
Thursday, August 27, 2015

Recap: "Addee & Ellie's Pool Party"

Bringing Up Bates, "Addee & Ellie's Pool Party"
  • Gil fulfills his promise of giving Josie a private tennis lesson.
  • “Sometimes we…treat the family like a herd or a flock, instead of like individual people that are valuable, special, important,” shares Gil, as he emphasizes the importance of spending one-on-one time with each child.
  • Gil grew up playing tennis and says that his “claim to fame” was when he finally beat his dad on his dad’s 50th birthday. He is proud of Josie for wanting to learn a new skill.
  • Meanwhile, Kelly takes Trace clothing shopping at a local thrift store.
  • “All of our boys are probably just as picky about clothes as our girls are,” shares Kelly. “They know brands, they know what they like, they know what they think looks good or doesn’t look good. So I feel like I’m the old lady out of style when I’m shopping with the kids.”
  • Trace will graduate high school in December. Kelly asks if he plans to continue working with Gil, but Trace says that he “really ain’t big into that tree business.” 
  • The mom of 19 encourages her son to experiment with a few classes at The Crown College of the Bible and reminds him that she and Gil will pay for his first semester, but she assures him that she will be happy with whatever choice he makes.
  • Trace thanks his mom for taking him shopping and says he “had an amazing time” with her.
  • Addallee and Ellie’s birthdays are in February and April, but the girls have been holding off for an outdoor pool party. Now that summer has rolled around, Gil and Kelly decide it’s time to fulfill the girls’ wish. Whitney’s mom, who has a pool, invites the family over to her house.
  • “My parents have always really tried to make every birthday really special, especially for the younger children,” says Lawson. Gil and Kelly make a habit of taking the birthday kid out to a restaurant and then allowing him or her to have a party.
  • After the Bates arrive at the pool, everyone jumps in the water while Kelly prepares lunch. “Where’s the birthday cake?” asks Zach. Turns out, Gil was in charge of picking up the food on Kelly’s list, and he bought two boxes of cake mix and brought them to the party.
  • “Who’s going to cook a cake mix while we’re in the pool?” Lawson asks his dad. 
  • “What about all the things I got right?” says Gil. “You did good, you did good,” Kelly assures her husband.
  • Michaela saves the day when she arrives with a store-bought cake. Before chowing down, the Bates take turns sharing praises about Addee and Ellie, which is something they do at every birthday celebration.
  • “If you’ve ever heard of constructive criticism, it doesn’t feel too constructive if you’re the one getting it,” says Gil. “But praise, or encouragement…is a powerful, powerful thing.”
  • “Affirmation from other people, when it’s real, means so much,” shares Nathan.


  1. What kind of swimsuits do the bates girls use?

  2. I like this family a lot. I really, really hope they are the real deal and there are no shocking revelations.

    1. They are the real deal. No pretense. The parents are the genuine article , if not the kids would show signs of it Kids tell on you. . Those kids are well adjusted and very loving and happy.

    2. Both Kelly and Gal come from good people. Both sets of grandparents are very devout christians. You can see how the children love their grandparents. Both sets of parents were christians. It is obvious to me that Kelly and Gal came from very good homes and foe this reason, their children were given all the things that makes a family very loving and close.Didn' t the Duggarrs came from a different background. ?

    3. Kelly's father was a preacher. Gils parents are great. And Gil is a preacher !

    4. There are no skeletons in the Bates family. Gil is too honest to go on a television show and perform or lie to us. He is a man after God's own heart.

    5. I think Jim Bob said his father wasn't involved much when he was a kid, on a Mothers Day show (He had given a lot of praise to his Mom) . Michelle had stated in their book she did not attend a church when she was a child. That doesn't mean that things didn't change. But Kelly's father was a preacher and Gil often speaks about his Dad with fond memories. The families are different. And Gil was really involved in his kids lives. I loved how he spoke about Zach as a young boy. He had loved going to the trash dump, just to be with his Dad ! I loved it ! Ha.

    6. Yeap The Duggars did come from different backgrounds. Won't say anymore. This is about the Bates family. Hope you won't mind. Their show is over. Can't say I am upset.,

    7. There are so many life lessons you learn when you watch The Bates. Either Kelly or Gil are teaching us.

  3. Such a sweet episode. I just love the affection that this family shows for one another. I love the "praise before presents" idea. These kids seem so grateful for everything they have, such appreciation for their parents, and just spending time together as a family. I thought it was sweet how Trace thanked Kelly for going shopping with him. Many families could learn a lot more about gratitude from the Bates' example.

    1. Praise before presents is beautiful. It was cute how eager the two little girls were to hear the other family members felt about them. They were all smiles. I loved how they had hugged everyone for their birthday afterwards. When you listen to their praises you get a glimpse of what each child is like, and it is so precious. These two little girls do everything together. They are willing to help out, even without being asked. I liked how You was so appreciative to them. I liked how Kelly told them how important they were. They are young, but I am sure with each birthday, we will learn more and more fine qualities about them. Trace is a fine young man. He genuinely loved going out with his Mom. And he appreciated the clothes. He was careful. He did not overspend nor waste a lot of money on himself. He was careful. He was so appreciative. Different things that are said, you can see that Gil is the real deal. He is very involved in his children's lives. Did you hear what Trace said ? He thanked his Mom, said it was a real treat. He said he is used to going out with his Dad. There you have an involved parent. The children have all turned out well because Kelly and Gal taught them well. They taught them to say thank you and appreciate what you got. And they really do.

    2. I think the Bates show brings back a lot of family values that kids need to see. Thanks UP !!

    3. Gil really really emphasized to the little girls how he appreciated them. And I got a lump in my throat when they hugged everyone especially their father.Trace was very grateful. How many teens do you know who will go to a thrift store instead of a Mall ? Loved to see how eager those little girls were to hear praises. So cute.Their faces lit up. Loved it. Precious girls.

    4. I wish I grew up with praises before presents. Would have liked to know how my family felt about me growing up. But then again, I didn't grow up in a Christian home.

  4. Replies
    1. Oh it was !! Do you have"On Demand"? You should watch it !

  5. I didn't see the entire episode. Did they invite friends to the party or was it just their own family?

    1. It appeared to be just the Bates family. With 19 kids, who needs more ?

    2. The pool was crowded with just the Bates. They had a slip and slid too. Looked like fun. The little kids on the slip and slid had a great time.It had warmed my heart and made me laugh.I just love that show.

  6. Thanks again Lillie and Ellie for taking the time out of both your busy schedules to post these updates. Unfortunately, we can't get uptv in Ireland

  7. How thoughtful Whitney's parents were to allow them to use their pool. Wish we could get the chance to know Whitney's parents and family more. The built in pool was beautiful. The whole family had a great time. Loved how they had a slip and slid for the younger children. I loved watching all the flip and dives off of the diving board. Funny to see Gil pushed in. Looked like a perfect day. Saw Gil was hard at work taking care of the grill. Loved how Zach and Lawson had a great sense of humor. Didn't see Kate. Was she there? Saw only a glimpse of Michael and Nathan. Whiney too wasn't seen much. She seemed so quiet. The cake looked delicious. Was hungry for a piece. It was funny about the two boxes of cake mix. Saw they even had gifts for the girls in the background. Those girls sure waited quite awhile for their party. Glad to see them happy.

    1. I loved seeing Bradly on the slip and slid. He is such a happy baby

    2. Was Erin at the birthday party? Was hoping to see Carson.

    3. I come from a small family and I find such delight in watching the Bates family. I know It may sound funny but I feel they are apart of my world and I have been blessed by it.

  8. Kelly gave Trace great advice. I hope he will farther his education. He seems like a smart kid. I know he is eager to make a living, but Kelly is so right. You profit more if you start your own business. She gave her son a lot to think about.

    1. Trace is young. Kids, when they are young, only think about making money and being free of any school work. Let's hope he goes back at some point in his life and gets a degree. Jobs can be hard to come by, especially good paying ones. Give him time. He'll learn.

    2. My husband's mother gave him great advice when he was young to attend college. He didn't listen and regrets it til this day. And brings it up to his Mom often. You can't go back in time ! Go to college Trace. It's not a waste of time, you'll see. Follow Tori 's example. You won't regret it! You're smart ! You'll find a nice smart girl there too !

    3. Some kids want to work and have no more schooling. Trace looks like a hard worker. He wants to get his hands dirty. Good for him but I would like to see Trace get a little bit more education Remeber Trace, . It never goes to waste. Take business courses You will be able to have an easier start at running your own company one day. You won't be sorry.

    4. Trace I hope you will listen to us all. We care. We were once young too and know how you feel. Yes, It's good to work. But remember when we were young, life was easier, much easier, because you could get more for your money. Not now. Now you work and you work and you have little to show for it. You go into the super market and afterwards you look at your receipt and you are astonished. It can make you frown. Trace, be a wise fellow. Be smarter than the rest of us, go to school and plan for your future. When we were younger you worked in a company like the rest of your family did and think only of the day when can retire. You save your money through the years. And things worked out then. Now you cannot trust in a company to last, and not go under. We have seen it happen in recent years When that happens, what do you got? Where do you go at 35, 55?! At that age you have a family to worry about. It's scary. Trace, be smarter than us. Go to school. Make us proud.

    5. I never went to college. I had friends who did. They did well in life. I struggled. When we get together we are miles apart. They are educated. I wish I had attended college. It's too late now. I have a family. I remember several years ago running into a friend from grade school. I was impressed how she had changes. Education will do it to you. Love to see you with a degree Trace. Go for it.

    6. Going to school, and sitting behind a desk takes discipline. Being able to accept being there, takes will power. Doing homework assignments takes patience. Giving up your fun, is denying self of pleasures. Looking at it, I think Trace can do it easily. He has discipline, he does have will -power, and he definitely has patience. What's stopping you Trace ?

  9. I like how the children are dressed well. You don't see them just slap a pair of mismatched clothes on nor do you see any of them unkempt. They take pride in their appearance just as they should. It's good to see them interested in clothes. When I was young, my mother did all the picking. I think it's good when you can make your own decisions. I remember my Mom picking out my brothers clothes. Good to see Trace being so self sufficient.

    1. It was good to see Trace picking out his own clothes and making his own decisions. For some of us, it's not easy to say ""no" "I don't think so!" "I don't like that!" to Mom and then put those things back.(That she had picked out). I couldn't do it.

  10. I had liked seeing the parents making the meals for the children. The Duggars always have the kids preparing the meals.

  11. This isn't about the episode. I was wondering, does the Bates have a buddy system too? I never saw the kids pair off. I always got the impression that Kelly took care of all the kids. They all seem close to her and Gil I noticed when the kids were called for the family meeting that the little guys, Judson and Jeb were really close to Kelly.I sensed the older girls are close to Kelly. Good job Kelly !

    1. This off the topic too . But I just love Kelly. She is so comfortable with her own self. She is who she is. I like that. I just can't imagine Kelly (being like Michelle) talking softly to her kids when she is correcting them. I think she speaks up loud and clear. Like my Mom would. You get the kids attention quickly that way .I can't imagine Kelly smiling all the time either.. She always speaks her peace to her children. She doesn't hold a thought back. I remember how she tried to prepare Michael when picking out a church for her wedding day. With It may not be available .And you must think it out. Kelly is differently a good role model and a excellent mother. And she raised good kids.

  12. I just love the brief clips of the two youngest boys, Judson and Jeb. It was so funny. Judson is trying to get Jeb to come close and look, really look, come closer, look. Jeb cautiously approached and then backed away..It was a bug ! He didn't want to get close to a bug! Are you kidding ? It was so funny.

  13. I love the songs being sung on the show. Just beautiful. It adds to it all.

  14. Can Trace choose his own post secondary education institution or does he have to go to a bible college?


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