
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Erin and Chad's Maternity Shoot

Have you heard the big news?

As we announced this morning, Erin (Bates) Paine, 24, and Chad Paine, 28, are expecting their second child! (Click here to watch a video message from the ecstatic couple.) The baby will join big brother, Charles Stephen Paine IV “Carson,” this summer.

Erin and Chad said: “Valentine’s Day was the perfect occasion to tell our family and celebrate the news of the new little blessing God is adding to our family. It was the biggest surprise of our year, but now we can hardly wait to meet our sweet baby this summer. We cannot begin to describe the pure joy and excitement we're feeling. We were so blessed by the outpouring of support during our first baby Carson’s pregnancy; please continue to pray for us.”

Grandparents Gil and Kelly Jo Bates added: “Erin and Chad surprised us on Valentine's Day with news of a new grandbaby on the way. Our family is growing, and we couldn't be any happier! There is something so exciting and special about children that adds joy to a home! We feel very blessed!"

Gil and Kelly Jo currently have three grandchildren but will soon have two more, as Zach and Whitney Bates also recently announced that they are expecting their second child this summer.

Erin and Chad's news is especially exciting, as Erin experienced challenging and potentially life-threatening issues during her last pregnancy due to a blood clotting condition.  The couple welcomed son Carson, now nine months old, on May 14, 2015. He was born healthy and happy.  

Taryn Yager, a photographer friend who has done numerous photo shoots for the Bates family, snapped these pictures of Erin, Chad, and Carson. (Learn more about Taryn and her photography business on her website and Facebook page.)

 Erin, Chad, and Carson Paine

Here are the links to previous posts that include photos by Taryn Yager:

Zach and Whitney Announce Baby #2
Photos of the Little Bates Family

Photos courtesy of Taryn Yager Photography/UP


  1. wow¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
    it is amazing!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Congrats Chad and Erin! This will be the second of many blessings in her life!

  3. Did they disclose how far along she is and if this is another high risk pregnancy?

    1. Not yet, but stay tuned for more info.

      Lily and Ellie

    2. The clotting issue will mean that this is another high risk pregnancy.

    3. Why would you risk your life and the stability of your family to be in the "quiver full competition " of child-bearing? Can't she be " the joyful mother of children" with one child? Would that be considered a failure in their denomination? I am not trying to be rude, and I truly hope she has a healthy baby. I honestly do not understand why keep taking the risk?

    4. Why would she want to risk her life ? Because she has a strong faith that she believes will see her through anything. She knows God is in control. My daughter is 26. She is an only child. It still bothers her. She is a young mother of twin boys, and she worries about losing her father and I. I reassure her that she will be ok. She has her own family now and she will never be alone . Erin is doing the right thing. God will bless Erin and see her through this.

    5. I have a similar blood clotting disorder as Erin. I was diagnosed after developing a blood clot during my first pregnancy. I am followed by a high risk OB who is very respected in his field. He advised us that as long as I begin taking the blood thinning injections at the beginning of subsequent pregnancies, it would be safe for me and for any future children. Today, I have six healthy children (including a set of twins) and God willing, we would love more. Thankfully, advances in medicine have provided excellent management of these conditions. Perhaps you should offer prayers and congratulations rather than your opinion on her medical decisions :)

    6. awesome that Whitney and Erin are both working on 2nd children! can't wait. good luck to Erin! hope no issues and all is ok! :)

    7. I'm happy for Erin and Whitney lets pray both moms and babies are OK through this

  4. Congratulations on the upcoming of the new addition to your family.

  5. So Happy For them and you all! CONGRATS and my prayers for a healthy pregnancy, momma and baby!!
    Tammy H.

  6. Beautiful photos. I am so excited for them!

  7. Congratulations and prayers that this baby will be healthy.

  8. Yay! I hope everything goes well, healthy mama and baby. Congratulations Erin and Chad :)

  9. What r u guys gonna name it?

  10. R u expecting a boy or a girl?

  11. Woa what a wonderfull news! I love the picture Taryn is really a good photographer. I Will continue pray For them and hope is a girl 😍

  12. I'm SOOO excited for them. Especially considering the troubles that Erin originally had getting pregnant. Fertility issues can be heartbreaking, and being blessed with TWO little ones is such a wonderful blessing!

  13. SOOO EXITED for them!!!!! Will be praying :-)

  14. I'm a little surprised they would have another so soon after losing so many babies. Her body should be given time to recover.

    1. God is in control! Praise the Lord!

    2. That is like saying you aren't going to brush your teeth and it's up to God if you get cavities or not....

    3. What ? God is in control. He continues to perform miracles and showers many of us with blessings. Life without faith is meaningless. The Word Of God is all powerful.

  15. Please, Ellie, when you get the new banner done (obviously there needs to be space for the new kids!), could you do it so that there are first the Bates parents, then all the kids, and then all the grandkids in birth order?
    I know it's just a detail, but I find it a bit "untidy" to see the grandkids just after their parents little they are now, since it's not a family tree. ;) Since they are in birth order, why not putting the grandbabies in birth order as well, after Jeb?
    I hope you consider this!

    1. I agree !!!! Thanks for saying that !

    2. I actually like it the way it is. (Not to argue, but just to give another opinion.)

  16. Praise Yahweh!! Congratulations Chad and Erin! I'm super excited for you.

  17. Cute pictures Congratulations to Erin,Chad and Carson. Carson will be a big brother.

    Carson looks like a cute little doll

  18. That is so soon, I'm surprised. I hope she has a healthy pregnancy!

  19. God is in control and He does life well! So happy for them and this new little miracle coming! What a blessing... Thank You Jesus

  20. beautiful family photos but why are the parents dressed in winter clothes and the baby in summer clothes? don't get it.

  21. I am thrilled for Chad and Erin! Jesus laid down His life for us and told us "No greater love has any man than He lay down his life for a friend!". In this case it is laying down our will to accept God's will. Erin will be absolutely fine. She has an excellent doctor and a great husband and family.


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