
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Bates Girls' Room Decorations

For those who asked where the Bates girls purchased the decorations for their recent bedroom makeover, as seen on Bringing Up Bates "Time to Reno-Bate," we have the answer for you!

After painting their walls a medium gray color, the gals headed to Hobby Lobby to pick up items that would add pops of color. Here are a few before-and-after pictures of their room, as well as close-ups of the decorations they chose. Are you a fan of Hobby Lobby? If you haven't visited, we encourage you to check it out. Their products are beautiful, and their prices are very reasonable.

Photos courtesy of UP/Hobby Lobby


  1. I adore Hobby Lobby decor and crafts. However I don't know where in the world you got the idea that they are reasonably priced. Every time I look all I can think is I'd have to be rich to afford their decor.

    1. Everything is relative. I feel uncomfortable with comments about money, because clearly Ellie, like everybody else, knows her budget and knows how to administrate it, so why all this judgement?

    2. I love Hobby Lobby especially because every week they have great 50% off deals! I just watch for what's 50% off and use the 40% off coupon on what's not on sale. :) One of my favorite stores!

    3. Sweetie that's not judgement. I'm middle class and definitely say they are expensive. $40-$60 a piece is usually what you see. Usually it's things you could make yourself for about $10. I do not judge Ellie for shopping there but I feel she should be a little more honest about prices.

    4. Places like that are expensive but are always running sales and I never go into one without there being a sale or having a coupon.

    5. I appreciate your honesty and your opinion. I have Not been to Hobby Lobby, so I wouldn't know. But, I do know Everything costs a lot. This is a very frugal family. I am certain they had saved their pennies for this big project. And, they deserve it. They deserve a change.

  2. And they did so much of the work themselves! Really proud of them! You have a Yee Haw from me!

  3. I love Hobby Lobby! I have found some great things there for my own room. :)

  4. Their room looks beautiful. Love the prints!

  5. I boycott Hobby Lobby. Also, how old are the kids that use that room? Please tell me that it's the little kids. The teenagers and young adults deserve a much cooler, mature space.

    1. Why on earth would you boycott them?

    2. I'm guessing because they believe they shouldn't have to cover birth control. It's understandable that they don't want to cover abortion but they should have no say on birth control.

    3. Because of their views regarding abortion and birth control for employees.

    4. wow thats negative!

    5. What ? They have beautiful taste. Why offend them ? . Shouldn't we be encouraging them? And praising them for their hard work ?

  6. I love the new room! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE HOBBY LOBBY!!!

  7. Awesome!! I especially like the last one and am going to try to follow it.

  8. It's the pictures the walls look blue...almost like that Facebook phenomenon with the gold dress lol

  9. Hobby Lobby is the best! Wish they had them in Canada!

  10. Used to shop there but I don't think it's fair for them to push their beliefs on everyone else

    1. oh comon that just crazy they not "push their beliefs on people" thats just D-U-M-B

    2. Why are you pushing your beliefs on them?

    3. I don't think they are pushing their beliefs on anyone. They are so full of joy and they are expressing it so beautifully. They should be praised for this. If they were dark and/ or gothic, I could understand somewhat your view point but there is no negative attitude in this family, that could bring anyone down, and besides, what is so wrong with their beliefs? I find them to be amazing .

  11. I love the after picture with the light blue. WTG Josie she pick the right color. ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺

    The before picture was too dark.

    1. I totally love the before picture, it's not too dark��

    2. Me too. It's not too dark and I think that green goes better along with the "tree-colour" beds they have. Wooden furniture usually have warm shade of colour so that green goes better with it than the new greyish blue. Just my opinion, though, if the girls like it, then it's fine. :)

  12. Hobby Lobby doesn't push their beliefs on anyone. They don't want others pushing their beliefs on them. Why is it that a company that doesn't support abortion should be made to pay for them? That is the government trying to push their views on Hobby Lobby not the other way around. This is America, and people that own companies should be free to choose health care plans that they feel support their beliefs. If you don't like what a company stands for, then shop elsewhere. That is what makes America great. We have a free market, and we have choices.

    1. Abortion I can see but Hobby Lobby also through a fit over birth control.

    2. How about...we stop the negative talk. We stop putting businesses down and people. Just as we want to be accepted for our beliefs, allow others to have their own.
      I am for Hobby Lobby. I am for the Bates. GOD BLESS THEM!!!!!

  13. Love Hobby Lobby and the bold step they take in faith. I have never felt that they push their beliefs on me or my "non Christian" friends. I love that they have 40% off coupon to either print or pull up on my phone.
    Good job on the redo girls!

  14. Love how Josie has an artistic eye!

  15. The blue, grey paint looks great. What a difference a coat of paint can make! People are so scared of color, but a colorful paint can transform a room.

  16. The girls only wanted a change. And they achieved what they had wanted. The old look is different from the New one. Good for them ! May they always be happy and work well together and they continue to share joy in whatever they do as sisters, in Great or small things ! . Just love them ! Love them all !

  17. They did a great job. They kept the room simple and modest. No frills. No fancy and lace. Simple and nice. I don't think they sent a lot. What did they really buy to be able to say they surged? They kept it simple. Where are new bureaus? Or lamps ? They were very careful on the cost. They did not cover the walls will much either. They were very frugal ! It is obvious.

    1. What if they liked lace?

    2. There is no problem with liking lace. It may cost a little more, and they didn't even go that route. They were frugal. I agree with you. They kept it very simple and watched the cost of things. Good job girls !!

    3. They were frugal !!

    4. The world is constantly changing. There was a time when it was normal to have strong religious beliefs and it was once admirable. I applaud Hobby Lobby for their stand. And I applaud the Bates. It's not easy to be viewed by so many and have so many people commenting on you from you style of clothes to how you decorate your room ! I admire this family. They are so frugal and have not allowed their new fame change their way of life. Stay humble.


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