
Sunday, March 13, 2016

Paines Announce Due Date

With a family of 19 kids, there's always exciting news to share.

In early January, Zach and Whitney Bates announced their second pregnancy. On Valentine's Day, Erin and Chad followed suit, revealing during the family's annual dinner that they, too, would be welcoming baby No. 2.

The surprises kept coming, as Zach and Whitney shared the gender and name of their unborn child. Late last week, Erin and Chad made the same announcement, following with the due date a few days later.

Zack and Whitney's second child, a girl named Kaci Lynn, is due June 25th. Erin and Chad are due to welcome their daughter, Brooklyn Elise, on August 30th, although Erin says she will be induced early.

Expectant mother Erin suffers from a blood clotting disorder and had to take heparin shots twice a day throughout her pregnancy with Carson. This pregnancy will require similar treatments. Although Erin dreads needles, she has said multiple times that her babies are more than worth it.

"While Brooklyn was a surprise, we feel so blessed and so excited that she’s on her way, and we couldn’t be more in love with Carson," Erin told She Knows.

Photos courtesy Taryn Yager Photography


  1. So excited for all of you. Praying for a healthy mommy and baby.

    1. Both Bradley and Carson are very beautiful children, I have not seen a recent picture of Allie Jane, but she too is a lovely baby - Bates make good looking children. My Opinion, Josie is the most beautiful. . . but ALL of nice looking kids

  2. Congratulations to you all! I just love watching your show with my children. We will keep you all in our prayers!

  3. I truly hope all goes well for Chad, Erin and Brooklyn...but how can a baby be a surprise when this denomination has preached no birth control on multiple occasions. Shouldn't they all be surprised when they aren't pregnant? I'm sure she is under good medical care as well as having so much family to help to see her and her little girl through to a healthy delivery.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I was thinking the same thing. They are a young married couple who doesn't believe in birth control. I'd be more surprised if a pregnancy didn't happen. If one is not on any birth control, you can't be shocked to be pregnant. I wish them the best and a safe delivery

    3. since she had so many issues trying to convince Carson, and she was told it will always be hard for her to convince then any of her pregnancies will be a surprise. She had quite a few miscarriages before she was blessed with her son. If I'm correct she actually had to get fertility treatment to get pregnant with Carson and since then she hasn't done more treatments to get pregnant cause her dr suggestions was to wait a while after her son to try again, so she got pregnant without any help and has been able to carry the baby and not miscarry would be a beautiful surprise for her

    4. With her in paticular it would be a surprise. It annoys me when the rest say it's a surprise though.

    5. I don't think they used fertility treatments to conceive Carson, but they did have three miscarriages before he was born.

    6. Conceive not convince. When did she have fertility treatments? Her injections were to correct a blood clotting issue.

    7. Why would she use fertility treatments? They preach about leaving the size of their family up to God so according to that philosophy if chose not to allow for pregnancy wouldn't that be His will for them?'s wrong to use contraception but not fertility treatments? That does not make any logical sense. This proves they pick and choose according to their wants and opinions--not God's.

    8. She didn't use fertility treatments. She has had trouble with holding the pregnancies. So once she gets pregnant she has 3 blood thinning shots a day to make sure the blood circulates well.

  4. Dear Lily and Ellie,
    Why is Erin inducing her baby early? Just curious:) Thanks for keeping your readers updated. I am so happy for them!

    1. I remember Erin saying to avoid complications.

  5. Zack and Whitney's little girl is due on my birthday!

  6. I do not think Erin had problems conceiving, just problems maintaing the pregancy due to the blood clotting disorder. She was able to get pregnant four times in less than a year span. So yes wandering why they were surprised about this pregnancy. Maybe she was still breast feeding and thought she would not get pregnant so soon. But look at her mother. Kind of disappointed there has been no pregnancy announcement from Michael as much as she loves babies. Hopeing she is pregnant but waiting for the right time to announce. Also if she is having problems conceiving-will she seek fertility treatments?

  7. I'm so very happy for them!


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