
Thursday, September 10, 2015

Watch 'Bringing Up Bates' Online

UP TV has created a way for fans to watch previously aired episodes of Bringing Up Bates online., a family-centered and faith-friendly alternative to Netflix, features more than 300 uplifting films, television series, and documentaries, including the entire first season of Bringing Up Bates.

This service costs $4.99 per month--the price of renting one or two movies on other websites--and allows subscribers to stream videos on their computer or mobile device. gMovies is also available to DISH customers. (Call DISH at 800-333-3474 for more information.)

Have you heard of gMovies? Would you consider signing up?

Photo courtesy of UP


  1. Can't they put free episodes on YouTube? We shouldn't have to pay to watch a clean and friendly show. Online previews and recaps are not enough either.

    1. They have been uploaded to YouTube but always get blocked and removed by YouTube and the person who uploaded them then can't post to YouTube anymore and that's because Uptv have blocked it due to copyright violation :( so won't be happening at all now their is another way

  2. How exciting.... Signing up even through I have upTV at home... Love the Bates family.... Thank you UPTV for bring them back.. Such a wonderful show....

  3. I really wish they would post the episodes on Amazon. That way I can purchase from a site I'm already a member of and download them to our Kindles. So much easier to take along when we are away from an internet connection.

  4. That's awesome! I would definitely consider signing up.

  5. Is it a available in the UK?
    Love the Bates family and so thankful that they have social media and you provide information in this blog so I can keep updated from afar.
    I love how sweet they all are especially Erin. I recently received a birth announcement from her! You can see pictures on my blog post here:

  6. Still can't get it. I don't live in America!!! I live in Canada!!!

  7. I was going to till I found out is streaming only :-( :-( Maybe they will put it on disk one day and then I can :-)

    Thanks for posting :-)

  8. I was so excited to see this but when I went to check it out I got an error message saying that GMovies isn't available in my geographic location. How can that be possible if it's internet?

  9. I tried to sign up ... but it is not available in Australia! Please please please UPTv provide some for us here in Australia! There is a large fan base here too. This is one of the best shows on TV and I'm sure UPTv has others that many here would want to watch. This is a great idea to finally be able to watch these shows - but please find a way to provide Australian viewers with access. Thank you.

  10. Love it! I signed up asap! I've been waiting to be able to watch the Bates! I Catching up on season one. :)

  11. I love that picture. :)

  12. I must admit that I'm frustrated by this. There are already so many widely used streaming providers that it would have been much more fan friendly to partner with—and it would even expose the show to a wider market that may have otherwise not discovered it. I already pay for a premium cable package and it does not carry UP. I also pay for Netflix and AmazonPrime and this show would have tipped the scale for me to subscribe to Hulu. An iTunes season release is something I would have likely purchased. So while $4.99 is a seemingly low cost, I will absolutely not be signing up for gMovies.

    I hate to be negative about this, but I'm truly just disappointed. I read this blog regularly and enjoy the show recaps and clips and following the family members on Instagram and will continue to do so. Hopefully I'll be able to watch the complete episodes someday.

    1. It's not even available on Hulu :(

  13. It´s sad to see that it can´t be bought in Finland :( I´m a big Bates family fan and danced around the house just to realize it´s not possible.

    maybe you could give feedback on that thing?

  14. Thank you!! This is great news!! I have cable and called to subscribe to UP months ago. After two weeks the channel disappeared. I called the company and they said the took it off their list! I will subscribe to this instead!

  15. If I could buy and download (even if more money) I would. Streaming is not practical for my family and life

  16. For those who want to watch the Bates but can't for whatever reason please contact UpTV and let your voice be heard!! If enough of us email them asking for them to put this show on Amazon and iTunes, perhaps they will listen to the fans. Email them here:

    1. I have many times. To date i still have not received any response from them

    2. I live i Australia and have emailed uptv many about this. To date i still have not received any response from them.

  17. Unable to watch as I live in remote Australia with poor Internet. Please Up tv consider putting the show to DVDs where it can be enjoyed at a one off cost.

  18. Unable to watch as I live in remote Australia with poor Internet

  19. Thank you so much for making their shows available!

  20. This is an expensive alternative for those of us on fixed incomes. We do not have unlimited internet, plus another monthly expense is not in our future. Bummer.

  21. Unable to view as I live in Australia. Just a thought: not everyone has internet and/or a high speed connection for streaming. Please Up tv consider putting the Bates how onto DVD's so as it is a one off cost. Or at least let viewers be able to download it and keep the episodes so as they can be enjoyed again and again. Disappointed.

  22. Do you know if they will be downloading season 2 anytime soon? By the way thank you for the link!!

  23. Woohoo!! I'd pay any day! Yes! And that is much less than Netflix's $15 a mo!

  24. I agree that they should be viewable on YouTube as I live in the UK and would love to watch their shows.
    UPtv make their money from sponsers so let us watch it without charge.

  25. I live in Sweden and would also like to sign up...

  26. Sooooo excited!!!!! Thanks!

  27. At least the realize that most people do not have the UP television channel. I'm not going to pay another monthly fee for TV. I have enough bills! It would be better if UP simply sold the Bates show as DVDs off their website or on Amazon. It would be easy to do. Anybody can made a DVD now-a-days.

  28. there is it is free and there are all the episodes in streaming. I watched them all from Italy! God bless you, Mirjam

  29. To our lovely international readers,

    We have shared your comments with UP and will let you know if the network decides to make gMovies available to viewers outside the United States.

    Thanks for reading!
    Lily and Ellie

    1. Yes please! Thank you from Australia!

    2. It not on nixflix

  30. Finally! So glad I can now watch the Bates family!

  31. Another viewer in Australia who would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have access online. Please make gMovies available online for Australian viewers - Please please please?!!!!

  32. Hey Bates or whoever really does this, I am a I guess you can say fan and my family just stopped watching cable and satellite. So far I can't find your show on any streaming, not your recent ones anyway. Can you help, me and my mom would appreciate it

  33. Though the sentiment to promote a website such as gmovie which caters to family friendly programming is understood, those for whom this show reaches out to in order to spread the grace of God, don't want to have to spend yet another monthly subscription for yet another streaming site.
    As an American currently living in Europe, this site is not even available for us to view here. But I'm not sure anyone in our community would even bother, seeing as the cost doesn't equal what I can only assume would be a more limited catalogue most of which could possibly also be found on either Netflix or Amazon or YouTube already.
    If you truly want to reach the masses, don't make a conservative political statement with gmovie. Make it accessible to everyone by going a different route. If you feel that Netflix and Amazon don't provide enough family television, give them one more show to change that.

  34. Is Bringing up Bates on any steaming devices

    1. Hi Patricia,

      All the episodes are available for purchase on Amazon and iTunes. UP Faith and Family (available through Amazon: has seasons one, two and three, as well.

      Lily and Ellie

  35. I had purchased the first season of BUB from Amazon some time ago but failed to purchase the others until a few days ago when I bought Season 4. To get Seasons 2 or 3 from Amazon I must subscribe with UP Faith & Family for $5/month. I don't want or need this but I do want to eventually have the complete series. Will viewers ever be able to PURCHASE these for themselves, either for download or (and preferably) on DVD? BTW, love, love, LOVE the Bates!

    1. Hi Cathy,

      The network is still working on alternative ways for fans to watch the show. The episodes are not on DVD right now, but every episode can be purchased on Amazon:

      Hope this helps. Thanks for being a loyal reader. :)
      Lily and Ellie

    2. As a European viewer the Amazon-solution does not solve anything, in order to purchase I need an American credit card, my normal Visa doesn't suffice. If UP want to restrict illegal streaming (which worked fine seasons 1-3 up to the extra episodes in season 3) there has to be a legal alternative. I would pay $16,99, but can't.

  36. Never heard of gMovies. I would sign up if Season 5 episodes were now streaming but it only goes up to Season 4. Guess I'll have to be patient & wait. Thanks.

  37. Not helpful as I live in the UK, it will not accepty UK issued credit card. Losing lots of customers by being so restrictive please find a better solution


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