
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

30 Bates and Counting!

Just one month after revealing that Zach and Whitney Bates are expecting their second child, the Bates family has more baby news to share.

At the Bates Valentine's Day banquet, Erin (Bates) Paine and husband Chad Paine announced that they, too, will be having another little one this summer. Erin and Chad's son, Carson, just turned nine months old. With 2 parents, 19 kids, 4 in-laws, and 5 grandchildren, the Bates family has reached a whopping 30 members.

The elated parents share their announcement in the video below:

Photo/video courtesy of


  1. So happy for your family!

  2. congrats hope for an easier pregnancy and delivery your such a sweet couple

  3. Congratulations!!! So happy for you all! Praying that all goes well and mamma and baby are healthy.

  4. Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness!This is too exciting. I pray they have a safe delivery.

  5. Congratulations to Erin, Chad, and Carson! Also congratulations to the rest of the Bates family to the new edition! I am so excited and will pray for you all!

  6. I will pray for all of you !

  7. Congratulations to Grandpa, Grandma, Mom and Dad.

  8. Congratulations! When is the baby due?

  9. Congratulations Chad and Erin! Will be praying for you.

    And a HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACKSON AND ADDEE! May you continue to grow in the Lord!

    In Christ,

  10. congratulations! The Lord bless you with a happy and healthy pregnancy, and a beautiful, bright and healthy baby. Amen.
    Praying for you all.
    love marg

  11. I'm beyond excited!!!! Congratulations

  12. Congratulations. I love watching your show. Sharing your family. Will you have to get shots thru out your pregnancy like the last one. Either way. Gods blessings to all of you

  13. Congrats to you all! I will be keeping you all in my prayers for a healthy baby, mom and easy pregnancy! God Bless all of you!

  14. I am SO excited for them! I hope that things go really well with this pregnancy!

  15. Ahhhhhhh oh my goodness PRAISE THE LORD I'm so happy for you both.!!!!! I'll be praying for you both. CARSON IS GOING TO BE A BIG BROTHER!!!!

  16. Dear Chad and Erin,

    Sooooooo.....excited for you!!! Praying for all of you.😄

  17. CONGRATS!!! Exciting time for the Bates!! Prayers for healthy mama and baby!

  18. Erin was the last new pregnancy announcement I thought we would be getting! This is a shock!

  19. Congrats Chad and Erin! Carson is going to be an amazing big brother.

  20. So happy for you guys!!! May God continue blessing you all in every way. Prayers for a happy healthy pregnancy for both lovely ladies.

  21. Congratulations !! So sweet you both are and so happy for your blessings !

  22. I'm so excited for them! I hope it's a girl :)

    1. I am hoping for a boy ! Someone Carson can rumble and tumble with. Carson needs a buddy. A girl next time.

  23. I hope everything goes smoothly this time!!! Erin's labor was very scary to watch!

  24. Big congratulations to Chad and Erin! What wonderful news!

  25. Praying for you all God bless you in this new adventure in life your family is such an insperation

  26. You are beautiful people!! Congratulations to all!

  27. Wonderful News! Best wishes for a healthy pregnancy and smooth delivery.

  28. Congrats to you two and to the whole Bates Family May God bring lots of blessings to you all!!

  29. What is wrong with you people? It is not right to have that many children.

    1. It's not right to have 2 children?

    2. Erin only has one..............

    3. Just so you know when I said Erin only has one I was responding to the lady that said she has to many. Your response wasn't posted when I submitted mine. Just want to clear that up.

    4. What? Are you a Christian? Do you read scripture ?

    5. Love multiples not a large family.

    6. A woman knows when she has had enough of child bearing. Who are you or anyone else to say anything about a ( Christian) couples decision on the size of their family ?

    7. The bible says children are a blessing.

    8. @Annonymous 2-18/ 8:01 pm. Yes, children are a blessing from the Lord. So is wisdom a blessing. When your body has a serious clotting disorder wisdom would say to give your body a rest. thankful for one. I actually find it selfish to risk your life when your are already a wife and mother because of some false doctrine forbidding any contraception.

    9. What? Too many children ?? She only has one child ! And besides, she's not a young, unmarried teen , she's a married woman. She wouldn't be raising them alone. What's wrong with having a family ? And what is too many children ? Each and every woman knows when she has had enough. Some women decide at two. Some at 4. Others at 8. And a few at 19. God bless Kelly ! I couldn't have done it. God Bless her !

  30. YAY. i love your family so sweet. congrats girly. all the best. praying for a healthy baby and mama. congrats to dad and BIG BROTHER :)

  31. So excited for them! Praying for all to go well. May Jesus bless you and keep you safe :)

  32. I knew Erin was pregnant!! When I saw the valentines day pictures I remember thinking that Erin's face looked puffy!!! Congrats Chad sent Erin!!!

  33. Congratulations!! Praying for a healthy and easier pregnancy. Such exciting news.

  34. Wishing you a happy, healthy pregnancy. Sending prayers your way.

  35. i am sooo excited for chad & erin!!!

  36. Prayers for you and your family. Prayers for the will of God to be with you through this chapter of your life.

  37. Praying everything goes perfectly for you again.

  38. Wow, this is wonderful news :-) Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you :-)

  39. Praying for a better delivery this time.

  40. How exciting!Very happy for Chad and Erin! What a blessing for all!

  41. Praying everything goes easier this time for you. Love your program watch every week. Praise God this is such a blessing from God. Will be following your pregnancy. Love you all.

  42. Congratulation to Chad and Erin . I am so happy for you both and for Carson . The cousins are growing in your family . Bradley will have another cousin to play with . Many Blessings going your way for a safe pregnancy Erin . You will be in my thoughts and prayers . Carson will be a big brother this summer . God Bless you all .

  43. God is so good! Congratulations!

  44. Hope all goes well and you don't have to go thru all those shots again. If you do, so be it. A healthy baby and mommy are what's important. Congratulation So happy for the entire Bates family. In-Laws too!

  45. I pray for Chad and Erin. A new addition is a blessing even if it is a surprise. So many more changes and more responsibilities. I know you can handle it, but you definitely will be tired during that first year, adjusting. Each pregnancy is different. I will pray that this one will be much easier delivery. You make a loving couple and your children will be proof of your amazing love for each other and the Lord. God Bless.

    1. Am happy for you Erin. You do make a wonderful mother. Am glad you have both your mother and siblings near. It helps out. Carlin was such a blessing for you during the arrival of Carson. Remember to always give Chad time. Find the time to go out and be a couple. You and Dad won't mind watching the little ones.

  46. Sooooo exciting!

    Praying for you all and can't wait to "meet" your new little one.

    *huge smile*

  47. So happy for your sweet family, wouldnt ever miss an episode of Bringing up Bates, God bless your wonderful family, all 30 of them!!

  48. Erin and Chad, So happy for you. I am continuing to pray for you.Just like I did for your other pregnancies. I feel like something needs to be said about people being critical of Erin here.You don't know how anything happened with her latest pregnancy. They said it was a surprise. I had six miscarriages three live births and to say those miscarriages were a mistake when I have three amazing, beautiful of body and mind daughters would break my heart because I grieved long and hard for those six babies. Unless you know them personally I think only positive things should be posted. Having a high risk pregnancy is hard enough something I am intimately familiar due to a chronic disease I have.So congratulations again Erin and Chad. May God bless you and your new baby.Cannot wait to see if its a boy or a girl.


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