
Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Chicago Snowstorm

Starting Friday night and continuing into Saturday afternoon, Chicago and the surrounding area received an unexpected, pre-Thanksgiving dump of snow. Some of the northern suburbs saw more than 15 inches, making travel dangerous. Check out this picture of the newlywed Keilens enjoying the winter wonderland.

Michael (Bates) Keilen and Brandon Keilen

Photo courtesy of the Keilens


  1. last year a couple days before thanksgiving it snowed 8 feet here! it was awesome! we were out of school for 5 days which is super rare in buffalo New York!

    1. I live in Buffalo too. Yes, last year there was a CRAZY snowstorm. It was very fun even though we only got about 3-4 feet.. Still a lot of fun!!!

    2. Yes it was awesome!:)

    3. is this Evelyn Honan????! oh my gosh!! homeschooled with a big family right?!

    4. ha yeah it is who are you??

    5. OMG same it was cray last year!!

  2. I wonder how long it will be until they start having children? I know Michael loves babies. She always was holding a baby every time I saw her on the show.

    1. Well with all that snow perhaps we will see one in the spring. lol Beautiful picture guys!!!

  3. What a great picture in a 'winter wonderland'!

  4. The roads were terrible. We had 9 inches in Moline IL. That a cute picture.

  5. If/when they start their family, I go to an amazing midwifery practice that delivers in a hospital. They are so great and offer water birth, birthing balls, they encourage movement and drinking and eating during labor. And they are certified nurse midwives. There are also doctors in the same birthing center floor of the hospital and it is fully equipped with anesthesiologist should she want an epidural, or need one for a csection. Great operating room and their NICU is amazing. Baby rooms with mom and dad in the post partum unit. The midwives are at elmhurst memorial hospital. Can't recommend them enough.

  6. The best part is, that it will be in the 50's on Thanksgiving... I love our Chicago weather...

  7. Please canyou kindly advise a PO BOX in order to write to the Bates Family. Thanks.

    1. Hi there!

      Sorry for the delayed response. The Bates' mailing address is:

      Post Office Box 544
      Rocky Top, TN 37769

      Lily and Ellie

  8. Beautiful couple in abeautiful setting

  9. I love the snow! I think michaella may have some agusting to do with all the snow they get in Chicago and the cold weather compared to Tennessee!

  10. I think she may be excepting.....................


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