
Monday, April 11, 2016

Double Bates Birthday!

Carlin Bates, Josie Bates, Alyssa Webster, and Allie Webster

The Bates family is celebrating two special milestones today. Carlin Bates-Gil and Kelly Bates' ninth oldest child--is turning 18, and Allie Webster, the second oldest Bates grandchild, is turning one year old.

Did you know that Carlin can yodel? She also has a love for children and leads character lessons for the church kids on Sunday nights. Click here for information on Carlin and Trace's joint graduation party, which they have opened up to the public.

Allie is an easy-going baby whose middle name, Jane, is in honor of Gil's mother, whom the Bates call Mama Jane.

Photo courtesy of the Webster family


  1. Happy birthday to my favorite Bates. I hope it's great Carlin. Happy first birthday sweet Allie!

  2. They couldn't get their own post. Poor Carlin has to share her graduation party and birthday.

    1. I really don't think these girls are as selfish as your comment would imply. I bet they could care less.

    2. That's not selfish. Everybody deserves a special day about them .

    3. You must remember this a family of 19. How many occasions do they celebrate in a year? And just maybe it's the easiest thing for everyone in the family if you combine celebrations. How much traveling would it be for John and Alyssa or even for the Bates ? And besides it's fun celebrating a birthday with a relative. My uncle's birthday was a day after mine and I loved it, having a large family picnic was great .

    4. Carlin doesn't look unhappy to me. I doubt if Gil or Kelly deprive any of their kids what they are entitled to, like birthday presents and or graduation presents. Chill out !!

    5. You must remember in a family of 19 it's easy to not feel special or like an individual. Seperate Party's would be a great way to make someone feel like an individual. Back to the blog though, it would not have been that hard to do two separate posts.

  3. Happy Birthday Carlin and Allie!! May God bless you both as you continue to grow!

  4. Knees!!!! NIKE!!!!!

    1. There's no problem with that. They all look lovely and are being modest with their short skirts.

    2. And that was my point. :)

    3. I agree. lately they have been so inappropriate...
      i am glad someone else out there uses nike! lol

    4. Who has been so inappropriate? Surely you can not mean the Bates Girls? Knees are just knees so I can't imagine you are being serious?

    5. I really hope you are being sarcastic. I can't think of one thing inappropriate that the Bates family does.

    6. They are modest.

    7. Leave the girl alone ! There is nothing wrong with jeans. And besides she is married. Let her set her own standards. She looks modest to me. What I hate is when a young woman wears a dress and doesn't wear a slip. The sun shines through the fabric and they have no idea everything underneath is shown.

    8. I was using NIKE in a joking way. I don't see anything wrong with knees. To each his own, but it's not fair to judge a woman for showing her knees. That's antiquated thinking.

  5. Happy birthday Carlin and Allie!

    I like the idea better of giving them each their own seperate blogs but i understand why you do it this. Saves time writing two blogs.

    1. I think they have one blog because Carlin is awfully celebrate a birthday with another family member, just as some of the others celebrate the Lucky you Carlin ! I celebrated my birthday with my uncle and I don't know who loved it more, him or me ! And my brother celebrated his birthday with my sister., 14 years apart!! I just don't like seeing a wedding on a graduation. That just isn't right, because some people can not attend two celebration in one month.

  6. Happy Birthday to both beautiful girls. ~Tammy H.~

  7. Happy Birthday Carlin!

  8. Love it! Carlin shares a birthday with her niece, same as I. :D
    Happy Birthday Carlin and Allie! <3

  9. happy birthday hope you girls have fun

  10. Happy Birthday you two!!
    I'm happy for both of you on this special day that the Lord gave you guys!!

  11. Happy 18th Birthday Carlin! Enjoy the rest of the day.🎂🎈

    Happy 1st Birthday Allie!🎂🎈

  12. Alyssa is wearing pants!!!!!!!

    1. Wow! I didn't think she would wear them in front of her family!

    2. She looks good in pants. Alyssa is the only one in the family that has her ears pierced

    3. She looks better in a skirt!

    4. everyone looks better in skirts!

    5. Alyssa is adorable in blue jeans! If I had her little figure I would be rockin' them too!!

    6. No not everyone looks better in skirts.

    7. So what !!! I wear pants and I am of their same Faith. I am very conservative. It doesn't mean a thing. She looks modest to me.

    8. I don't know why everyone is always so hard on Alyssa. Let her be herself. What sin is there wearing feminine jeans? Or having pierce ears? Or even dyeing your hair to see what it would look like ? Do you judge those in your family who try changes ? And besides, she is as devout as anyone woes in her family. She picked a guy who Kelly says memorized the most Bible verses ! Now what do you think of that ! That is probably the most devout family !

    9. I love Carlin. Happy Birthday ! You and Tori are such wonderful sisters. Just never liked Brandon' s remarks to you and Tori. He isn't funny.

    10. People have been too hard on Alyssa. There is nothing wrong with jeans. She is a young girl dressed in the style of the day. She is no longer under her parents roof. She makes her own decisions as a married woman with a child. Don't most women? She is in the world but not of the world. And she had married a man with the same values and beliefs as she was raised in and she herself still has those strong beliefs in her heart. Leave her alone. Build her up, not down. . Am proud of you Alyssa.

  13. Wishing you a birthday full of love,joy and happiness. Have a year of blessings.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  14. Have a FUN 1st birthday Allie. God Bless you and yours.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  15. Happy birthday to both of you!! Hope y'all have many more!!

  16. Happy Birthday Carlin and Allied! It is a blessing to share a birthday or have birthdays close together--double the celebration!! You are both beautiful girls :)

  17. nice to see a bates girl in JEANS! i recall parents said dress as u want when u leave our home. am mennonite and we wear jeans too! GOD STILL LOVES US! they are adults some of the kids let them find THEM SELVES! mary keim hambdentwp ohio mom of many LOVES OUR GOD! mennonite too and wears JEANS!

  18. Allie-Jane looks so much like her mother. She really resembles the youngest Bates daughter Callie .wow! Happy to see Alyssa. We don't see much of her.


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