
Monday, August 31, 2015

Gil Preaches a Sermon

For those of you who have requested that we post one of Gil Bates' sermons, we have one to share! This is a sermon that Gil preached two years ago at South Haven Baptist Church.


  1. Hey what it say. I'm hard of hearing as deaf. Good preach Gil praise the Lord. Big great job.

  2. Thanks for posting this! Can you post more of his sermons??

    1. I would like to hear more !

    2. Not all of us can get to church. Would like to learn. I listen to Dr. David Jermiah. I would like to hear more from Gil Bates.

  3. Thank you for the sermon. It was very good.p

  4. I knew Gil was a preacher and I was very grateful to have been given the opportunity to hear one of his sermon. Thank you so very much. . His sermon was very impressive and very helpful. .I hope you will continue to post them since I am unable to attend church., I am pleased to see that you are not afraid to proclaim the name of Jesus.. This means a great deal. You have encouraged christians who had listened to continue with our Christian walk and not to compromise. Thank you so much. May there be many rewards waiting for you in Heaven! God Bless!

  5. I never fully realize how much fathers play in children's lives until I watched the Bates tv shows.

    1. I can remember when I was a very young Christian and my husband and I were dating, we were studying The Word of God together this one evening , and we were suddenly surprised by how many times "the fatherless" was talked about. We realized then what a important role a father must play in a family. (Now look at Gil. Gil too is a proof of the importance of a father. Kelly too can tell you about her own father. A Godly man. Check out her old Blog on Father's day. It will make you cry! ).

    2. I saw it ! I cried !!!!!!

  6. Thank you. I enjoyed that. You can never get tired of hearing the Word of God being preached.

  7. Loved it. A lot to intake. Need to watch it again and take down notes.

  8. It is so easy to compromise. Thanks for the warning and for the encouragement.

  9. That was good. Got to remember the 8 P. Thanks.

  10. Some times things have to be watched twice. I need to watch it again. It was very interesting. Will you be showing more ??!

  11. I would like to see more sermons.

  12. Was wondering if Gil has any more sermons ? Can they be found on YouTube ?

  13. I think Gil and his family will continue to be blessed for honoring God !

  14. I had wanted to hear Gil preach. Thanks.

  15. I want to share this with my mother- in -law. She is wheel -chair bound. I know she will like it. Thank you !!

  16. Replies
    1. Yes !!!! He is a good one ! He practices what he preaches !!!!!!!

    2. He is a Pastor and he is not a phoney one either.

  17. Replies
    1. Yes ! They have their own church !

    2. I think Gil really put his neck on the line by posting this. Not a lot of people like being preached to. (Though we all need it!).I admire his willingness to reach out to other people, for his willingness to influence the world and for making a stand....for his strong beliefs and convictions that he strongly lives by ! Now that is a great man !

    3. Gil never seemed to put a lot of worth into money. He had stated," our children don't care about what we have or what kind of care we drive, the only thing they care about his having time with us...." I saw in the earlier shows how poor they were. And they never complained. I love Kelly too. Gil, I thought you were a good husband and father, but now I think much more of you.You are a man of God. Never boastful. You are a very admirable man. I thank you for not being ashamed to reveal Christ to the world. There are people among us, right here in the good old USA who thirst to hear the Word of God spoken, but have not step foot in a church to hear it. I thank you for going to them by providing this clip. We have lots of missionaries but we need it too in our own country . May you reach many! And may God Bless You !!! And your family.

    4. I knew Gil was different ! There was something different about him. And now I know. He lives for Christ. Gil was always teaching others. He had lessons to teach. And many of us wanted to hear them. He showed us a joy. In all that he did there was this joy. He gave his best in all that he did. Didn't you notice while watching the show ?

    5. He is the salt of the earth that has not lost it's flavor.

  18. Thank you for posting this sermon. What a beautiful reminder and encouragement to live for Christ. Great job Gil Bates.

  19. Loved it! I would love to hear more of Gil's sermons!

  20. Thank you Gil Bates for the encouragement from God's Word and your message from 1 Kings 13, Eight peas in a pod. It was just the reminder I needed today to guard my testimony from small compromises which hinder my focus to honor the Lord Jesus Christ. May the Lord continue using you to be a blessing. For the glory of the living Savior, Jesus Christ! Mrs. Sylvia Thomas (Church of the Open Door family, Westminster, MD 21157)

  21. Thank you Gil Bates for sharing this encouraging reminder to not let small compromises draw us away from honoring and serving the Lord.

  22. This was a good sermon but very long. Much was said and a lot to intake. Couldn't remember all the 8p. I suggest to everyone, you need to watch this clip twice and take down notes. If not, you miss out on a lot. Honest me. It reminds me of a visiting Pastor we had come to our church. He had so much knowledge. You needed to take notes down and afterwards you could see how much you had been fed.

    1. Isn't it embarrassing when we make clerical errors? I do it all the time. You had typed "Honest me" when you had meant to say "Trust me". Don't feel bad, I do things like that all the time. Hope this helps other readers of this blog.

    2. 35 minutes is long ????

  23. Thank you Gil and you too Mrs.Thomas! I liked what you had written. And I do admire your bold stand for Christ by posting your address. I will be sending you a card of thanks in the mail! God Bless! I am a devout Christian from Pa.

  24. I can not put into words how thankful I am nor how joyful I am on this hot afternoon. Gil Bates, you have brought me to tears!. We live in this world where things are constantly changing and its not always for the good. We grow discouraged but we continue to march on, for Our Savior. It's not easy as we age. No it's not. We age, Our Bibles grow worn with each passing year. But The Word of God continues to feds us and strengthens our soul. Thank God for this! But where are those other people who are to stand firm with us and inspire us? Where did they go ? It appears to me, there are only a few left. It's so easy to get defeated. But today you made a difference in my life Gil Bates ! Take care of yourself ! Don't forget now ! Need you around until Our Savior' s returns !

  25. I was surprised to see that Gil was a Pastor. I never thought he acted like one. He never acted superior or stood apart from any of us. He appeared to be the humble sort. Always made you feel he could learn a thing or two from others. Never was hypocritical of anyone. He never entered his home with a bigger than thou attitude. He never talked down to any one of his children. His wife and himself never put on any airs nor did they try to entertain us. They were real people. They were like the rest of us. They fit in real well. Because of these reasons I will listen to what you have to say Gil.

  26. At first I didn't recognize Gil. I said to myself is that Gil Bates?!! .No. The father of all those kids? I couldn't believe it. I had to put my reading glasses on to see better. It was like Clark Kent becoming Superman !! Here is a humble man who doesn't have much of an ego who trims trees for a living ....becoming a confident man on fire for the Lord right before my eyes ! Wow ! Never saw that happen before. The things that the Lord can do to a man, if only he let's Him into his heart ! Wow! No kidding, it was amazing !!!

  27. Just wanted to say the Bates are a breath of fresh air --- walking in truth by the Spirit of truth


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