
Thursday, January 21, 2016

Photos: Bates-Keilen Wedding Week

This evening on Bringing Up Bates, viewers watched as the clan enjoyed time together as a family during the week leading up to Michael's wedding. (Click here to read our recap.) Here are a few snapshots from the episode, as well as pictures of other wedding preparations:

 Gil and Kelly Bates take the younger kids on a rollerskating outing

 Callie Bates plays on the park equipment while her brothers skate

 Gil Bates accompanies Michael and Brandon to purchase their marriage license

 Brandon and the Bates boys go skating at a local ice arena

 Brandon takes a tumble and sustains a gash to his head

 Michael is relieved that Brandon's injury will not affect the wedding

 Gil & Kelly, Erin & Chad, and Michael & Brandon go to dinner at Calhoun's on the River

 Michael and Brandon, soon to be Mr. and Mrs. Keilen

 Michael and her bridesmaids enjoy a spa day

 The girls watch as Michael tries on her wedding dress one last time

 Tori also models her bridesmaid dress

 Friends and extended family arrive to help with preparations

The boys set up the stage

Photos courtesy of UP


  1. I love seeing the pictures:-)
    Do you know who that girl is on the far left in the pictures of the girls watching Micheal try on her wedding dress? I know a family friend but she seems to be there a lot.?

  2. her hair is looking soft and beautiful what is she doing to make it look so shiny and manageable a great?

  3. I just loved her bridesmaid dresses! SO classic and beautiful!

  4. Is there some law in TN that says that the father has to sign the marriage license? That seems very patriarchal! I just saw that Michael turned 26 recently, so it's not like she needed her father's permission to get married!

    I'm getting married in a little more than a month and I'm looking forward to walking down the aisle with my fiance since it's us who are going into this new phase of life (not that we're expecting any monumental relationship shifts since we already live together). As an independent woman, I certainly have no need for my father to give me away. I'm not giving anything away! My fiance and I are going to both hyphenate so that neither of us loses our previous identity while we gain a new combined one.

    1. Please correct me if I am wrong but Gil is also a pastor and I think the licence needed a pastors signature?
      Huge Congrats Michael and Brandon. I can identify with your skills and love how you put it to such good use! x

  5. Do the Bates do some kind pre-marriage counseling book with the engaged couples like the Duggars do?


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