
Friday, March 18, 2016

Nathan's Mystery Girl

You all have been asking about the "mystery girl" who helped the Bates girls redecorate their room on last night's episode, "Time to Reno-Bate!"

Her name is Ashley, and she was briefly introduced on the show. Lawson and Nathan had just returned from a trip to visit Ashley and her family in New York City, and they brought Ashley back to Tennessee to spend a week at the Bates house.

We first met Ashley last year on "Blessings...And New Beginnings?" when she and her sister Anastasia first visited the Bates.

On last night's episode, Nathan revealed that he and Ashley had spent the past few months getting to know each other. "We try to see each other about once a month or so if we can," said Nathan. "I've been thinking and praying over the past, you know, four or five months that me and Ashley have been talking."

Stay tuned to find out where their friendship goes!

Photo courtesy of UP


  1. Speaking of mystery girls, who took the pictures of the Bates girls for their room? The one appears in the background more often, but she hasn't ever been introduced, to my knowledge.

  2. There was no mystery about it lol. We figured that out forever ago.

  3. I am definitely excited to see where their friendship leads and learn more about Ashley!

  4. Not trying to be mean or anything but is she black?
    So happy for them!! :-)

    1. What has her skin color or ethnicity have to do with anything? Why the phrase " not to be mean or anything "? As a member of a black and biracial family I recognize racism fairly quickly. It's the same as when people start a phrase " I'm not racist, but..." You could have chosen to ask anything such as how did they meet when he lives in Tennessee and she lives in NYC, but instead you want to know if she's black.

    2. So asking if she is black is mean??? So politically incorrect... Ouch!

    3. How would that be mean? She looks Hispanic to me but idk.

    4. I understand that she is Dominican on her mother's side. Her father is Caucasian.

    5. The point is...What Difference Does Her Etnicity Make?? How about does she go to school or work? What are her goals and dreams? Does she like country living or prefer big city life? How about getting to know a person?

    6. She was just wondering. There is nothing wrong with asking if she did not mean any harm. She was not being racist or mean in any way, she was just wondering.

    7. @Annonymous 11:14. Please do not call me Honey. I am an adult woman whom you do not know.

    8. I am so so sorry if I offend anyone. I can assure you I am NOT racist. Looking back I agree I should of rearrange my question better. Ashley seems like a sweet girl and I would never think less of her by what color her skin is. Again I am sorry!

    9. There's only one race. The human race and that question was unnecessary, just by looking at the picture you can notice her skin color.

    10. Amen!! It's absurd that someone's ethnicity is still something to just "wonder" about. However, kudos to Annonymous who apologized. Coming from a mixed family where perfect strangers feel entitled to ask very intrusive questions the race issue hits to close to home. We are who we are--thankfully a diverse family, but all God's Children.

    11. Mixed races are interesting. That's why people ask. Mixed people are beautiful. You shouldn't be offended if people ask your ethnicity. Be proud of your heritage.

    12. @Annonymous 5:22. You are very sweet, but a little naive. I only wish the majority of people asking about my "mixed" family was because they thought it was beautiful. Sadly that is usually not the case. I will embrace the day most people think like you:)

    13. I am Hispanic, but extremely white (to pale for my taste)! I think Ashley is beautiful, good for Nathan, he found himself a nice & sweet girl with an exotic beauty! And she speaks Spanish! When they first visited the Bates and she was on the horse she spoke a few words in Spanish! Congratulations Nathan, Ashley is gorgeous!

  5. Does that mean Nathan and Ashley are courting?

  6. Where did the girls buy the wall decor for the re-do. I especially like the Live, Laugh, Love sign and want to buy it.

  7. Yep, I remember Ashley. I am not from the Bx but lived there for a little while in the past. I think sometimes (at least from my exp.) people are surprised that there are Christians in or from the Bronx (and in some cases NYC) but many exist - Ashely, being even more devout, is an example of that; I love it! I also love that she is so loved and received by the Bates - they are awesome like that. I think she is beautiful (and rather tall-did not notice the first time) and I do hope they get together. It will be exciting to see it all come together if it happens. God knows best. (I am waiting for a Duggar-Bates wedding though I may be old and gray when it happens but I sure hope not.)

  8. Please post more pictures of Ashley and tell us more about her and her family!

  9. Do you have any before and after pictures?

  10. Ashley is perfect for him. God will bless this Union.

  11. I think they are courting already!!!! ;)

    1. As a new "viewer" of the UP network, I am SO enjoying the Bates Family. They are real people, Kelly is a real mom - doing motherly hugging and caring. I do hope the show continues for many years. . . . and all the best to Nathan & Ashley - if it is meant to be - it WILL be.

  12. Congratulations Nathan and Ashley!So happy for you. Praying that God will lead and show you where to go. Excited to see where your friendship goes.

  13. She is really pretty, but wow I had no idea she was so tall, she even makes Gil look small! Maybe it's just the picture

  14. Yay for a girl from NYC!! My favorite place in the world!

    1. Me too!! So happy there are a few of us city lovers. Sometimes in these circles all you hear about are the evils of the big cities. God has His people everywhere--even in Manhattan:)

    2. Is it more difficult to maintain a pure heart and a love for God in a place like New York City? I'm not saying I have anything against the city, I'm just aware that there seems to be more temptations there than there would be in a more rural setting. I'm sure there are plenty of Godly young people who are devout in their faith, but I am curious if it is more difficult to maintain in a city atmosphere.

    3. @Becky...I am a Christian living in a big city--in fact have lived all over the world. To answer your question would be yes...and no. It's definitely easier to have access to basically anything anyone can think of doing. Some things I never even knew excsisted--LOL!! On the other side there are wonderful churches raising up higher standards. What I have found is living among such diversity in spiritual ideology I have come to know without a doubt Jesus is The Way, The Truth, and The Life. I also have much more compassion for people in all walks of life. It's so easy to become judgemental when everyone around you is the exact same. Your view of life becomes very small, and that's when the "I would never..." prides comes in. What I have realized is to never judge a person by their "we don't do this or that" or outward appearances. The more rules generally the less Godly because it's based on their accomplishments. Those serving Christ in a big city--they know the depravity of humanity, and the only real Salvation.

    4. I think maybe it used to be that way. Definitely more opportunities in a big city. But with so much social media and Internet access if someone wants to find immoral activities it's really just a click away anymore.

  15. How did Nathan meet a girl from NYC? I love it!

    1. They have been on a ton of mission trips together. Maybe there?

    2. I think they met on a mission trip. :)

    3. From what I understand they've gone on several missions trips together. I've seen pictures of them together, in a group with other siblings, since as far back as 2012 so I'm pretty sure they've known each other for awhile. :)

  16. If the people at Bradley´s party were is grandparents(Whitneys) then who are the people she said were her parents and siblings at her wedding? I am confused. They are not the same people.

  17. in an episode preview Nathan was talking to his family and said they were gonna start courting soon and asking if anyone had any problems or concerns with it so it looks like it will be soon!


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