
Saturday, November 14, 2015

Carson's 6-Month Milestone

Charles Stephen Paine IV, known by his family and friends as "Carson," is six months old today! Chad and Erin Paine call Carson their miracle baby, due to the multiple miscarriages Erin endured in the couple's first year of marriage and the health risks she faced during her pregnancy. The proud parents say that Carson was an answer to their prayers.

Erin Paine and Carson Paine

Photo courtesy of the Bates family


  1. What a wonderful picture of mother and son!! He is a handsome little man. Can not believe he is already 6 months old.

  2. So happy for you Erin and Chad! What a blessing from our Lord. He is just beautiful and radiates with the glory of the Lord!

  3. He's a living doll & mama looks ever so slightly proud.

  4. God bless! What a beautiful baby boy! Many blessings for Eric and Chad! God knows the plans that He has for us.

  5. Can you please do a header for the Bates family like the one on the Duggars' blog?

  6. How did they found out the gender by thanksgiving last year??? If her due date was June 10, she conceived in September. Your can't find out that soon!!! My guess is they filmed it for the show...

    1. Her original due date was June 8th which would have made her roughly 12 weeks at thanksgiving. You can find out gender through a free cell DNA blood test. The purpose of the test is to check the chances of baby having a genetic disorder but it can also indicate whether or not a Y chromosome is or isn't present. We found out our babies gender at 11 weeks.

    2. I said the same thing at the time and no one had an answer for me. Additionally, he was born almost a month premature, supposedly, yet required no NICU time and was a healthy weight. Things don't add up.

    3. I'm a nurse and I've a number of friends who are midwives. It is possible for a baby to be born 4 weeks early and need no nicu time (as happened to my friend). Also it's possible to find out gender via a blood test as the first responder to the comment pointed out.

    4. I had my baby a month early then my due date and she was and is perfectly fine. No NICU she did awesomely great on her own, and she is 5 years old.

    5. He was born at 37 weeks which is early but it's not drastically early. A lot of 37 weekers don't require a NICU stay. And he was on the smaller side of average for his birth weight but right on target with being 37 weeks old.

    6. I had a baby a month early who did not require the NICU. We were discharged at 48 after the birth

  7. Bates family I love watching ya'll when are you coming back to tv? Also, you need to update your family photo on this website, there's more of you now! :D

    1. You're right, where's the WHOLE beautiful fam?! :)

  8. He looks like Chad!!!

  9. What a beautiful baby, and his mama looks so proud! I'm so happy for Chad & Erin after everything they went through. I know Carson is the joy of their lives and I praise God with them for his precious little life.

  10. what a cutie!!!! he is a miracle for sure! and he has some pretty cute parents too :)
    God bless yall!

  11. Can you please do a header for the Bates family like the one on the Duggar Family Blog? It would help me to learn the names and faces. :)

  12. Could you please make a header for the Bates blog like the Duggar blog? One with the faces and names under each one. It would be helpful to learn the adults' and kids' names.

  13. Six months already???? Wow, time is flying!!! Carson is growing into such a handsome young man!!

  14. Carson is adorable! I am so thankful that Carson is here and is a healthy little boy. What a miracle and a blessing! !

  15. So sweet! A true miracle! We love your whole family and can't wait 'til January to catch up with everyone 💜

  16. he is so cute! and of course they dress him so dapper & adorable!

  17. Erin is beautiful! And so is baby!

  18. Congratulations Big Man, you sure are a miracle boy to your mommy and daddy.

  19. He is so cute i love the name Carson

  20. He's so adorable! I love your family so much! <3

    Sue Roberson

  21. I am so happy for you Erin and Chad . God has given you a precious beautiful baby boy . Carson looks so happy what a Blessing . Erin you had to go through so much during your pregnancy , the shots but I think you would do it again . God gave you a perfect boy Carson . May you and your whole family have a Happy Thanksgiving . You have so many things to be thankful this year. May God continue to Bless you all .

  22. Carson is such a cutie pie! I'm so happy for you Chad and Erin. God blessed me with a boy after several miscarriages. Due to medical issues, I wasn't able to carry anymore. I am so thankful and blessed for my son just like I know you two are. God is so good. My sweet angels in heaven, I love you.


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