
Thursday, August 13, 2015

Recap: "Boating with the Bates"

Bringing Up Bates, "Boating with the Bates"
  • Now that Erin and Chad are home from the hospital with Carson, Chad’s mom, Tammy, is staying with them for a short while to help out.
  • Carson arrived one month early, weighing 6 pounds at birth, but miraculously, he was healthy and did not have to be admitted into the NICU.
  • Tori goes shopping at Burlington Coat Factory using a gift card that Mama Jane, Gil’s mom, sent as a reward for earning straight A’s in her first semester of college.
  • When Tori returns home, the entire family gathers around to admire her new clothes. “Mom, she got a tractor load full of clothes!” exclaims Carlin.
  • “Is this, like, my money?” Gil asks his daughter. When Tori assures him that she used the gift card from “Janey,” Gil smiles and says: “I love shopping with Janey!”
  • The family begs Tori to model her clothes. “Her outfits were awesome,” says Carlin. “So all you guys out there, don’t mess with my sister.” Tori covers her eyes in embarrassment. “Carlin, stop,” she says, laughing. “She don’t want me to chase them off,” replies Carlin.
  • Gil calls a family meeting to discuss plans for the week. Nathan announces that he is going to the lake for a day, and Kelly suggests bringing the entire family. Kelly grew up on a lake. Gil grew up close to one, and he also proposed to Kelly on a lake. Needless to say, the Bates family loves lakes.
  • Everyone pitches in to gather supplies, including swimsuits, life jackets, a jet ski, and a lot of towels. (Gil suggests sharing towels, but the girls refuse.)
  • The next day, as the family is about to leave for the lake, Michael’s bridesmaid and flower girl dresses arrive. Naturally, some of her sisters have to try them on immediately.
  • The Bates arrive at the lake around lunchtime. They are thrilled to have Zach, Whitney, Bradey, Erin, Chad, and Carson join them.
  • The Bates ladies swim in stretchy skirts and leggings, but according to Whitney, it really isn’t a big deal. She says you hardly notice it.
  • Partway through the day, the skies open up and pour down rain. A strong bolt of lightening makes the girls scream.
  • After the storm passes, Gil shows off his extreme waterskiing skills. “Dad is the coolest guy on the planet,” says Carlin. “My dad is an outstanding skier,” boasts Nathan.
  • “My children are the funnest people to play with in the world,” says Gil. “They make me feel special, even thought I am just an average person. I hope I can encourage them as much as they have encouraged me.”
  • Gil even dives off the top dock. “The problem with me trying to keep up with those kids; I hurt so much more after it’s over,” says the father of 19.


  1. I know this question is a little late, did Alyssa Webster have a home birth?

    1. She gave birth at birthing center

    2. No, Allie Jane was born at a birthing centre, but they went home that same day. Hope this helps, :)

    3. I dont think the Bates are into home birthing as much as the Duggars are.

  2. Sorry they can't experience the breeze on their skin that you feel when you wear a bathing suit. It's so great.

    1. They weren't covered head-to-toe. I'm sure they still felt the breeze. :)

    2. I don't think the Bates miss out on things. They don't appear to be overdressed. They seem very happy., And less likely to get sunburned. Do you think anyone enjoys swimming more than they do ?

  3. I love the Bates. What a beautiful wholesome family with no pretense to them. A sheer joy to watch. I am so impressed with how the father Gil has such a love and strong involvement in his children's lives. This you seldom see. I love Kelly No for her genuine down home ways. I have read her old blogs and was impressed with her honesty to her fans. She reveals so much about herself and her family. She is a wonderful role model to her children and to other women. God Bless them all. And may the Lord bless the children for their love and devotion and their obedience to their parents.

  4. Hey did Brandon and Michael get married

  5. I'm also from Tennessee can you tell me what lake they were at?

  6. Zach and Whitney's baby is just the cutest thing. He is perfectly handsome. Especially in this episode. I didn't realize how big he has gotten!

  7. Isn't Michael spelled Michaella? I am sure that is how it is on the show intro.

  8. I am so impressed that Gil credits his kids for all the fun and encouragement that they bring to his life and he hopes he can do the same for them. He is so humble where his kids are concerned, acknowledging their good qualities. What a wonderful trait in a father!

  9. Our family vacationed at a lake for the first time. It was an awesome vacation. Everyone had so much fun. No one used their tablets during our time together and the only time I-phones came out were to take pictures of each other. God truly gives us an amazing world in which to enjoy the beauty of creation and draw closer to nature and one another. We are already booked there for next year.

  10. I can't help but feel that the Paines were dishonest about their baby's due date. They somehow knew the sex a month or more sooner than they should have, unless they had an expensive blood test that it not even commonly done in the US. And their baby was a month "early" weighing in at 6 pounds (low for a full term baby but not unheard of) and "miraculously" needing no time in the NICU. Something does not add up.

    1. Does any of that really matter? They had a prayer answered. They had a beautiful baby boy. Rejoice. My daughter had twins recently. They were born three weeks early, weighing over 5 lbs. Healthy. Born naturally. No C section. No health issues. Some would question it. But it's all true. Height doesn't mean anything. Jill had a 10 lb baby full term. Each birth is different. So long as the baby is healthy. Rejoice.

  11. What is the name of the song while they are at the lake


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