
Monday, March 28, 2016

Bates Easter Pictures

Hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend! Here are a few photos of various members of the the Bates family all dressed up for Resurrection Day.

 Callie Bates

 Carlin Bates, Isaiah Bates, Josie Bates, Lawson Bates

 Zach, Whitney, and Bradley Bates 
(Whitney is due June 25)

 Brandon and Michaela Keilen

 Erin, Chad, and Carson Paine
with Papa Bill, Mama Jane, and Mama Jane's siblings

 Alyssa, John, and Allie Webster

Photos courtesy the Bates, Keilen, Paine, and Webster families


  1. They all look great. Little Callie gets prettier every time I see her. She's cute as a button.

  2. I think the members of this family must hold a degree in coordinating outfits! ;p

  3. All so pretty! I know it's been said before,and I am not insinuating anything, but Alyssa looks like she has lost even more weight. I think she is probably naturally tiny. I'm sure she is just very health conscious. Maybe she could give me some motivation--LOL!!

  4. I thought Callie was Ellie, she has gotten so big! And Carson is such a big boy. Darling picture of Michaela and Brandon. God bless you all as we rejoice in our salvation bought at such a horrendous price. I love my Savior!

  5. I've noticed a trend that all the pregnant women stand side-ways and hold underneath their bellies when taking pictures. Why?? We know they are pregnant. Is it a contest to who's belly is largest? Why can't they just take a nice family picture?

    1. It's cute to document the progression of the pregnancy this way! They are probably anticipating the arrival of their daughter so much, and it's so cute to celebrate it. It shows how attentive they are, every step of the way.

    2. I don't care for it, either. It's a way of showing off their bodies, and I'm surprised that these "modest" folks do it.

    3. To give you today's "something to complain about"

    4. How is it not modest? It's a covered pregnant belly.

    5. That is very rude to say March 29, 2016 at 9:30 A.M. If they want to stand sideways they can. Whitney it's not showing off her baby belly.

      Alyssa is stand sideways and she's not pregnant.

    6. It's so they can look back and see how far along in their pregnancies they were at the time the photo was taken. I hardly think it qualifies as "showing off their bodies."

    7. I don't care if they "show of their bodies". I live in the South. I love to see a pregnant woman rockin' a bikini on the beach--so cute. It looks like a "belly contest" among their groups of who has the biggest trophy so to speak. That's all. No body shaming on part.

  6. Love the Bates pictures. Lawson looks cute in the picture. Bradley looks cute too in his outfit.

  7. Callie resembles Michaela very much

  8. They are a very photogenic family!

  9. Alyssa looks great! And Allie is too adorable wish I could meet her and Alyssa.....😄


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