
Monday, April 25, 2016

Submit Your Questions For the Bates

Do you have a burning question for the Bates family? They are currently in Atlanta, Georgia, visiting the UP head office and filming website content.

Submit your questions now--either for individual family members or the Bates clan as a whole--and we will forward them to the network for possible use in this week's interviews! Ready, Set, Go!

Photo courtesy of UP


  1. Who do you think will be the next Bate to begin a courtship/get married and have the next baby(after Erin and Witney)?

    1. Life isn't all about that!

    2. No one said it is.

    3. it was just a question! there is no harm in asking. she/he was just wondering.

    4. No one said it is, but by far the most asked questions are about new courtships/babies/weddings, as if as soon as they're of age that's the only perspective they have...

    5. I get the feeling some people come to this website just to make nasty comments and stir up trouble.

    6. Anonymous @ 3:01
      I think that putting young people on the spot about who they might be dating, when they might get married, or if they are pregnant is getting too personal and not a wise thing to do. You just don't know if there are underlying circumstances that make the questions uncomfortable, such as a failed romance, a broken engagement, or infertility. I am sure the Bates will make those announcements when they are ready to.

  2. For Gil and Kelly Jo:
    If you could give some parenting advice to young, first time parents what would it be?

  3. Where do the girls find their way to cute clothes and any clothes shopping tips?

    Carlin: are you in a relationship with a guy?
    Tori: are you attending college and where? Major or BfA?
    Alyssa: any new baby announcement and will you be coming south to MI anytime soon?
    Erin: please do another makeup/hair tutorial I love them!!
    Do the Bates communicate with any of their fan followers and if so how??


    1. Carlin just turned 18 geez give her a little while before the guy question.

    2. When will people stop to expect babies from other people it will always be too late...

    3. YES!!! Could erin do another makeup or hair tutorial????!!!

  4. Is Michaela pregnant?

  5. Why is alyssa now wearing jeans?

    1. you can still be a good Christian & wear jeans,What's the connection ?

    2. Because she wants to.

    3. How does the rest of the family feel about her change in clothes?

    4. They're not all that conservative: if you look at one of the most recent posts there's a photo of Katie with quite a short skirt. Which is totally normal in my opinion, but coming from people with a conservative background it proves that they leave freedom to each child.

  6. is there a Bates/Duggar courtship in the works or already in progress?

  7. nsummy40@gmail.comApril 25, 2016 at 3:38 PM

    Are Gill and Kelly done having children..

    1. Of course, they're 50!

    2. You can have babies when your 50! I have known people who have.

    3. Really? I would fear for the mother's and for the baby's health in that case...

  8. what is the most fun thing to do outside?

  9. Where is Erin's favorite place to shop for cloths? What are some of Erin's favorite meals to cook? Could Erin possibly make another hair tutorial for her common hair style (half up/down)?
    Thank you

  10. Which curriculum do y'all use?

  11. Some of the girls are pursing higher education, will any of the boys be pursing higher education as well?

  12. How did John propose to Alyssa?
    What are the Bates' favorite foods?
    What do the Bates like to do in their free time?

  13. What is one of the things that God has tought you while having a large family?

  14. For Carlin: What are some of your favorite things to do/use to encourage younger girls in their walk with Christ? And for anyone else: what are your favorite things to do with children (games, favorite books, singing, etc.)?

  15. Replies
    1. Yes! She is courting Bobby Smith!

  16. How many pets do the Bates have? What are their names? Have the Bates ever volunteered at an animal shelter or with a pet rescue group?

  17. If you could choose (Tori, Carlin, Josie or Katie), what would it be, boot cuffs, infinity scarf, or knee high boots?

    -Anya A. Smith

  18. Being an identical twin girl ( I'm 11 mins older than my sister), if you had twins, what would you name them? Ours names are Anya (pronounced on-ya) and Aiyanna (pronounced eye-yahn-ah).

    -Anya A. Smith

  19. How did Nathan meet his girlfriend?

  20. A tour of their home and a update on them all especially the kiddos...

  21. Where do you see yourselves in 5-10 years?

  22. What are your modesty rules in your house?
    Are you okay with Alyssa wearing jeans?
    How do you buy all of the girl products?

  23. Do they enjoy sports which one? Is there competitiveness between the kiddos and Gil and Kelly?
    What is the girls favorite dinner to make including Kelly Jo. What is their church beliefs?

  24. How do they know the Duggars and Wissmanns?

  25. I'd love to hear any/all of the Bates' testimonies! :)


  26. For all the children: What are your career goals/what do you want to be when you grow up? :)


  27. For the girls: Which stores do you shop at? What are your tips for finding knee-length skirts and dresses that are also fashionable and affordable?


    1. Please answer-I love knee length skirts and dress but can't ever find them they are always to short

    2. Me too!! It's so hard to find! :( I wonder where they buy them. :D

  28. For everyone: what are the top three items on your bucket list?


  29. For everyone: is there a specific group of people you feel called to minister to?

  30. Have any of the married couples considered adoption?

  31. Which country would each of them like to visit and what's the #1 thing they would do there?

  32. What are each of the kids' top three hobbies?

  33. Will there be any announcement's at the beginning of season 4 like there was before season 3? Are Alyssa and John or Michael and Brandon thinking about ever moving back to Tennessee?

    1. Why would they move back?

    2. Why wouldn't they move back?

  34. Will there ever be a Bates/Duggar wedding? Is Lawson dating Jinger?

  35. for the family , what is your favorite sport to play as a family?

  36. Is Lawson seeing one of the Duggar girls?

    1. Why would he?

    2. Because the duggars and bates are good freinds and the duggar girls are very pretty and seem nice and they have the same values and beleif so why wouldn't he?

    3. Because you don't choose a partner for life based on their pedigree (beautiful, friends, same values), you choose it based on love. Then of course it's important to have the same vision of life, but if there isn't a spark it's nonsense to ship people just because they come from similar backgrounds.

  37. Is Michaela planning on a baby anytime soon ??

    1. give that girl a rest, I'm sure God is giving her some time to recoup from all the siblings she's had to raise before he blesses them with their own. she deserves to sleep in and knit and bake and do whatever she wants on her time.

  38. Is Lawson in a courtship?

  39. This question is for Tori. Are you in a courtship?

  40. Are the bates kids allowed to have social media accounts?

  41. How do you manage to spend time with God through your busy schedules?

  42. Why does Nathan get to hold hands with girlfriend when all the other children didn't ? Looks like it isn't fair to the girls that were in a courtship waited until they were engaged .

    1. Because he and Ashley feel like doing it, I guess...

    2. That wasn't a rule for them. You may be confusing them with the Duggars.

    3. Zach also held hands with Whitney during courtship, and they kissed before they married.

    4. Good for Zach and Whitney!!!

    5. Zach and whitney were going to wait to kiss at the wedding but they said they made a mistake and they told all their sibling that they regreted it and that they suggested to all their siblings to wait for the wedding day to kiss

  43. Zach and Whitney: If you could you back to any time in your life where would go you?

  44. Where do the bates girls but there modest clothes/dresses?

  45. Why doesn't lawson put "i will always" on YouTube?:)

    1. Because he's selling it gor money.

  46. Are Nathan & Ashley engaged yet? Are Brandon & Michael expecting???

    1. Aren't they allowed to take their time?

    2. Absolutely!!! In fact, I would encourage that. I am simply curious, as are many others. :-)

    3. I was just thinking that in case they were trying and having trouble conceiving that would be hurtful to ask: that's why I never like to make that question. ;) Just trying to be respectful to the couple..

  47. What happened to Rocky the black lab?
    Where is Whitney's favorite places to shop for clothes?

  48. What would you say has been the biggest challenge you have had to overcome with 19 children, and what advice would you give to a young person hoping to have a family of their own one day?

  49. Mr. & Mrs. Bates: I wonder if / how your parenting philosophy has changed from your early parenting days?

    1. After Zach courting debacle, you bet it has $

  50. Do any of the children plan to go to a 4 year college? Why wouldn't Nathan be open to moving to NYC if they get married so his wife could be near her family

  51. Gil and Kelly Jo:
    How do you keep the romance alive with so many children to look after? What advice could you give to a young couple regarding romance and date nights? Do you recommend any marriage books or sermons?

    1. They have more than enough help.

  52. For Gil and Kelly:
    How does the rhythm of a typical day go for you and your household?
    How do you budget and maintain your budget for food and other expenses?
    How do you keep flies out of your house with so many little ones coming in and out? ( I know I have a hard time at my house!)
    How do you manage homeschooling the kids---the young, middle and older ones?
    How do you handle the daily,weekly, monthly chores necessary to run a household?
    How do you manage to reach the hearts of each one of your children on a daily basis?
    For the older children:
    For those with kids already, how was the transition from a full house to married life to new parents? What helped what didn't help?
    What memories do you cherish about growing up in a full household?
    What siblings are you closest to and what built that connection?

  53. Also, how will your family values / priorities different from your parents? Why?

  54. What are your best potty training tips and advice?

  55. At what age on average have the Bates kids accepted Jesus as their personal Lord and Saviour?

  56. Kelly, what is your favourite Bible verse?

  57. Hi there! Here some questions from Holland!
    -Is the Bates family a member of a church community?
    - Do the Bates attend Sunday service weekly?
    - Are (some of) the Bates children baptised?

    I love to watch the show, to see how fellow Christians so far away from here have the same rules and values as most of us Christians in Holland! Looking forward to season 4!

    With love..

    1. WOW!
      Holland, wonder how many different natiolaties watch them!!!?

    2. Here Italy. Love them

  58. You can not say anything because of the upcoming show but, you mention in the up coming season that Gil had a health scare. I hope and pray that it was something that could be treated and recovery was quick. Please just give us a thumbs up for now if everything is going to be O.K.

  59. What do you know about South Africa?

    1. And what about South America anything?!

  60. At what age do the Bates girls start wearing makeup??
    I would love to know anything about Josie, sh is my favorite Bates!!!

  61. Will there be another wedding soon?

    1. If there is it's going to be on the show, I guess....

  62. How have Gil and Kelly changed their parenting style over the years? What advice do you have for 30 yr old single woman struggle with singleness? What tips do you have for maintaining a happy attitude? Which kids seem to always disagree with each other?

  63. What are the family's opinions of Nathan's girlfriend, Ashley?

    How often do the Bates get to see the Duggars?

    Do the girls (specifically Tori, Carlin, Josie, and Kaite) openly talk to each other about pretty much anything?

    1. Why wouldn't they? Who are you supposed to confide into, if not your sisters?

    2. You don't have to answer so hatefully. They were just asking a question. Try to respond with more humility. There are many families with siblings who don't get along. There are so families where sisters might be handicapped and you can't talk - or sometimes you don't have a sister. So try to put yourself into there's shoes before replying with "Why would they?"

    3. Most young girls their age have friends they confide in.

    4. Hey! It's true that there are those cases, but it doesn't seem to be the case with the Bates, does it? I didn't phrase well my comment though, I agree. My thoughts just went to the fact that I see these girls always having a good time together on social media and it's quite evident to me that they get along well, so to me that first question was strange. But sorry if I sounded harsh!

  64. Do any of your kids have special needs? If yes, how do you deal with it?


  65. Is it hard to take 19 kids out in public?

  66. Where do the girls find their knee length denim skirts?

  67. For all kids Jackson and down. who is your best Buddy?

    What is your Faviroute thing to do?

  69. Ever since you guys have started your show, I have seen more and more compromises, and your family changing standards. I know y'all are still very strong in your faith, and are still such an encouragement! But I was just wondering why the changes :)

    1. If you can't cite specific "compromises" you are being extremely critical! It doesn't sound like you sincerely want an answer the way you stated your question.

    2. Just curious… what standards have you seen their family change and compromise?

    3. What changes?

    4. It didn't seem to me that the comment was meant to be critical.... I thought that it was said in a spirit of honesty. I haven't noticed a whole lot of changes/compromises, but there have been a few. One of the biggest, I think, has been the absence of faith-related activities. For example, in a much earlier show, we once saw Gill gather the family together for a Bible study, and you saw them getting their Bibles and sitting down together for a Bible time. Segments such as those were some of my favorites! The same goes for the Duggars, who I think have shown bigger changes than the Bates. Again, they used to show them having Bible time in the evenings, reading from the Bible in the mornings, saying grace and so on, and now it seems little of that is shown. I understand the political climate in the country as it exists today, but I hope this will not stop them from showing these segments and from expressing their faith on camera.

    5. But from a viewer point of view, what's the interest in seeing them have Bible time? You know they do it, but it's not interesting to show on tv. Better to see how they interact on a day to day basis and see them put in practice what they learnt in Bible study, rather than to see them reading the Bible...

    6. Yes, agree completely that it is a good thing to show them living out the Bible in their day to day lives, but it would be good for people to see that the Bible is where their manner of living comes from, plus an encouragement to others to read it and follow Gil and Jim Bob's lead in reading it to their families. I personally find it to be the most amazing Book in the world because it tells of how Jesus died and rose again to give us eternal life if we will just believe that He did it for us, plus it tells us how to have success (true success) in this life, so I guess that's why I feel that way! :)

  70. How does your family navigate through the intense worldly influences?

  71. What do you think about roman catholic people?

    1. Oooooh! Great question! I would love the know the answer to this, too.

  72. Do all the unmarried adult Bates children live at home with their parents? If so, is it an expectation that you do until you get married? If not, are any of them planning to strike out on their own in the near future?

    1. Do you know that Ben Seewald's sister Jessica, 19, just got her first apartment?

    2. Great question! Just to add to that question: Do the unmarried adult Bates children (who live at home) pay rent? P.S. I really like the Bates family. :)

  73. Can you recommend some clean movies to watch that you allow your children to see? How do you deal with the ungodliness in some of the movies today?

    - Michele

  74. I would love to hear more things about Katie!!!!!

  75. Have they ever met non american fans?!
    how many countries have acess to the show?!

    1. UP tv only broadcasts in the States, so the only way someone from another country has access to the show is when a link is either posted on here, on YouTube, or on their Facebook Fan page. Sometimes it's been available for purchase on G-Movies, but G-Movies is only accessible in the States as well.

    2. Thats a good one!!!!
      are they like international?!!

    3. maybe even their voices being made by other people in different languages!!!!
      that would be sooo cooolll....

  76. I would love to hear more about Katie!

  77. I would love to know how they have kept their marriage strong with such a big family, esp. when they had only little ones. That's where my husband and I are at. Years of only little ones, sleepless nights, pregnancies (thank you, Lord!), and none of the kids are old enough to babysit. We don't have a lot of outside help, either. We love the idea of a weekly date night, but practically, HOW do you that??? How do afford a babysitter, if you need to pay for one? Any other tips would be much appreciated as well. My husband and I want to love each other well. PLEASE ANSWER!!! Thank you! :)

  78. I, like a previous commenter, would also like to know a typical, daily schedule they follow. Particularly, how do they manage to keep the household chores done along with homeschooling and the caring of little ones? Do they have any frugal, grocery tips? What do they eat on a daily basis? This would also help me. Thank you!

  79. Now that Carlin and Trace are done with high school, what are their plans?

  80. I would love to hear more about Katie!

  81. Which candidate are you supporting?

  82. Has being on a tv show presented any challenges spiritually we pray for your family all the time. Meeting your family is on my bucket list. I sure enjoy your show after I get done milking cows.Take care

  83. Are Trace or Carlin going to college? If so, what are they going for? What does Mr. and Mrs. Bates think about young ladies leaving home and going off to college?

    Do any of the kids have penpals that they exchange letters with? Who is the writer in the family?


  84. That's a good one!

  85. Why are they not going on mission trips anymore?!

  86. they have been in Central America, Asia why never South America anything in particular?!

  87. This question is for Gil and Kelly Jo:
    Would you ever let one of your children enter a relationship with a Catholic, non religion,/other religion? And is that okay with you? Thanks so much!!!

  88. We have seen Alyssa's, Erin's & Michael's weddings! When will we see coverage of Zach and Whitney's post engagement, pre-wedding & wedding?

    Gil and Kelly:

    Your entire family is a great inspiration and it shows people that GOD, faith, love, prayer, respect and good-old fashion values still exist in today's world. We don't have to go looking for them because the LORD has put them inside each and every one of us-if we would just choice to see it and follow his plan instead of our idea of his plan:)

  89. nathan,
    If ashley lives in new york and you live in tennesse how did y'all meet

  90. I know perfectly well that time changed but why do the bates girls start wearing shorter skirts and more makeup? God is still the same God as He was a long time ago, so why do dress standards change? And also what brought Alyssa to wear pants? It's sad to see that less and less ppl are following Bible rules. I love your family but really want to know those questions! God bless all:)

    1. Just so you know the bible does not say woman can't wear pants. It never has.:) Showing knees is also not a sin. Women shall wear skirts to their ankles is not in the bible!!!!!

    2. I'm sure that no Bible rule says women can't wear pants.
      Everything changes in history: if it wasn't for modern medicine Erin would probably never have had little Carson, with her condition. Would you criticize her for using modern techniques? I would never!
      If things weren't to evolve with times we shouldn't use electricity, or vaccines, or any kind of food that doesnt come directly from nature... sounds unrealistic.

    3. Nowhere in the Bible does God say that women can't show their knees, wear makeup, or wear pants. We are warned not to add to what the Bible says.

  91. Who is Lawsons favorite music artist?

  92. Kelly, how do you deal with pregnancy symptoms such as morning sickness or exhaustion while also taking care of so many other children?

  93. Why are tight t-shirts allowed on females, even pregnant women, but not pants?

  94. how did you choose each of the kid's names?

  95. What kinds of things did you worry about when you first started parenting that aren't a concern now Gil and Kelly? Did you have any rules for the first kids that you realized weren't so important to follow as more kids came along? Do you get a lot of complete strangers to you recognizing you in public? Are Michaela and Alyssa recognized by complete strangers where they live? Have you needed security measures used for your place? I know the duggars had yo get a security system set up for their place because of fans taking advantage of them.

  96. Are Lawson and Jinger Duggar in a courtship?

  97. how many acres do the Bates family have?

  98. Why does your family not watch TV even though your on it?

  99. How do you make time for all your children?

  100. Lawson, what is the personality are you looking in for the right one?

    1. someone who will let him shine and stay in the background , u know, the anna duggar type.

    2. I thought the same thing ! he's a leo so that lion will roar and silence everyone around them !

  101. Any tips on helping brothers and sisters be best friends? - Jenny UK

  102. Has Trace joined the Dixie Stampede yet?

  103. How many of the bates enjoy horse riding?

  104. Write more about Katie, please!

  105. To any of the kids: being homeschooled, how do you make friends? How do you get to meet people?

  106. To the older girls and boys: do you like to follow some trends (as in fashion, music)? If yes, which?

  107. For the parents: why did you decide to have this many kids? Besides the "letting the Lord choose" answer, it's a very practical matter: it's difficult to provide for 19 people, so what was your thought process when making that decision?

  108. I'm curious as to how close of a relationship Erin & Alyssa have. I've never seen them interact for more than a few seconds and on those rare occasions there seems to be some tension between them. Do they get along or is there some sort of issue between them or what?

    1. yes!!! I've noticed that too! there is always tension between them or they are non existent around each other !!! I think it has something to do with Alyssa getting pregnant while Erin was going through a hard time TTC.

    2. I've wondered the same thing ! like did Erin even go to Allies birthday ??

  109. Do you ever make toys for your kids?? If so what and maybe explain how.Thanks...also has anyone sewed any dolls for the girls?

  110. Love some handed down recipes too would be fun!

  111. What denomination are you?

  112. For Zach and Whitney:
    Did Whitney wear pants before you got married? If so, why doesn't she anymore? Does Whitney still want to wear pants?

  113. It has got to be so hard for Michael after The novelty has warn off. I mean to go from the family home to that tiny apartment, and from all the people to alone during the day, I pray for her. Please let us know how she is really doing.

  114. As a retired teacher and avid reader, I would be interested in knowing who your favorite authors are, favorite genres, and what specific books you've enjoyed reading the most.
    ( My current favorite is Michael Perry, a Wisconsin author. As a child, I couldn't get enough of Laura Ingalls Wilder and Maud Hart Lovelace!)

  115. When you are with your friends the Duggar, how do you tell the two Jackson's or the two Josie apart or which one you or Michelle Duggar are calling for?

  116. How do you get your family to communicate so well?

  117. I've noticed Alyssa has chosen a different standard of modesty (not that it's better or worse). I just wanted to ask what made her want to change it and where do she buy her cute clothes:-)

  118. Are you going to becoming out with a book of your family and how you live and do homeschooling.

  119. Are you going to becoming out with a book about your family.
    And have some of the family faviorte food recipes in the book.

  120. Would you let one of your children court the Duggar children.

  121. This question has probably already been asked, but where do the girls get their clothes? Or do you make your own clothes?

  122. where do you get your swimskirts at?

  123. I have 13 siblings and we loved finding creative ways to have fun growing up. What are some different/creative things you all have done while having fun together?


Thanks for leaving your comments! Our aim is to post all points of view, but we do not post anything that is profane, insulting, derogatory, or in poor taste.