
Friday, January 29, 2016

Bates Engagement Stories

We saw Brandon Keilen propose to Michael, but have you ever wondered about the details of the other Bates couples' engagements? In the following video, Zach & Whitney Bates and Erin & Chad Paine share their stories and show never-before-seen footage of those special moments.

Zach and Whitney's Engagement

Erin and Chad's Engagement

Videos courtesy of UP


  1. Erin and Chat are so beautiful to watch, you can see that they love each other so much! With some other couples it seems like they "appreciate" each other because they are good persons, but with them you can see how deep their love for each other is, you can see that Erin is Chad's world and viceversa.
    Of course their little son is their world too, but I feel like in their family you can see that there is something more special. Maybe it's more visible because they are people who like to share more about feelings, but you can sense it's there.

  2. Awe I love them ! Those were so sweet !! Each guy knew exactly what his girl wanted and made it so special for them 😍 Whitney and Erin are so blessed ! And I believe Zach and Chad are too :)) I want a love like that. Pure and sweet and so special

  3. SO special to see their engagements! They are each such beautiful couples. Is there one for Alyssa and John's engagement as well?

  4. what about Alyssa and John?

    1. I think Alyssa and Jonhn aren't in the show so much because they live far away

  5. where is Alyssa and johns? did the family not approve of their marriage?

  6. What about Alyssa and John???????

  7. Will you please share Alyssa and John's? Theirs is the only one I don't know about! :)

  8. There's a lot of love planned out in both of these proposals. Zach and Whitney's had a beautiful ocean proposal. It was a way of showing how much Zach loves Whitney and how much she loves him. Whitney's look of pure astonishment on her face when Zach got down on one knee is so wonderful to see its just so presious. Their son is a testimony to that love and commitment they share to one another. Chad and Erin's engagement was gorgeous it was and really sweet. Heartwarming in the ways Chad showed his love to Erin. Erin's face was so emotional andistress it was so amazing how she should love to him too. Their son is the greatest gift to come from their union together. A true testament to the love they share together always. I have to wonder though where is John and Alyssa's engagement in all of this! There's is probably just as lovely as ever too. Will we get to see there'should too.

  9. This is in response to everyone asking about Alyssa's engagement. I am not at all trying to be rude or mean but her's was not worth filming. John did not put as much thought into it as Zach and Chad did.

  10. These guys are SO thoughtful and romantic which is hard to come by these days! All of the Bates' relationships seem so genuine and sweet. I think these families represent God's ideal for relationships and marriage. They all seem to put each other first and are so loving and considerate of one another. In a world where so many are self-centered and self-absorbed, these couples are a truly refreshing change and such a good example of a Godly marriage. Blessings to ALL of them!

  11. It's suspicious that they don't show or talk about Alyssa's engagement. Did something inappropriate happen? Worse than kissing before marriage??? They admitted that much about zach and whit...

  12. What an amazing example of true unconditional love and sacrifice these two couples are to the world! God bless them abundantly! <3 such precious people : )

  13. I always thought that Erin would get together with Josh Duggar.
    Wow! I'm sooo happy she didn't :)

  14. I love Michael's dresses... Does anyone know where she gets them or what type brand they are?

  15. I think these proposals are wonderful because they clearly meant so much to all those involved, however my personal preference was for a totally private and low-key proposal (which I got)! I did not want to feel pressured to "perform" for an audience or even cameras, and I didn't want the sentiment of the moment to be overshadowed by fancy plans or locations. I am glad these couples are happy but these proposals would have made me cringe! We're all different :)

  16. Or maybe alyssa and John are staying out of the public eye for political reasons...???

  17. Chad and Erin are so sweet together. The perfect couple!

  18. AnonymousFebruary 1, 2016 at 12:55 PM
    I agree. I would have done the same. I feel the same about "performing" for an audience. This kind of proposals are not my thing. I like my privacy. :)

  19. Footage of Alyssa's proposal may be owned by ABC News, who filmed her wedding. UPTV may not have rights to air it. I'm another who treasures her private proposal--I had so much fun calling and visiting family to tell them the news after I got engaged.


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