
Thursday, May 19, 2016

Alyssa's New Look

Check out Alyssa Webster's new look! We think her new haircut makes her look several years older. What do you think?

Alyssa (Bates) Webster

Photo courtesy of Alyssa and John Webster


  1. Alyssa always looks great. Your comment of her new haircut "making her look several years older" is highly insulting to her.

    1. Several people thought that sounded insulting. But I really doubt Ellie and Lily meant it that way. Looking a few years older can be just fine, especially when you're only 21.

    2. Agreed, she looks young and happy!

    3. Yeah but if you say "a few years older" it sounds neutral, while if you say "several years older" it sounds judgy, as if it's a bad thing.

    4. No she looks young and fresh and unbothered !

    5. I'm sure they meant that innocently since she got married at 18/19 and got pregnant shortly after that.

    6. there is nothing insulting about "looking older" because women are beautiful at all ages. youth does not determine a woman's value. you're all implying there's something wrong with aging by "defending" her from that statement. there is not.

    7. I think some people take the phrase several years older to means she looks grandmotherly whereas others take it to mean more polished and professional. I think most here are meaning it in the second way.

    8. Lol there's one in every comment section, isn't there?

    9. Yes it is insulting to say she looks older. In our society everybody wants to look young. Nobody wants to look old.

    10. Rosie K, I think people dislike the expression "several years older" because "several" makes it sound like a reproach. Had Ellie wrote just "she looks older" it would have been more neutral.
      I wouldn't make such a fuss about it but I do think that it wasn't formulated in the best way.

    11. Actually, young teens would love to look older. That's why we go big or go home with makeup, clothes and more. Seriously, why does everything gotta be a debate. She cut her hair. C'mon.

  2. Don't think she looks older, but I'm loving her workout clothes. Is Alyssa a runner?

  3. Ya it does. It's cute though.

  4. I'm not sure "looking several years older" is a compliment. She's gorgeous. It's refreshing to see her in pants. She's an adult, married, and has a life. A woman can wear pants and still be a woman!

  5. Good length on her. She still looks young.

  6. I like your your new "hair do", it's pretty :)

  7. I agree! I love it!

  8. Alyssa is a beautiful woman. However, my opinion has that of little value in the end. Think about it. It is her values, morals, and example that carry what is important.

    1. Absolutely. She is modest and feminine. Too many fundies go so far to the extreme of legalism to actually dress masculine thinking that is modesty. It actually looks shabby and as if one is ashamed to be a woman. Alyssa dresses like she is thankful that God made her a woman and that she embraces her femininity. Ugly,dowdy and masculine is not modesty--it just looks like one is ashamed to be a woman.

  9. Love it!
    I think she looks younger? :)

  10. I agree that she looks older, but in a good way! :) I'm sure a shorter hair cut makes it way easier to get ready in the morning, especially since she has to tend to little miss Allie Jane too!

    1. That's actually why she got it cut!

  11. Emma Kate (20th Bates)May 19, 2016 at 7:58 PM

    I love it! The color and the length look really good together! And yes, it does make her look several years older. :)

  12. I love Alyssa new look. She does look older with the haircut.
    Love the color of her shoes.

  13. She is gorgeous and looks like her beautiful sister Erin.

    1. ummmmm....nahhhh....alyssa looks like mama Jane in her early days ! erin looks like a porcelain doll baby

    2. it ok for someone else to have an opinion?????

  14. I love her look! Her outfit is also really lovely!

  15. She looks great, modern, cute.

  16. Now let's not start a comment war, but she looks absolutely marvelous!
    It's rather refreshing to see a new style every once and a while, while still being conservative.
    Thanks Lily and Ellie for keeping us updated on this AMAZING family.
    Cheers all the way from Ecuador!

    1. So skin tight, attention getting spandex is conservative??? Not in any way but Alyssa has to answer for her actions. I hope she will soon realize her parents were right to raise their kids to be truly modest in dress and manner. That comes with maturity and Alyssa is the youngest married Bates right now. Hopefully she comes around before she devolves into dangerous territory!

    2. I have worn pants since school and church allowed us to wear pants. Jeans, slacks, shorts, and (gasp) 2 piece bathing suits!!! My husband and I prayed every day and with God's guidance raised 2 sons, 1 is working on his 2nd master's degree, this one in divinity and the other is working towards a PhD in music. We all put God on the throne of our lives each day and it is my hope and my absolute certainty that as Job said, "I know my Redeemer liveth and I shall see Him in the flesh". Do not judge me by the clothes I wear or the color of my skin but the content of my character. In fact, just do not judge, until you get the beam out of your own forehead. In Christ, Katie

    3. Anonymous on May 24 at 10:04 a.m. What a judgy thing to say about Alyssa and her running pants ..... I have been a Christian my entire life .. I have a college degree and I wear running pants (gasp) and jeans!!! She doesn't need to come around to anything !!!! All she needs is her own personal relationship with god!!! Be yourself Alyssa it's refreshing❤️️

    4. There is nothing wrong with how Alyssa dresses!!! How judgy you are!!!

  17. I really like the shorter hair. Makes her look younger, more fashionable.

  18. Will you be posting any more pictures from Carlin & Trace's graduation party?

    1. she did today on may 20th if you would like to look them up :-}

    2. Yep! Just did. :)

      Lily and Ellie

  19. She looks better with her natural look.
    We were carefully and perfectly made in His image. I think we should not change much from our appearance.
    Also the bible talks about how a woman should dress and I don't think spandex was in his mind. Remember, lots of things go out of style but His word will never pass.

    1. Absolutely God's Word will never go out of style! Alyssa wearing exercise clothing has nothing to do with that. It mystifies me that so many on here are so ashamed of the female body. God isn't embarrassed or ashamed of our "lady parts" so why the shaming on here? If you believe we are fearfully and wonderfully made in His image then I truly do not understand judging girls/women for being Hyatt that--women!

    2. She looks natural to me. I disagree. There is nothing wrong with dyeing your hair!

    3. Whatever happened to refraining from judgement? The way she dresses is none of your business and has absolutely nothing to do with what's written in the Bible. She is not wearing anything revealing what so ever, and how you think women should dress is YOUR interpretation of what's written. God created our bodies in His image, and we should not be ashamed of them.

    4. I don't think God really cares if you have on pants as a woman or not, isn't that the point of Jesus ? we aren't jes anymore , hence the NEW testament.

    5. Just ask a man what he thinks about women wearing spandex. A Christian woman should not be a stumbling block to men. I have a 20 year old son and he feels the same way. We are not entitled to do what we want or wear what we want if we say we belong to Him. It's true.

    6. God disapproves of spandex???

    7. Jesus said he came to fulfill the law, not to change it. Read Mark.

    8. Who cares what a man thinks of women wearing spandex? I am a Christian mother of 2 daughters and I promise you whenever they've mentioned one of their male friends commenting on how they dress I shut it down!! My husband doesn't tell me how to dress any more than I tell him---unless it's hideous---LOL! My point is never allow the opinions of others to have a say in your personal style. My girls and I have the Holy Spirit guiding us. He is more than competent to gently convict if/when necessary. Opinions of others are just opinions.

    9. On a curvy girl spandex may be a little form fitting but Alyssa is petite. She isn't drawing attention to wrong places.

    10. So true about the spandex these days! 1 Tim. 2:9-10.."Likewise, the women should adorn themselves in appropriate dress, with modesty and soundness of the way that is proper for women professing devotion to God..." In other words, if you profess to be a Christian, then Bible standards should apply to how you dress, no matter what is in "fashion" at the time. Spandex is so thin these days, that it shows EVERYTHING. No matter what you say or how you try to defend it, there is NOTHING MODEST about the spandex pants that women are wearing today - shocking how revealing it is! It's your choice if you want to wear it, but it is NOT modest. I feel bad that Alyssa was raised to be modest & now she's adopting such immodest clothes (she's wearing really short dresses these days also.). It's her choice of course, but she was raised by her parents according to a higher standard.

    11. The bible verse you quoted says to be modest. It doesn't give specifics of what is modest and what is not. Who are you to decide that Alyssas outfit is not modest? She looks fine and luckily was raised by parents that encourage their children to make their own standards.

    12. I'm pretty spandex wasn't around when the bible was written....she is covered amd looks modest to me. About the hair coloring .....looks like her mamma colors as well.

      Personally I think wearing a dress to run or work out in the gym draws more attention to oneself.

    13. Who are you to say that it is modest? The very fact that spandex is so thin that it shows everything speaks for itself! The very fact that people are shocked & offended by how revealing spandex is speaks for itself! You want a definition of modesty - look in the dictionary: when it comes to dress, modesty is defined as "dressing in ways that do not attract sexual attention." How much clearer can you get! Spandex is NOT modest - it's DESIGNED to attract sexual attention, especially at it is so thin these days! You can like how she looks all you want, but you can NEVER say that she is dressed modest when she's wearing thin, skin-tight spandex!

    14. Also, "modesty" is a biblical principle. The bible doesn't give specifics- it doesn't have to because you have the principle. Modesty speaks for itself. Either an piece of clothing is modest or it is not. Any piece of clothing that is too revealing is NOT modest- no matter what your personal opinion is, the Bible principle is clear as to what is right and what is wrong.

    15. Yes on Alyssa it is modest. She is petite and it is not drawing sexual attention. Different body types can wear different things. Also if you buy spandex, leggins, and yoga pants a size up they are not tight fyi.

  20. No, she doesn't look older! She's adorable, and looks her age, 21!!!! Nobody wants to look older, unless you're trying to do something bad while still underage.

    1. Not true at all. I attempted to look older when I applied for my first full time job. If you always look younger than you are or even if you look your age when you're in your early twenties people tend to not take you very seriously.

  21. I liked her long brown locks better.

  22. Wow, several years older? That's harsh! I think her hair looks healthy and great! Much more practical too. Please don't diss the one Bates that has deviated slightly from their dress / hair code.

    1. I agree I think the statement about "several years older" is also harsh! It's flat out untrue. She looks young vibrant happy and God bless her and her husband and little girl!

    2. I don't believe it was meant to be harsh:) There is a difference between saying "old" and "older." :)

    3. Try not to find insult where none was intended, obviously. Good Lord. I am sure the writer meant "mature" and there is zero things wrong with being an older lady. For Pete's sake, y'all always looking for something to hurt you.

  23. Cute! Will be so much easier to manage as a mom running after a toddler and the Florida climate.

  24. She looks good! Love her gym outfit, the colours of her pants are so pretty!
    She might look older but after all she's a wife and a mum, not exactly the typical life of a 21 year old I would say... She's always been more mature and modern than most!

  25. I totally love her new haircut... It's young, charming and "fresh"....Alyssa have a very attractive style anyway. I see very much Whitney with a similare haircut by the way....

  26. The Bates girls wear pants?

    1. Alyssa has been seen wearing pants MANY times. She's married and doesn't have to do what her parents say any more.

    2. She even got her ears pierced

    3. (Can't get my real profile to load)....Thank you, Heidi! The Bates, the Duggars, and other couples/young families make their OWN choices based on how THEY interpret the Lord's concepts regarding life. In the same way, newly MARRIED young couples are free to prayerfully make their own way and rules for their family as they understand it. May not be what their parents decided, but doesn't make it wrong. Patti

  27. It's evident this new look was posted to be controversial. People who come onto this blog are always criticizing the issue of modesty right down to trying to justify Allie-Jane's over-alls are technically not pants because it's one piece. My understanding is this blog is run by and predominantly frequented by Christians. So why do they post things knowing there will be arguing about Alyssa wearing tight, form fitting yoga pants? It does not seem very Godly to me to intentionally stir up controversy. Why is Alyssa allowing herself to be the subject for such division?

    1. Lily and Ellie obviously support Alyssa as well as people who don't think exactly like them. Alyssa is living her life not trying to cause division. She's a beautiful godly young lady so why cause division in the first place?

    2. Alyssa is just trying to live her own life. The photos of Allie Jane in overalls should never have been controversial. She's a baby! I can't believe I have to write this, Christian baby girls can wear overalls and Christian women can wear yoga pants. Wearing pants is not immoral. The only thing that is important is she abides by her own standards and maintains a strong relationship with God and Jesus. She is still the same woman as she was when she only wore skirts.

    3. they aren't trying to cause controversy! If you don't like what they do with the blog then don't go on it and make a big fuss!

    4. Lily and Ellie know that us Bates fans want to be updated on new Bates things (such as haircuts), so they share with us! They can't help what she was wearing in the picture.

    5. I think they are just trying to show that the next generation of Bates are doing things in their own way and not necessarily following in a cookie cutter path of the parents. That is what growing up is all about. I don't think God is as concerned with what is on the outside as He is with what's on the inside.

    6. It's so inspiring to see Kelly and Gil leaving their children free to be spontaneous witb their choices, which certainly are very respectful of everything they believe, just more personal.

    7. I think if she does wear pants and they don't post it openly it will look like they are hiding it. Thats probably the reason they post it to show they accept her :) If they wouldn't post it people would comment that the parents are hiding it because they are ashamed of their daughter for her choices...

  28. I think Alyssa looks her age and very appropriately dressed for the gym or chasing her little one around her home. She has a great sense of style and what looks best on her.

  29. She looks great! Happy, fresh, and full of life.

  30. Her hair color isn't much different from when she married John. Whitney also dyes her hair and Carlin recently highlighted hers. Dying your hair is similar to getting a perm or curling your hair (which certain large families do). She is still the same person and maintains her faith whether she is blonde or brunette.

    We should be kinder to one another and not judge others' dress. She is fully covered. Whether or not to wear spandex may not be in the Bible, but not judging others definitely is.

    1. If you dye your hair or get or get highlight put in you are hurting your hair. My aunt dyed her hair a lot and not it's ruin and she found out that she has skin cancer from dying her hair.

  31. I love it!!!!! way to go Alyssa!!!!!!!

  32. She looks great! And I love that the colour of her outfit matches the plants :)

  33. It is interesting and refreshing to see the adult Bates kids branch out in small ways to find their own identities, whether it be through cutting their hair, wearing pants, going to college, or having a TV in the house. I also respect that Gil and Kelly don't pressure them to conform to everything they did.

    1. Yeah, I really like the fact that Gil and Kelly encourage their childre to find their own ways to do things.

    2. Definitely agree! SO great to see them branch out while still respecting their parents.

  34. Alyssa is a lovely woman and looks wonderful - just wondering if she donated her long hair to "Locks of Love"? The Bates are such a loving and caring family I could see her doing something like that.
    As for her clothing - it is stylish and modest.

    1. Last I saw, Locks of Love did not take dyed or layered hair. It needed to be a minimum of like 6" all one length (or maybe the shortest layer)

  35. She looks like a beautiful mature mommy....I'm more shocked to not seeing her in a skirt! Hehe Such a great family.

  36. Isn't she fairly young? When you are young you like to be told you look older.Now at my age not so much!!

  37. She looks updated, casual, and free, while still being modest.

  38. Lilly and Ellie,
    Do Gill and Kelly address the fact that Alyssa wears pants? Just wondered if their children's life choices, since they are different then theirs, were a concern of theirs.

  39. Alyssa is a true Florida girl now. Her hair is cute but she is in Capri leggings!! No skirt or dress? I love her outfit!!

  40. she always look pretty. but first thing i noticed wear the pants, not a skirt, lol.

  41. I am sure that they meant to say, "more mature" rather than several years older. She is beautiful and love that she is in yoga pants!

  42. I think the "Several years older" means she's not looking so babyface. She does look natural and the haircut makes her look older and thusly, around her age rather than looking like a teenager or so.

    I didn't read that comment to be insulting.

  43. I love the new look!! I live in South Florida and she will be much cooler where she lives toward the middle of the State. And love the leggings. Happy life with family and Jesus. Love the Bates Family, Bless you all!

  44. I think she looks more mature and polished. I love the new look!

  45. C'mon peeps. Are you going to judge her for wearing pants or leggings? you people all wear them. Good grief!

  46. Why is the way a woman dresses "a stumbling block for men". That puts all the responsibility on the woman. Are these the same people who think women who get raped are asking for it? It's man's responsibilty to control his thought and actions!

    1. Yes x100 to this!!!! I hate this "stumbling block" thing. It blames the woman completely unfairly.

    2. Yes, a man should control his thoughts and his actions. But we women can also protect them by not subjecting them to temptation. Not only can we, but we should. By not hitting them with immodesty everywhere they go, they won't have so much of a struggle to control their minds.
      When I say immodesty, I mean revealing necklines, skimpy shorts and skirts, and a flirty attitude. I do not believe that pants, shorts, or leggings are immodest, or a "sin".
      So yes, it's a man's responsibility to control himself, but it is also a woman's responsibility to aid him in this constant job.

  47. These comments are so funny. Can anyone just compliment someone anymore without all the nastiness and negativity? Does anyone realize all people are different? Some like makeup, some don't. Some like curls, some don't. Some like pants, some don't. It's just so sad to me. These girls are just precious, carry themselves like ladies and I'm so thankful they share their lives with us. Makeup, curls, pants, skirts, beef, chicken LOL who cares! They are gorgeous, loving, Godly & sweet. Don't let the negativity keep you down Bates girls. It's your life! Live it. :)

  48. I think she looks fantastic--a little more mature and in fashion :) I promise you that women can wear workout clothing and still love God :) Rock on girl!

  49. Such an insult to say she looks older!! She look adorably amazing!! I love the new haircut. If you don't have anything nice to say keep it to yourself and don't say anything!! This world already has enough threats and insults!!


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