
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Kaci Lynn Bates, Coming Soon!

Zach and Whitney Bates are counting down the days until the June 25th due date of their second child, Kaci Lynn Bates.

When do you think Kaci will make her appearance, and how much do you think she will weigh? Go ahead and post your guesses in the comments section, and those who are correct will be mentioned on the blog. Bradley Bates was born one week late and weighed in at 7lbs 10oz.

Whitney Bates will reach the 37-week mark in just a few days. 

Whitney Bates

The little Bates family spent memorial day at a private pool with friends and family.

Bradley Bates, 19 months

Photos courtesy Zach and Whitney Bates

Monday, May 30, 2016

Looking Back...

With the premiere of Bringing Up Bates season four only three days away, let's look back at the first three seasons. Season one of the series kicked off on New Year's Day 2015 and showed footage from prior to oldest grandchild Bradley Bates' birth.

Although Erin, who was struggling with miscarriages at the time, admitted feeling emotional when Zach and Whitney Bates talked about their soon-to-arrive baby boy, she shared a sweet quote:

"It’s not about me. It’s really about friendship…making the other person feel special and important. And I want Whitney to feel special and important because I really am happy for her."

At the end of the pilot episode, Alyssa and John made a baby announcement of their own. The series continued for more than 40 episodes, highlighting the most memorable milestones of Gil and Kelly Bates and their 19 children, four in-laws, and three (soon to be five) grandchildren.

What were your favorite moments from seasons one, two, and three? We created a collage to help jog your memory...

Photos courtesy of UP

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Lawson's New Tune

You're going to love this! Budding musician Lawson Bates just released a new song about his super-sized family. The tune is called, quite appropriately, "Bringing Up Bates," and was produced with help from UP. The music was written by Lawson, and the lyrics come from Bill Keith. What do you think?

Photo/video courtesy of UP

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Tonight: Bates Summer Fun Special

Only one week to go until the premiere of Bringing Up Bates season four! (Can we get a Woohoo?!) In the meantime, UP has one more Bates special for you all (summary and promo video below).

Thursday, May 26
8pm: Erin's Little Miracle
9pm: Summer Fun
Just in time to kick off the summer, we're re-living all the best Bates moments from summer! From playing kickball to lake trips to riding coasters at Dollywood, we'll see how the Bates family loves to have fun in the summertime!

(Visit our Showtimes page to find out what's in store for you on the first episode of season four.)

Photo/video courtesy of UP

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

What's Cooking?

In the following video from UP, the Keilens and Websters share their favorite meals. While Michaella Keilen and Alyssa Webster do most of the cooking in their homes, they are grateful to have husbands who are more than willing to lend a hand.

Photo/video courtesy of UP

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Erin Paine's Hair Tutorial

Yesterday, we posted Erin Paine's makeup tutorial. A few readers have asked if she has ever filmed a hair tutorial, and the answer is yes. It's two years old, but it still works just as well! (For another take on hair curling, check out the tutorial we filmed with the Duggar girls th.)

Erin's Hair Tutorial Part 1: Inserting Curlers

Erin's Hair Tutorial Part 2: Removing Curlers/Styling

Photos/videos courtesy of Erin Paine

Happy Anniversary, Websters!

Time sure passes quickly. Alyssa (Bates) Webster and John Webster are already celebrating their two-year wedding anniversary!

The couple met at a mutual friend's wedding, and although Alyssa does not recall that first encounter, John sure does. "I remember her because I almost fell over from seeing her...and she looked way older than she was," he shared during an UP interview.

 Alyssa and John during their courtship

John and Alyssa's families began spending time together, and Alyssa joined John's dad, Daniel Webster, in his congressional campaign. It was then that their friendship truly began.

Alyssa and John on the evening of their engagement

Alyssa said "Yes" to John's offer of courtship on November 6, 2013, just three days before her 19th birthday. The two married on May 24, 2014, and welcomed their first child, Allie Jane Webster, on April 11, 2015. They live in Clermont, Florida.

John Webster, Alyssa Webster, and Allie Jane Webster
Easter 2016

Monday, May 23, 2016

Erin Makeup Tutorial Part 2

Remember when Erin Paine shared her first makeup tutorial, back in February 2015? You all requested that she film more tutorials, and we shared your feedback with her.

Though she is six months pregnant, Erin took the time to create a video showing fans how she does her foundation, which we have embedded below. (Click here to watch her eye makeup tutorial.)

Photo/video courtesy of Erin (Bates) Paine

Friday, May 20, 2016

Another Fan Shares Grad Party Pics

We have another batch of photos from Trace and Carlin Bates' grad party to share. These were sent to us by Taylor, who lives in Michigan and drove eight hours with her mom to meet the Bates. To see her photos of the Duggars, click here to visit our Duggar Family Fan Blog.

When we got there all I could see were Duggars and Bates everywhere. We were so excited! Carlin came right to us and told us how happy she was that we were able to make it, and she was an absolute sweetheart.

Taylor with Carlin Bates

My mom wanted a picture with Kelly, so Kelly was looking around for someone to take our picture, and Ashley came and took the picture of me, my mom, and Kelly. We told Ashley how we think she is so funny and bubbly and we just love her. Ashley and Kelly were so sweet, and each one of the Bates that we talked to talked to us like they had known us for years. 

 Taylor with her mom and Kelly Bates

Whitney was SO sweet and kind, and her and my mom talked a while about how their pregnancies were, and Whitney said she's feeling really good with her current pregnancy with Kaci.

 Taylor with Whitney Bates

Erin was a sweetheart, and so was Chad.

 Taylor with Erin Paine

I talked to Lawson about his latest song "I Will Always" and how much I love it and listen to it all the time, and he told me he's releasing more songs to that album soon.

 Taylor with Lawson Bates and Joseph Duggar

Michaela was so sweet and had little Callie with her, and you could tell Callie was so happy to have Michaela back home. 

 Taylor with Michael Keilen

Gil and Kelly were so friendly and told us how happy they would be to have us at their church that next morning, and they couldn't believe we drove from Michigan. 

 Taylor with Gil and Kelly Bates

We had a great time...and I'm so thankful to have been able to meet them. Even though I was so nervous to go up to each...of them, the ones I was able to calm down and talk to were so sweet and kind, and they are just like how you see them on TV. 

Taylor also met Tori and her friend Bobby.

 Taylor with Tori Bates and her friend Bobby

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Alyssa's New Look

Check out Alyssa Webster's new look! We think her new haircut makes her look several years older. What do you think?

Alyssa (Bates) Webster

Photo courtesy of Alyssa and John Webster

Warden Turns 13

Happy 13th birthday, Warden! Did you know that Warden Bates is a fabulous singer? And his family often calls him "Tigger" because he's energetic and "full of bounce," as the Bates say.

Warden is Gil and Kelly Bates' 13th child to enter into the teenage years.

Photo courtesy of UP/

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Michael and Alyssa on Marriage Advice

"One of the things that my parents encouraged us to do was read aloud together, and that's probably one of my favorite things that we still do."

-Michaella Keilen

In the video below, Michaella Keilen and Alyssa Webster share the best marriage advice they have received. Not so surprisingly, all the tips they mention are from their beloved parents, Gil and Kelly Bates.

Photo courtesy of courtesy of UP

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Carson Paine's 1-Year Pictures

How would you all like to see a couple more photos taken by the incredibly gifted Taryn Yager? This gal has a way of bringing out the cute in every little kid she photographs. If you live near Knoxville, Tennessee, be sure to check out her website.

Isn't it crazy to think that Carson Paine is already one year old? And in just a few months, he will be a big brother.

 Chad Paine and Carson Paine

Carson Paine

Photos courtesy

Alyssa and Michael: Watching Our Family on TV

"Sometimes they'll do stuff on the show, and I'm like, 'I didn't know they went there or they did that!'" admits Alyssa Webster in the video below.

Alyssa Webster--who lives in Clermont, Florida, with husband John Webster and daughter Allie Jane Webster--and Michaella Keilen--who lives near Chicago, Illinois, with husband Brandon Keilen--say that watching Bringing Up Bates helps them keep up with their parents and siblings.

Photo/video courtesy of UP

Monday, May 16, 2016

Erin: 'That's the worst thing ever!'

Well it's a good thing Chad Paine is Mr. Fix It. Watch the following video, and you'll see why we say that.

For those who experience technical difficulties, we suggest switching web browsers or trying a different device. (Desktop/laptop computers usually work best.) If you still can't view the video, scroll down for a play-by-play.

While visiting Erin and Chad Paine, Lawson Bates decides to try out his brother-in-law's new pull-up bar. After he does about 15 pull-ups, Erin challenges him to do a flip.

Lawson accepts the challenge and successfully completes a flip.

But the moment his feet hit the ground, he falls back and smacks against the wall...

...Leaving a Lawson-sized hole in the sheetrock.

Erin erupts into shrieks of laughter: "Chad! Oh my goodness! That's the worst thing ever!"

Josie joins in, but Chad keeps his cool and calmly grabs a broom to clean up the mess. How hilarious is that? Even Carson looks surprised!

Video/photos courtesy

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Happy Birthday, Carson!

Wishing Carson Paine a blessed 1st birthday! Did you know that Carson's given name is Charles Stephen Paine IV? According to the Bates family, this lovable little grandson loves to laugh and give hugs and kisses. 

Carson Paine

Photo courtesy Chad and Erin Paine

Friday, May 13, 2016

Websters on Parenthood

"John is the best with Allie. I leave her home sometimes, if I'm going out shopping late...and she's in perfect condition when I come back."
-Alyssa (Bates) Webster

In the following video interview, Alyssa and John Webster share an update on their lives as parents to 13-month-old Allie Jane Webster.

Photo/video courtesy of UP

Thursday, May 12, 2016

New Photos: Allie & Carson

Gil and Kelly Bates are fixin' to welcome two new granddaughters this summer! Zach and Whitney Bates are expecting Kaci Lynn Bates on June 25th, and Erin and Chad Paine are looking forward to the arrival of Brooklyn Elise Paine, who will most likely be delivered before her August 30th due date. 

Erin Paine and Alyssa Webster recently took some adorable photos of their babies that we just had to share!

Allie Jane Webster turned one year old last month...

Allie Jane Webster

And Carson Paine will celebrate his first birthday in two days...

 Carson Paine

Carson Paine

Photos courtesy Alyssa and John Webster, Erin and Chad Paine

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Bates Grad Party Snapshots

We know you all have loved seeing pictures from Trace and Carlin Bates' high school graduation party. The Clark family shared the following snapshots with us. Can you tell if there any Bates family members missing from these photos?

...It took us 16 hours to get to TN, and we won the prize for being in a car the longest. It was so, so worth it!!  We weren't even sure if we would meet any of them so you can imagine how we felt meeting them for 2 days, as well as the Duggars!! Best weekend ever!  They are the sweetest people, so down to earth, taking time to get to know their fans. We arrived almost 2 hours early & they let us hang out with them while they set up. Such an honor and a lifetime of memories! Hope to see them again in the future!

*Click here to see the pictures that the Clarks took with the Duggar family. 

 Carlin Bates

 Michaella Keilen and Callie Bates

 Carlin Bates

 Kelly Bates (holding a baby kangaroo)

 Zach Bates

 Bradley Bates

 Whitney Bates

 Erin, Chad, and Carson Paine

 Michaella Keilen

 Lawson Bates

 Addallee Bates

 Katie Bates

 Alyssa Webster

 Warden Bates

 Kelly Bates

 Gil Bates

 Jackson Bates

 Nathan Bates

 Judson Bates

 Ashley Salyer

 Josie Bates

 Erin Paine

 Tori Bates

 Isaiah Bates

 Carlin Bates and Trace Bates