
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Season Finale Snapshots

On tomorrow's season three finale episode of Bringing Up Bates, Nathan Bates, accompanied by a few family members, heads to New York City to ask his girlfriend, Ashley, to begin an official courtship. While there, they explore Times Square, walk across the Brooklyn Bridge, take a ride in a horse drawn carriage, and rent ice skates.

After returning from NYC, the Bates clan gathers in Tennessee for a big announcement. Zach and Whitney Bates are having a girl!

 Ashley is overjoyed to see Nathan!

 Nathan and Ashley enjoy time together

 The lovebirds pose for a picture with Gil and Kelly Bates

 The Bates family braves the hustle and bustle of New York City

 Nathan and Ashley hit the ice

 Nathan surprises Ashley with a question (and a gift)

 Every city gal needs a solid pair of cowboy boots!

 Making memories together

 Nathan treats Ashley to a ride in a horse drawn carriage

The newest Bates couple!

 Chilling with the rest of the Bates clan back in East Tennessee

 Nathan and Ashley pray together

 Jumping for joy!

 Erin and Chad Paine pray together

Photos courtesy of UP


  1. Nathan and Ashley look so genuinely happy to be together, to be close to each other, it's heart-warming! <3

    1. I just love how attentive Nathan is to Ashly. And I love how he keeps his arms wrapped around her. Beautiful.

  2. Also I was just wondering how can Whitney wear no tights during winter... there's the snow outside!

    1. ? Lol. #1: she's inside. #2: tights are not a necessity, even if you wear dresses/skirts all the time (like I do).

    2. Yeah but if there's the snow outside it's cold! Here in Europe we don't usually keep the heating so high to allow not wearing tights during the winter, plus she must have traveled from her home to the Bates house, so that's why I was surprised!

    3. People look better wearing tights then they do with out tights.
      Tights are to necessity to wear with dresses. Nobody wants to look at you bare skin.

    4. And she's pregnant. It's common to have a higher body temperature when pregnant.

    5. It was warm this past Christmas. It was in the 70s, so tights definitely weren't needed.

    6. People look better wear tights with dresses/skirts then they do withour tights.

      Right know Whitney probably not wear tights because she pregnant.

    7. Whitney came by car with a heater. She did not walk or jog to the Bates. And besides what is wrong with that? You are never happy. People complain when Alyssa wear pants. People complain when the girls knees are seen wearing dresses in a blog. I went to school wearing a uniform catching a bus in knee highs freezing for a 20 minutes wait. Did anyone judge me ? No.

    8. Does it matter what Whitney wears??! So long as she carries whatever she wears with that radiant smile of hers, is all that matters to me !!

    9. Tights. No tights. Does it matter ? All is so petty.

    10. Hi ;) I'm the person who first noticed she wasn't wearing tights and I'd like to clarify that I wasn't judging at all (what's there to judge?), I just found it funny because I would never go out with bare legs on a snowy day. I just found it unusual, it was never meant to be mean. ;) Then some people wrote strange comments, but the initial idea wasn't a critique.

  3. What a beautiful family!!!

  4. May we have an update on how Erin and Chad's pregnancy is going please? Is Erin still going through having daily shots for her blood clot issue she had with her first pregnancy? When is the due date?

    1. Erin & Chad due date is August 31st.

    2. So soon ! 4 months away. She is doing ok ? Does she have morning sickness ?

    3. I love Erin and Chad !!!!

  5. I guess I don't understand Nathan and Ashley's definition of courtship. It seems that they are already courting by calling themselves boyfriend/girlfriend, and visiting each other very frequently. It's confusing. If they were just chummy sort of friends beforehand, they would be greeting each other in a different way. Anyway, if they are really that strongly attracted to each other, then let the courtship be a short one.

    1. Jelly had said that their courtship meant going steady.

    2. Yikes! Kelly!

    3. It probably will be a short courtship.

    4. Ashly is a mature, sensible young woman. She is furthering her education. I thought she was seeking a medical career of some sort. And that takes time. They both want to pursue the missionary field. Nathan went become a pilot. And Ashly is as devout in her faith as Nathan is , so it's not uncommon for them to meet someone and after several meetings knowing that is the one. I meet my husband as a young girl and just knew he was the one before we courted.

  6. Oh my! Love all the pics. :) Nathan and Ashley are a very cute couple. :)

  7. Love all the photos! Can't wait!:)

  8. those are the cutest and coolest and most beautiful pictures ever!!!!!!!!!! such an adorable couple!!

  9. don't know what channel you are on,would watch

    1. on channel UP

    2. They are on the Up channel if you have Direct TV

  10. Prior to courting, Nathan (& others) referred to Ashley as his "girlfriend". Aren't girlfriend/boyfriend relationships exclusive?? Was either of them seeing someone else, too, before courting?
    I'm trying to understand the difference between boyfriend/girlfriend and courting, in your eyes. Thanks for clarifying!

    1. My thoughts on that would be that they were "courting" without being officially "official." It's kind of like being one step ahead of the terminology, in a sense. So it might be classified as a major "pre-courtship," or courting without being official. I've seen it a few times with some I know. :) Hope this helps!

    2. When you have eyes for only one, and he has only eyes for you, you are boyfriend and girlfriend. They took things slow. They could not get into a serious relationship before because they had schooling to finish. They were friends and once they knew they wanted to go to the next stage they addressed themselves as such.Courting is usually brief. And then the engagement which can be a year or less. They don't seem to be the type to rush things as Michealla did. They are seeking to do missionary work. That takes time. Love Nathan and Ashley.

  11. That picture of Ashley as she first comes through the door and sees Nathan is adorable. Hope a guy makes me that happy someday!

    1. You will find someone who will adore you just as much !!!!

  12. @Lily and Ellie
    So Nathan and Ashley. Are they engaged or courting?

  13. That second to last pic was great!

  14. About the girlfriend/boyfriend/courting questions, Kelly Bates once said on her blog that they reserve official courting for for after the "getting-to-know you" phase, when the couple is getting serious about marriage.
    Zach once courted a young lady before they know each other very well, and they ended their courtship. So the Bates want to avoid that in the future.
    I really like their way of doing things, it's Christ-focused but realistic at the same time. They make sure couples who start courting in the public eye have had time to ask all the tough questions and know they REALLY want to be together.

    1. It's not because of Zach that they court for a period of time. That decision was made before that. Wasn't Erin courting before Zach ?

    2. I think when two people start developing strong feelings, they ask questions to one another before they court. Before they court they know if they are compatible. Courting is more serious than dating. After they court for awhile then brief engagement comes, preparing for the wedding. . And marriage comes quickly after that.

  15. I hope that everything works out between them and that Nathan gets to move to NYC.

    1. Nathan doesn't want to move to NYC.

    2. Aren't they planning to enter the missionary field ?!

    3. Nathan WILL NOT move to NYC. I can tell you that. And Ashley WILL NOT move to Tennessee. And I think Nathan might get tired pretty soon of her trying to get him to change. In the episode, you can hear her saying " you need to experience the 'real world'". Tennessee is so the "real world'!!!

  16. Best episode ever! Love this happy family

  17. I think it was inconsiderate of the whole family to invite themselves along to what should have been a very special moment between only the couple. Its not like they would have been alone in New York since she has such a large family. This isn't the first time that Gil and Kelly have imposed on their children. I say let them spread their wings and grow up a little bit without Mama constantly at their side.

    1. Umm, Nathan invited his Mom to come along. And it wasn't the entire family who went with him... it was only Lawson, Erin/Carson, and his Dad who went with. I respectfully disagree with you saying that they have "imposed" on their children and besides, no ones perfect! They are doing an amazing job. <3

    2. In a big family, these things are normal and not seen as inconsiderate

    3. I don't think Gil and Kelly meant to appear as pushy parents. They probably were told by the producer of the show how things were going to be filmed. You are right. I would like to see Nathan and Ashley as a couple meeting and socializing with her family. But remember the show is all about the Bates. Maybe they weren't sure how interesting it would be for viewers without all the Bates family included . I too would like to see all the older children with their in laws and.see what.That side of the family is like. Would like to see more of.the Paines in law family.

    4. I do agree. I would like to see Nathan and Ashley on their own. Would love to see Ashley family without the Bates. Would love to see Michael and her in-laws more. And would love to see Chad s family too.

    5. Seeing more.of.the married Bates with their in laws at their own gatherings would be fun. And it.would give the Bates a break away from the camera episode.

  18. I would like to know if the Bates Family has double standard for the Boys courting. I noticed a lot of hand holding arms around each other etc. They are just courting not even engaged. Does each family member set their own limits when courting?

    1. Yeah, I think that each family member sets their own limits: we didn't see Zach's, Erin's and Alyssa's courtships, but I remember reading that Zach and Whitney kissed during their courtship. Then Michaela was super conservative and didn't hold hands with Brandon. I think it's really up to the couple.

    2. Very confusing to me as well. With micheala her courtship it was very different.

    3. Yess! Each member sets their own limits! They're allowed to do it :)

    4. Michael and Brandon hugged a lot.

  19. just curious i thought the family didnt allow hugging ? see 2 pics with hugging . thought was anot allowed? correct if am wrong please. mary keim hambden twp. , ohio mom of many! mennonite. why also dont they wear pants? mennonites even wear them and GOD LOVES US ALL THE SAME we are modest too!

    1. They don't wear pants based on their interpretation of Deuteronomy. 22:5. It says " a woman shall not wear that pertaining unto a man". Some people believe that as long as the pants are made for a woman, they're fine. Others, like me, believe that pants are men's clothing and should be avoided entirely. Hope this answers your question!

    2. Alyssa wears pants. You're right, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it, especially wnen it's cold.
      At the time when the bible was written pants for women didn't exist, but now they do, so..

    3. To the person who commented: what do you think of scottish men who wear kilt?

    4. Kilts are most definitely NOT skirts. To imply as such is in very poor taste proving a total lack of understanding.

    5. Now that I think about it, when the Bible was written men used fo wear skirt too, as pants hadn't been invented yet. So to me it's pretty hard to take from that Scripture verse the rule that women shouldn't wear pants. ;) Just my opinion, obviously!

    6. I am saved. I am born again. I am over the age of.50. I always wore pants. I am conservative. The Bates follow their parents rules and once married set their own. Clothing does not make.the Christian.

    7. Do women wear hats to church anymore? It says they should in the New Testament about a head covering. And that is in the NT not the OT.

    8. We follow the New Testament.

    9. Clothing changes constantly. Look through the centuries. Some women's outfits you wouldn't find me dead in.(figure of speech).

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Did they meet each other at Jill Duggar's wedding? We can see Ashley in the 19 kids and counting episode!

  22. You guys (Lily and Ellie) have pics of things that I don't see on the show (thought this from times before but it is confirmed now) I love that; great job and keep up the good work! Happy for Nathan and Ashley - if they don't get married I would be shocked they seem sooo into each other (which is how it should be). Also, LOVE that they visited the Bronx and we got to see Mom, Dad, and other siblings so soon - cool!

  23. When I was growing up I was raised in strong beliefs. I took life seriously. I didn't just date, I knew there was only one for me and I knew before I was the age of.17 what he would look like and how he.would have a deep love for Jesus. I didn't settle for.anyone. When I saw him and we became friends, he.was the one. We laughed at the same things, liked the same things, Then we became boyfriend and girlfriend when we were.sure we were in love and suited for.each other

  24. They will marry.


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