
Thursday, March 24, 2016

Recap: Bringing Up Bradley

Bringing Up Bates "Bringing Up Bradley"
  • Kelly and Carlin visit Once Upon A Child to shop for birthday presents for Bradley. Kelly goes all out, and Carlin tries to convince her to take it down a notch or two. “He don’t need no more toys,” Carlin tells her mom. “Y’all spoil him.”
  • The rest of the kids agree. Now that Kelly is a grandmother, Zach says she is in “full spoil mode.” “We all wish we were grandkids,” adds Josie.
  • Looking back on the shopping trip, which was more of a shopping spree, Kelly admits that she may have gone overboard. “When I got to the register and heard the total, I thought, Gil is going to absolutely die when he hears how much I spent!” admits the mom of 19. The tab is $176.97.
  • Later, Carlin accompanies Lawson to a photo shoot for his upcoming album, to be released this spring (if everything goes according to plan). Taryn Yager, a friend who has become the unofficial Bates family photographer, takes the pictures inside her in-home studio.
  • It takes a little while for Lawson to loosen up, but by the end of the photo shoot, he’s posing like a pro. Taryn’s pictures turn out great!
  • Lawson hopes to do a tour for this album. Since fall 2013, he has released one CD and two singles.
  • The Bates family heads over to Cove Lake State Park, which is where Zach and Whitney began their courtship, for Bradley’s first birthday celebration.  Whitney goes all out with decorations, arriving five hours early to set up.
  • “I found out real quick in this family, you don’t let them know what your skill is because you’ll be recruited to do that from then on for all the events,” says Whitney, smiling. Until now, she has kept her decorating expertise a secret.
  • For the younger kids, the highlight of the party is kicking plastic balls filled with ice cream around the room. If you have ever seen a hamster ball, they look similar to one of those. All you do is load ice and a few other ingredients into the ball and then kick it around until it turns into ice cream.
  • Surprisingly, the ice cream balls work! “Best thing ever!” says Judson.
  • The gift table is quite overwhelming. During the party, Chad looks at Erin and says: “Erin, we can’t do this for Carson. We wouldn’t have a place to put it.”
  • Towards the end of the party, Zach and Whitney invite both sets of their parents, as well as Zach’s grandparents, up to the front of the room and give them each two wrapped frames, containing two pictures from their maternity photo shoot.
  • Gil and Kelly don’t have their reading glasses on, so it takes them a few moments to realize what’s going on. Everyone starts screaming when the announcement is finally made that Zach and Whitney are expecting baby No. 2.


  1. Love the Bates, love their show. I do have to just mention one thing, however. Carlin needs to just tone it down a bit. It is really becoming annoying. On last night's program, she just literally took over the photo shoot. Why was she directing everything instead of the professional photographer, and in such an obnoxious manner? She did this at Michael's apartment as well. Carlin is so annoying, I cannot enjoy the rest of the Bates family, whom I love! Thank you.

    1. Aw, don't judge her too harshly. She's only 17! She still have a lot of growing and maturing to do.

    2. Carlin is the best Bates. She is just bubbly not annoying.

    3. Yes, tell Carlin to let others have the spotlight too. And it's "he doesn’t need any more toys"

    4. Being extraverted and loud does not mean she is trying to steal the spotlight.

    5. Team Carlin. Some people are just more exuberant than others. Let her be.

  2. Ellie,
    would you please post pictures from Lawson's photo shoot? Thanks!


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