
Monday, December 21, 2015

Bates Baby Statistics

 Gil and Kelly Bates pose for a photo with Brandon and Michael (Bates) Keilen
Bates-Keilen wedding, August 15, 2015

In honor of Gil and Kelly Bates' 28-year anniversary, which the couple celebrated yesterday, we thought we would share some Bates family statistics. This post might just blow your mind!

Gil and Kelly tied the knot on December 19th, 1987, and welcomed their first child, Zach Bates, just over one year later. Between December 1988 and February 2012, a span of 23 years and two months, Kelly Bates gave birth 19 times.

Aside from the 27-month gap between Ellie Bates and Callie-Anna Bates, all the children are 13 to 17 months apart.

Now, did that blow your mind? 

Photo courtesy of UP


  1. I've never had a child before, so will someone please confirm this for me? I don't really know how this all works, but I've heard that you can't get pregnant again until you stop breastfeeding your current baby. That would mean she stopped breastfeeding at AT LEAST 4-7 months, which seems kind of young to me. Again, I don't know, but I thought people usually breastfed for at least a year!

    1. You can get pregnant while breastfeeding.

    2. Breastfeeding only protects you for the first 6 months and even then it's not 100 percent but after 6 months you will become fertile again.

    3. Some women can't get pregnant while they are still breastfeeding whereas other women can get pregnant only weeks after giving birth while still breastfeeding. it is recommended to breastfeed at least for 4-6 months till you start giving them food and while they get used to the First food. the Rest depends on the mom and baby.

    4. Breastfeeding isn't a 100% guarantee you won't fall pregnant. Most mums see their monthly cycle return once baby has reduced their feeds and begun eating solid food. Even using a pacifier can cause babies to feed less frequently and cause periods to return. Your assumptions are refreshing in a world where breastfeeding isn't done as long as it should be!

    5. Every mom is different. Some don't get a period for over a year, some get a period once baby starts solids, some don't skip any periods.

    6. Yes you can get pregnant while breastfeeding.

    7. You can get pregnant while breast feeding. Doctors advise you to use a form of birth control during that time if you do not want to conceive again.

    8. No, I think that is a bit of an old wives tale. I know my Mum breast fed well into her next pregnancy on more than one occasion (she had 8 babies). As for how long babies breastfeed for, it all depends on the baby - some babies get a real taste for solid food and ween themselves as early as 8 months old, while other babies just keep going. For example, breastfeeding was a comfort thing for littlest sister so she was still having a drink at night well past her 2nd b'day. Mum eventually weened her off, but she will ask for it occasionally at nearly four years old. Quite frankly, it doesn't hurt them to stop early or late - whatever seems to work best for baby. :)

    9. You can get pregnant while breastfeeding. Sometimes it works as a natural birth control sometimes it doesn't. Every woman's cycle is different after she has a baby. So she probably was still breastfeeding when she got pregnant with the next one.

    10. You can get pregnant while breastfeeding.

    11. Just like almost everything, it differs from woman to woman. Some women can't get pregnant while breastfeeding, and other women can.

    12. You can get pregnant while breastfeeding.
      The term "irish twins" describes children born that closely together.
      A lot of children start solids by 6 months,weaning slowly or not so slowly at that point, depending on the supply,(it can slow or halt completely at 6 months) baby, and mother.

    13. You can get pregnant while breastfeeding.
      At 4-7months, depending on the baby, is when most start to wean and start solids, (baby cereal)
      Breasts can slow or stop producing milk all together as early as 6months.
      It can go on longer, depending on the baby, mother, production. It varies.
      It is recommended in a lot of cases to give breast milk as long as possible, up to around stage 2 foods, around a year old.

    14. You CAN get pregnant while nursing. As soon as your period kicks back in, you know you are ovulating. And yes, you ovulate a couple of weeks before your period will start again. Nursing has nothing to do with you ovulating. Some ladies never have periods while nursing, others do, and some - a little of both. Trust me. I know; I have seven children.

    15. You can get pregnant while breastfeeding.

    16. Breastfeeding is not a guaranteed birth control. You CAN get pregnant while breastfeeding.

    17. Yes you can get pregnant while nursing. It just depends on when you start ovulating/menstruating again. For me it was after my kids started solids (6-9 months and I nursed each baby for over a year), some people don't start again until they completely quit nursing, and others start again almost instantly. It just depends on your hormone regulation. My oldest 2 are 19 months apart and I was pregnant while nursing (intentionally). Breastfeeding is not an accurate method of family planning, birth control, or evidence of fertility. Every woman is different.

    18. You are somewhat correct in that many women benefit from 6 months or more of natural infertility as the result of exclusive breastfeeding (this is called Lactational amenorrhea). However, this is only effective 1) if the baby is under 6 months old 2) if the baby is exclusively breastfed around the clock (this would include nighttime feedings). The Bates promote a parenting curriculum (from Growing Families International) that discourages night time feedings and eventual night weaning by the time a baby reaches 6-10 weeks of age. Once night weaning occurs, fertility may return. This could explain why Kellie was able to become pregnant again so quickly. There is a lot of debate on the topic, but the American Association of Pediatrics has issued statements that clearly recommend feeding an infant around the clock, whenever he is hungry.

    19. I agree that you can get pregnant while breastfeeding, a friend of mine got pregnant about 6 months after her first baby was born. My first baby I started my period right away, my second were twins and I didn't have a period for 6 months because I nursed , and I nursed for almost 14 months.

    20. I had a friend who got pregnant while breastfeeding. So you can.

    21. I know for a fact you can indeed while breastfeeding , because my sister did.... she gave birth to their first daughter in March , and though breastfeeding, got pregnant with their son who was born the following February... they are the same age during a year for a bit.... someone had told her you couldn't get pregnant while breastfeeding...haha, what a precious surprise:), that now plays drums in church.. :), with a wife and 2 children of His own......

    22. Not completely true. Breastfeeding does tend to hold off ovulation, but everybody is different, and so is every time after a person gives birth. I breast fed both of my daughters. I got my period 4 weeks after I gave birth to my first. I was NOT happy! I got my period 8 months after giving birth to my second. I breast fed for 15 months though, so while better than 4 weeks it still didn't hold off the entire time I breast fed.

  2. And no twins among their 19 kids!!!

  3. Wow, that means in 28 years of marriage, Kelly has spent about half that - 14 years - pregnant!

  4. To answer your question, yes it did!

  5. That is beyond amazing! definitely a godly family! wonderful to see!

    1. Just the suggestion, they are good pople in the eyes of god because they brought 19 healthy children into the world... There are enough people in this world with quite a few children while misthreating them, don't hope god will consider that good.

  6. Busy people, yes that blew my mind. And Kelly Jo looks so good!

  7. I love the new picture of Allie Jane, definitely not as distracting as the super pink one!

  8. There's nothing mind-blowing about pregnancy.

  9. You can get pregnant while breastfeeding. You don't get your cycle, so it usually doesn't happen. But it can. some women get pregnant before their first cycle after a pregnancy. It happens.

  10. You can get pregnant while your nursing. I did. And I know many others who have.

  11. Glad you changed the picture of Allie Jane.

  12. Awesome to know, I can't wait to see the upcoming show! I wish The Bates would write a book. I Would be the first to read!

  13. I remember the Bates were on an old episode of the Duggar show, where she had told Jim-Bob and Michelle she was pregnant, but unfortunately she had a miscarriage. Then she got pregnant again and that baby was Callie

  14. I remember on an old episode of the Duggars, Kelly had announced she was pregnant, but unfortunately she suffered a miscarriage, then she got pregnant again with another baby which was Callie. That's why there's a age difference between Ellie and Callie.

  15. Why don't you mention Kellys miscarriage just like Michelles?

  16. I would like to see the names and time space between each, as well as miscarriages. If that's possible...

  17. I just realized they don't have a set of twins in their family. That is amazing 19 children and none of them have a twin

  18. Tori
    Congratulations on your pregnancy. I know you have morning sickness. Here is my advice. Keep crackers on night stand next to you, and every morning before you get up eat some whnen you are sti in bed. Trust me it works.


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