
Sunday, April 24, 2016

1st Trip to the Zoo!

Zach and Whitney Bates recently took 18-month-old Bradley Bates to the zoo for the first time. According to Whitney, Bradley tried to "moo" at all the animals (see photo on the top right). Does your family enjoy visiting the zoo?

Whitney is 31 weeks pregnant with Kaci Lynn Bates, and she and Zach say they cannot wait to hold their daughter in their arms.

Photo courtesy of the Bates family


  1. So cute! I love animals. I remember going to the zoo as a school field trip. I should go back. I often go to a nature center close to where I live.

  2. They are such a sweet family!! Love the pictures!

  3. The pictures are so cute. Lots like Bradley was having a good time.
    Yes I loved visiting the zoo when I was a kid.
    Love taking my niece & nephew to the zoo.

  4. Those two look like they hit the jackpot with each other. What a cute family.

  5. Zoos are sad places to me. Most of them put their animals in cages and concrete that are hardly adequate.


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