
Thursday, January 28, 2016

Recap: "Headed to the Altar"

Bringing Up Bates, "Headed to the Altar"...
  • Michael met Brandon several years ago at a homeschool conference. Between their first encounter and the start of their courtship (December 30, 2013), Michael prayed every day that she could be Brandon’s wife.
  • The show opens with a flashback to September 2014. Michael makes a surprise visit to Brandon’s Bible school in Texas. Although the couple waited until their engagement to hold hands, they showed affection throughout their courtship by hugging.
  • In November 2014, Brandon pays a visit to the Bates’ house just outside Knoxville, Tennessee, to get to know Michael’s family. They spend Thanksgiving with Gil’s side of the family.
  • In February 2015, Brandon takes Tori, Carlin, and Josie to a local jewelry store to get a feel for Michael's taste in jewelry. He ends up designing Micheal's ring himself.
  • Also in February, the older Bates boys take their future brother-in-law out for a guy’s night at a bowling alley. “They’re very intense,” says Michael of her brothers. “I guess in a way it makes me feel loved that they care that much about me, but at the same time, I felt for Brandon, knowing what he was going to go through.”
  • In March 2015, Gil, Kelly, and Michael meet with Brandon and his parents in Chicago, where Brandon has worked since graduating from Bible college.
  • Over a delicious dinner of Chicago style deep dish pizza, Kelly starts fishing for information. “Not trying to be nosy or anything, but just wondering: Have y’all talked about maybe a time?” pries the mom of 19. “Are you thinking a season, a particular season?”
  • The next day during lunch, Brandon holds a secret conference with Gil in the men’s room to discuss the engagement.
  • In April 2015, Brandon tells Michael that he will be traveling to Washington D.C. To ensure that Michael doesn’t suspect anything, Gil and Kelly encourage their daughter to “surprise” Brandon while he’s there. 
  • Brandon plans a scavenger hunt proposal, with help from his sisters Angie and Becky.
  • On April 13th, Michael spends the day traipsing around the city, as she follows Brandon’s clues. At each stop, Brandon has left a video and a piece of a cardboard replica of Michael’s ring. At the end of the scavenger hunt, Brandon is waiting to propose, as both sets of parents watch from afar. 
  • “The whole day was kind of like an emotional roller coaster,” says Michael.
  • With a lot of help from their families, Michael and Brandon’s wedding preparations go very smoothly. The couple’s four-month engagement is an emotional time for the Bates family, as they prepare for their beloved Michael to tie the knot and move to Chicago.
Details of Zach & Whitney and Erin & Chad's engagements are coming soon. Stay tuned next week for the wedding episode!   


  1. I thought that the episode was supposed to include never before seen clips from Chad and Erin, along with Zach and Whitney's courtships and engagements? Just an added comment, Brandon's sister Christy also helped with the engagement... she placed the clues with Brandon around DC and also watched them to make sure no one took them. Micheal had no idea she was involved until after she and Brandon were engaged and all of the family members that were there said "SUPRISE!" Just some thoughts!

  2. Oh my word! I loved this one! I can really tell the Michael really loves Brandon with all of her heart!! They are so sweet. I am praying that God with bless me with a husband who has a love for God, children and others, just like Brandon and Chad! Erin and Michael are my two biggest role models. They are such Godly woman and have such a love for God.
    Please, if you could pray for me and that I can keep growing closer to God everyday and that he will bless me with the right husband, that would just make my day!!!

    God Bless you all!

  3. Hi! I have a suggestion, since you'll probably need a new header done in a few months: next time, why not putting all of the Bates kids one after the other, in birth order and just then, after Jeb, all of the grandchildren, in birth order?
    I think that even if the grandchildren aren't next to their parents it would be cool to have the original Bates family first and then the next generation. It would be so cute!
    Same for the Duggars: just artistically speaking I think it's cooler to see generations in order: parents, children, grandchildren... :)

  4. I could be wrong but when kelly first post they made about the courtship on their family website they were already holding hands. Then it seemed like they stopped doing it and then held hands again on their engagement.

    1. That's true. She said that they did it on occasion and there were even pictures.


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