
Thursday, March 10, 2016

It's [Another] girl!

Soon after Zach and Whitney Bates announced that they are expecting a baby girl, Kaci Lynn, on June 25th, Erin Chad Paine have revealed that they, too, will welcome a baby girl this summer. 

The Paines have also chosen a name for their daughter, which they shared exclusively with She Knows. (Click here for more details.)

Video courtesy UP/; Photo courtesy Taryn Yager Photography


  1. Brooklyn Elise Is a beautiful name! I am so excited they are having a girl.

  2. Beautiful name. Congratulations again !!

  3. Yeah!!!! LOVE the name!

  4. Big congratulations to Chad, Erin, and big brother Carson! What a cute name they've picked out for their little girl.

    Has Erin announced yet when this summer she is due?

    1. Hi there!

      Erin has not yet announced her due date, but when she does we will share it with our readers. :-)

      Lily and Ellie

  5. this is SOOOO COOL!!!!!!!!!!

  6. When is Erin's due date??
    Such a beautiful family.

  7. Awww congrats Erin and Chad and Carson! I like the name Brooklyn that you both chose for your little daughter, its cute!

  8. So they are better than Zach and Whit? They exclusively release details to she knows. I do like the name and predict she will look like a mini erin.

  9. I am so happy for Chad and Erin! They deserve another blessing from the Lord! I will surly keep Brooklyn, Carson, Erin and Chad in my prayers!

    1. Why do they " deserve" another blessing from the Lord? None of us "deserves" anything as the Lord has done everything. Plus--it really irritates me that this particular mind-set equates the number of children a couple produces as the amount of blessing the Lord has bestowed on that couple. That is just not true. I have a very lovely friend whom could not have any biological children. I was at her side for 10 years of fertility treatments. She (and I) love the Lord and prayed and trusted for Him to make her a joyful mother of children according to his Word. She and her husband adopted a beautiful son through an international agency. They have one son--and are as equally blessed!!

    2. I completely agree with the Anonymous who said we don't deserve anything from God (except Hell) and the number of children one has does not equal how blessed they are. It's so refreshing to see a comment like that on here. God bless you! :)

  10. Kaci and Brooklyn will be great friends!!!

  11. Congratulations guys! God bless you!

  12. Congratulations to the happy family! I prefer Brooke to Brooklyn but I think it's sweet that the cousins born this summer will both have Lynn in their names.

  13. Congratulations Chad and Erin and big brother Carson. I love the name Brooklyn.

  14. Hey!! Do you guys get me email???? :)) please answer!! Because it's important LOL. Thank you so much!!

    1. Hi there,

      Can you tell us what your name is? :)

      Lily and Ellie


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