
Saturday, April 30, 2016

32 Weeks!

As we roll into May, Whitney Bates is only eight weeks away from her June 25th due date. At 32 weeks, Kaci Lynn Bates is around 16 inches long. (Click here to see her first ultrasound photo.)

In the photo below, Whitney poses with Taryn Yager, the talented photographer who has taken pictures to commemorate many Bates family milestones. Taryn is also expecting and is due in July.

Photo courtesy of Zach and Whitney Bates


  1. Whitney and Taryn both look great! How fun that both mamas are expecting at the same time!

  2. Can't wait to see the new addition to Whitney and Zach's family!
    Taryn's maternity outfit is so cute!

  3. Whitney looks amazing!! Can y'all please post pictures from the graduation party? Thanks you!!

  4. They both look great!

  5. Whitney is adorable.

    Can someone explain their modesty rules? They won't wear pants, yet it's okay to wear skin-tight dresses. This is an honest question. I'm not trying to be critical, just to understand.

    1. I get what your saying but it is really hard to find loose clothes when your pregnant. Also there's nothing sexual about a pregnant belly

    2. I agree with you, I am puzzled as well. Not only by Whitney's super tight dress but also by the fact that a lot of the teenage girls, (Carlin, Josie, and maybe Katie and Tori as well) are wearing above the knee dresses/skirts. Plus, at the Valentine's banquet, Carlin was wearing a sleeveless dress. I'm not trying to be rude, but do you think that Alyssa's style might be influencing the teenage girls possibly? What we do DOES have effect on others. Still, I love the Bates no matter what and not trying to be critical.😃

    3. I so agree with you.
      Both ladies are in very tight is this modest? I'm not opposed to how they dress--that's personal. be on TV giving moral platitudes about how "modest" they are is ludicrous.

    4. I have also noticed that when pregnant, some of them wear skin-tight clothing. I always thought it was to emphasize the baby as much as possible and show off their stomach. It's hard to reconcile not wearing pants with wearing skin tight clothes when pregnant.

    5. Clothes are tighter during pregnancy because the body expands. Something that may normally be large when you're skinny becomes tighter when you gain weight. Obvious.

    6. LOL!! It is not difficult to find loose clothing when pregnant. It's their personal choice to dress on tight clothes while pregnant...with the intention of showing the belly. And..I respectfully disagree with the statement there is nothing sexual about a pregnant belly. While it's a blessing and a is most definitely sexual.

    7. It's just that Erin seems to survive with loose clothing while pregnant and Michaela probably will do the same, but Whitney and Alyssa, (not so surprised by Alyssa, seeing her current style of dressing) wear tighter clothing. Same difference why Michelle and Anna wearing louder clothing, while Jill and Jessa are really firm fitting. How is this modest? Just curious.

    8. Well Alyssa wears pants.

    9. Anyone attracted to a pregnant belly needs to see a psychologist.

    10. Why did everyone get on the modesty bandwagon? These ladies are very lovely and modest. There is a style that is called the tailored style which means that it is closer to your body (hugging if you want to call it that). I'm sorry but if you want to talk to someone about modesty it would be about a person who is wearing clothes that is too short on the top and bottom.

    11. What's wrong with the human body? We all have bodies...
      Also, during pregnancy the woman's body changes and becomes heavier and more difficult to take care of. What's wrong with taking care of it and of one's appearance?

    12. I see nothing sexual in a baby bump, or in a breastfeeding mum, or in articulations like knees or shoulders.

  6. There are still stores out there that carry more trendy maternity wear that is not skin tight.
    It is a matter of preferance, but it doesn't go along with a more modest life style, if that is what one professes.

    1. I don't think that they profess to be modest according to certain specific standards.
      They profess to be Christians and they believe that it's typical of Christians to dress somewhat modestly, and so they do, not exposing a lot of skin.

      Being a Christian isn't about how modest or conservative you dress. That's a personal choice (and by personal I mean of each individual).

      Being modest is more about the general outlook, and not about how many inches exactly a skirt is long, or something that specific.

  7. I think all the girls do a nice job in their choice of clothing. I have never considered anything they have worn on Bringing Up Bates to be immodest. However i do find the skin tight maternity line so popular today, which the married daughters wear, to be inappropriate and immodest unless covered up with a sweater, jacket, blouse etc. i also think maternity or regular jeans or slacks completely reasonable and in good taste.

  8. I think that all the Bates are well dressed. Women today are confidant and thrilled to show off their baby bellies. There's nothing to say that they should hide this "blessing from God".They look clean, neat and happy. There's nothing "immodest" about them.


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