
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Bates Grad Party Snapshots

We know you all have loved seeing pictures from Trace and Carlin Bates' high school graduation party. The Clark family shared the following snapshots with us. Can you tell if there any Bates family members missing from these photos?

...It took us 16 hours to get to TN, and we won the prize for being in a car the longest. It was so, so worth it!!  We weren't even sure if we would meet any of them so you can imagine how we felt meeting them for 2 days, as well as the Duggars!! Best weekend ever!  They are the sweetest people, so down to earth, taking time to get to know their fans. We arrived almost 2 hours early & they let us hang out with them while they set up. Such an honor and a lifetime of memories! Hope to see them again in the future!

*Click here to see the pictures that the Clarks took with the Duggar family. 

 Carlin Bates

 Michaella Keilen and Callie Bates

 Carlin Bates

 Kelly Bates (holding a baby kangaroo)

 Zach Bates

 Bradley Bates

 Whitney Bates

 Erin, Chad, and Carson Paine

 Michaella Keilen

 Lawson Bates

 Addallee Bates

 Katie Bates

 Alyssa Webster

 Warden Bates

 Kelly Bates

 Gil Bates

 Jackson Bates

 Nathan Bates

 Judson Bates

 Ashley Salyer

 Josie Bates

 Erin Paine

 Tori Bates

 Isaiah Bates

 Carlin Bates and Trace Bates


  1. Ashley is so very pretty:). Looking forward to seeing more of her and her adorable spunky personality!

  2. A baby kangaroo---how precious!!

  3. why did you say... "notice any bates missing" ? Is there something significant about that?

    1. Nope, we just thought it would be fun to go through and figure out who didn't have their picture taken with this family. :)

      Lily and Ellie

  4. Hello!! Me and my mom attended Carlin and Traces Graduation party and we came all the way from Michigan (8 hours). We really didn't quite know what to expect and if we'd be able to meet any one and when we arrived under the pavilion all we could see Duggars and Bates everywhere! We got so excited!! We are very big fans of both families!! When we first arrived Carlin came up and talked to us and told us how glad she was that we were able to come and she was so sweet!! Each one of them talked to us like they already knew us and they made you feel so welcomed! They were such sweethearts and it was such a blessing to meet them!! I have some pictures with them and if you would like to use them let me know! Thank you so much! -Taylor Lilly

    1. Hi Taylor,

      We would love to share your photos on our blog. Feel free to send them to us at

      Lily and Ellie

    2. I'm not surprised to hear how friendly and hospitable they were. :)

  5. Awesome! I wish SO badly that I could have made it! We weren't too far away either and it would have been a joy and delight to meet them!

    1. I would have loved to make it too! Glad they had a wonderful party!

  6. I really like Carlin's blue dress. So pretty

  7. The Bates girls always professed modesty with longer dresses. It's interesting to see that Alyssa, Carlin, & Katie are all shown wearing shorter dresses that are well above the knees. Dresses this length start to be questionable as to modesty when you bend, sit, walk up stairs, etc.

    1. Please...let's give the whole modesty thing a rest. These girls/women are lovely. None is dressed inapproriately --not even questionably!! The amount of knit picking about outward appearance is ridiculous. It's actually a very poor witness to the "world". I have never--not once--read in the Bible where Jesus corrected a woman on her clothing. He never said "you know..your choice of style is the reason so and so sinned". Let's stop shaming our fellow women, and just build up instead.

    2. Knees are not immodest.

    3. True, But you can learn to do all those things modestly

    4. Yikes!! There are Lady Knees😁😁😁

    5. Modesty is much more than wearing loose fitting, long skirts!It's about your attitude.

    6. I think all the girls are extremely
      Modest - and stylish, too, which is hard to be both in this era with the clothes that are manufactured. I also like to see them able to make their own decisions about their clothing (and their life). If they choose to wear longer skirts and dresses, it's their decision, but if they like more knee-length items, too, that's ok. It's nice to know the parents give them their freedom, yet they discuss it with their parents and take into account their advice. Much unlike the Duggars who seem to be completely subjected to their parents and their rules. They even seem to tell the Married children still what they should do. The bates are so fun and natural! I love them!

  8. Love love LOVE all the pics! So wish we could have been there. :/ My family would have drove 17 hours to get there maybe more! We had so wanted to go and were trying to make it happen but couldn't. :/

  9. Jeb is missing from the picture.

  10. Ellie,Jeb,are missing from the picture

    1. We did submit photos of Ellie & Jeb. Guess they just didn't get posted. We saw them all, & they're all precious people.

  11. This family was really lucky to see the Bates and the Duggar! I wonder how many pictures were taken at this party! I wish I could be there!

  12. Are you not allowed to post pictures of Nathan & Ashley and Tori & Bobby, or have you just not gotten any yet?

    1. Tori and Bobby are still just a rumor. I mean setting next to each other doesn't mean courting. Some random girl said they were. We need a little more proof then that.I second the Nathan/Ashley pictures though. They are an adorable couple and I would love to see pictures.

  13. Loved seeing Ashley! She is so pretty and love the dress! The Lord really blessed Nathan when he picked Ashley!

  14. Off topic a bit, does Carlin ever just hush ? I was watching from the couch episode and she didn't even give the other 2 sister a chance to speak , and you could see it on their faces , they were so annoyed at being constantly cut off by her. like seriously , give someone else some air time !!!

    1. Quit picking on Carlin. She is amazing and extroverted!!! Tori does the same thing so why all the Carlin hate! There is nothing wrong with being loud and she is a wonderful godly young lady!!

    2. I don't think anyone is picking on Carlin or saying she needs to stop talking, I think alot of people just want her to stop cutting off all the interviews with her opinions and let the other girls talk for a bit , Tori is similar but she waits her turn and let others speak as well, she doesn't demand all the attention by always speaking up, you can be an extroverted and polite at the same time.

    3. I would say Tori does that more than Carlin....

  15. Carlin is exuberant for sure, but I love that the Bates's let their children's natural personalities shine. No one would ever gripe about Michealla being to quiet! Carlin is excited about everything going on around her. I'm sure with 18 siblings someone will tell her when it's crossed the line. Until then just let her shine!

  16. That sweet little girl fan is beaming with excitement in every picture! What a special memory she will cherish for years and what fun and dedicated parents to drive all that way! This was a cute post.

    1. Thank you! She was surely super excited! We made the drive because we love the Bates! We were truly blessed being with them all! Nothing but love exudes from them! A great lesson for us all!

  17. Ashley is beautiful! Please post more pics & info on Nathan & Ashley!!!!!

    1. I really don't think they're courting anymore. Nobody from the Bates camp has said a single word about them since the last season finale. When Michael was still courting Brandon it was never this secretive. They're not releasing any information at all and it is growing increasingly frustrating for those of us who suspected almost a year ago that the two of them were courting. They finally "announce" it and then leave us all hanging. I miss the old days before the show when they actually interacted with fans and answered our comments and questions. It's not like that anymore...


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