I don't understand . What are you talking about ? I really don't know what you are referring to.. please explain.

    2. What is he talking about?? I would like to know too !

  2. I think it is so empowering to hear in the beginning of the video that Josie doubted herself. Gil didn't skip a beat:) He came back positively saying that she could do it. I hope that more parents can lead with positive actions and words!
    Thanks Gil for showing that GOD, PRAYER, LOVE and LEADERSHIP continue to matter in every day-even when they are over looked or lost at times.

    1. This show is very good for children to watch.

    2. It is very difficult for parents to go to work and be upbeat and be encouraging to a child when they are so tired at the end of a day . We love our kids and we show it, but it's hard to be upbeat. I am in awe of Kelly and Gil. Really, how do you manage it ? I can see watching a tennis game, but to play it ? I couldn't muster it.

  3. Date?

    I prefer "bonding time"

    1. Does it really matter ? He took his daughter out on a special occasion, at her request. And I would call it a date. Sorry.

    2. Does that mean I can say whatever type of relationship that people have with someone a date?

      Date is a very vague term. That's why "bonding", "spend time with" is much better word to use.

      Search on google, bing or yahoo or whatever search engine "dating your children" vs "bonding time with your kids".

      I'm sorry.

    3. What anonymous meant was

      Example. Picture a sibling with a sibling

      Will that be still considered as a date?

  4. That is so cute. Gil looks like the father I wish I had. Gil is only 7 years older then I am.

    1. He is 5 years younger than me. I wish he was my Dad too !

  5. That was really touching. Makes me want to go talk to my dad now. <3

  6. As I said inanother post it is so wonderful that a father is spending time with his children, it helps soo much with children especially to young ladies to see what good qualities her future husband and father of her own children should have. What great quality family examples on this site,, Thank you for sharing your most personal's so inspirational and I love to share what I see with my own sons, daughters and grandchildren. You are never to old to make simple changes with positive results!

  7. What I find most admirable about Gil as a father is that he is so thankful for all that his children bring to his life, not making the focus himself. He doesn't say, "Look at what I do for my children." He says, "Look at what a blessing my children are for me." This, I believe, is a hallmark of a good parent - that children bless their parents' lives.

    1. I watch the Bates family show often. I love the family. I love Kelly. Love Gil. You know, seldom do you see a father like Gil. You wonder how did he get to be the way he is ? Was it from his own father's influence ? . Was it his mother ? He is such a positive person. And so loving and kind and gives his very best everyday. Was this from his personal relationship with God? You wonder.

    2. I hope more families watch Bringing Up Bates. . It 's very helpful. It shows kids how they can have fun with their parents and it shows parents how to be parents. Children need a lot of quality time, if you want them to turn out well.

  8. Isn't it so true that the most precious gift to give children is the gift of your time.

    1. My Dad was a quiet man. An introvert. Very intelligent. Humble.He loved but just couldn't express it. But he said all that he felt in his actions and that was enough He was a hard working man. Did his best. And I adored him. He never wanted much out of life. But my father gave me real quality time, but not quantity. I will always be so indebted to Dad for his fine example . Yes, Fathers do matter in a girl's life. And I can see, Josie too has a great Dad.

  9. I had loved watching Gil and Josie playing tennis together. It was cute. Gil looked like he was up to the challenge ! He was so well prepared, with all those tennis balls he had bought ! I saw how eager Josie was to learn from her father, and that was very touching. . Josie does listen so intensely. She's a good girl. I think she will always think of her father whenever she pops open a can of tennis balls! Gil taught her well. He put a lot into that game. He showed his daughter not only how to hold the racket but how to swing it . He gave her lots of time and he never ceased to encourage her, along with making it all seem like fun. That really helps. I can remember when my husband decided to take our daughter, who was in 2 grade, out to learn tennis, for the first time. Oh, It was just awful. Lol. My daughter kept missing the ball. He chased after every one of those balls screaming back to her "It's ok! You're doing good!" , when she wasn't and she just kept apologizing! By the time it was over, she was in tears and he was sweaty and exhausted ! Well, he would never do that again. Nor will she. Ha. She's 25 now and hates tennis. Gil, you made it look too easy! It just isn't that easy ! Ha.

  10. I remember reading in an old blog how Kelly had just loved her father so much and how she had missed him very much! It was painful to read. And it was harder to look at those photos of father and daughter without crying. In Gil, I think Kelly has found all the fine qualities her father had possessed. What a beautiful thing! What a great find ! For Gil truly is a man who has truly given to the children the same love that Kelly had once knew as a child, which could be seen in the tennis game. God bess you, bless you all !

  11. I enjoyed listening to the little children. They were honest. They aren't too eager to learn tennis. Too sweaty ! So cute !

  12. Loved Joaie 's pink sneakers !!

  13. They were lucky having the court to themselves. They looked like they had a fun time ! Josie did really good for the first time. Wonder if they will do it again.

  14. I am glad Josie didn't give up. She kept trying. She was determined. She proved practice makes perfect.

  15. I liked how Gil kept encouraging Josie. It isn't easy doing anything for the first time. Proud of you Josie !!

  16. I like how Gil is always teaching his children new things. He is always teaching them lessons about life. On the car ride to the tennis court, I had loved how he shared with her about money. About math. About dividing, She was really listening. And so was I. I want to watch it again. Love on Demand.

  17. Gil is such a positive, upbeat person. He is a very good role model for his children.

  18. I liked how Gil thought it out. Instead of bringing a handful of tennis balls, he brought a lot. It made everything a lot easier., and more enjoyable for Josie. I don't think Tennis is really that much fun. I remember it being tiresome. Maybe it has to do with who you are playing with.

  19. At first, it was hard watching Josie feeling uncomfortable and unsure of herself. But as time went on it was nice to see her gain confidence in herself. She did quite well. It was good seeing her having a smile on her face when they had finished up. Great game.

  20. What a loving, encouraging, father Gil is ! If it was my father, I would have given up and been in tears.

    1. My Dad didn't have patience either. How do you have patience for.19 kids?

  21. I love how Josie says how her Dad is so sentimental that he cries easily. Don't ever change Gil !

  22. I don't want to sound mean or anything like that, but why do we not see Katie that often?


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