
Monday, May 23, 2016

Erin Makeup Tutorial Part 2

Remember when Erin Paine shared her first makeup tutorial, back in February 2015? You all requested that she film more tutorials, and we shared your feedback with her.

Though she is six months pregnant, Erin took the time to create a video showing fans how she does her foundation, which we have embedded below. (Click here to watch her eye makeup tutorial.)

Photo/video courtesy of Erin (Bates) Paine


  1. Wow, you know you wear a TON of makeup when I almost don`t recognize you without it!!!

    1. Wow!! You are so rude, and quite frankly untruthful. Erin is one of those genetically blessed women who are stunning with/without make-up. I wish she would work part-time in a department store selling cosmetics. She has a gift for it.

    2. That was rude and definitely not a ton of makeup.

    3. That comment was a little harsh, but I have to admit she did look a lot different without her makeup! But I don't think she looks bad either way. Still, there is a difference. Thanks, Erin. For taking the time to do this! I have used your other tutorial a lot!

    4. Sorry guys, I was just surprised how different she looks. She and Katie are twins!!!

    5. Erin wears what she, not you, feels like is enough. She looks beautiful with and without it and she can decide how she likes to wear it and when she likes to wear it

    6. How do u know what makup and color is right for me?

  2. Erin really looks like Katie in the beginning!

    1. I know! Just like Anon 9:03, I hardly recognized her and was surprised how much she really looks like her sisters without a lot of makeup.

    2. That's so true! I never thought that before but we can really notice that they're sisters!

  3. Replies
    1. Her face not yours.

    2. Way too much for anyone. I love makeup. Makeup should enhance beauty.

    3. I agree. I was just amazed by Erin's beauty without makeup. I prefer less makeup or no makeup at all and Erin is like an Ancient Greek goddess without makeup! I think she looks better without the "makeup mask". Not trying to be rude, I just like natural looks on people.

  4. Can she share what color and brand of nail polish she's wearing! What a great pink!

  5. Erin is so beautiful without makeup! Please, Erin, consider stop using so much make up. You not only have natural beauty God gave you, but those chemicals are terrible for you, and your growing child. Why, if God is such a wonderful creator, are you covering up his creation?

    1. Not everyone likes their natural face. Frankly it sickens me that you are trying to shame her for wearing makeup. She wears what makes her feel beautiful and gives her confidence. Most ladies do not feel beautiful with their natural face. Everyone needs to stop the makeup, hair dying, hair cutting, and jeans shaming.

    2. Most women would be happy with their natural face (without tons of make-up) if our society respected women for attributes other then appearance. If you look at magazines, TV shows, movies, etc most women are young, skinny, and wearing make-up. Women are more then this. Starting to be aware of this and taking off the layers of make-up is a start. Natural is beautiful.

    3. Agree with the reply. I'd like to add that often it's not even just because you don't feel beautiful without make up, but because you like taking care of yourself, you are a more visual person and you like pretty things. I think that taking care of yourself, as long as it's not a complete transformation, it's spiritually a very healthy attitude.

    4. So, it does not sicken you that hair dyes and most make ups are terrible for your long term health? It does not sicken you that those parabens, S.L.S., endocrine disruptors are soaking into the biggest organ (the absorbent skin) of millions of women. It does not sicken you that because of things like make up that pretty much every girl and woman feels ugly and ashamed of their natural face?

      You feel sickened that I said she was beautiful? You are sickened that I said God wonderfully created her? You are sickened when women are encouraged to love their natural selves? Are you sickened with the scriptures say that the outer man is not looked on by God, but the inner? Are you ill when you read the words of God that say "women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;"?

      Do you think Erin should wear make up? Because you think she is ugly? If you think Erin should wear make up, there is no other reason except that you think she is unattractive without cosmetics and you like to look upon women you find attractive. So, you think God is sick? So, you like to look at women you find attractive with make up on? Something sounds fishy here...

      The irony of people claiming that there is such a thing as "make up shaming", haha. The greed behind the cosmetic industry is completely run off of shaming females from their adolescence.

      Well, I guess since make up is so great, we should start having men wear it. Why not tell our young sons that they are ugly without make up, and need confidence so they have to paint their faces!

      My bad, guys! Make up rocks! Without make up, how in the world would we find the courage to face another day? Surely, we can not rely on God, can we? Surely, we can not use our deeds and personalities to express ourselves and find worth in our lives? Oh, and worst of all, without make would never want to have women! Because this is so true. Wait, I wonder why I was able to get a husband and keep him? Why did I have many interested suitors, even though I don't wear make up and am generally not considered good looking? Oh, because I have common sense, work ethic, and personality. That's right, men don't care about make up! Women do!

    5. You're right...women do care. And if Erin cares to wear makeup, that's her prerogative. If you choose not to, that's just fine too. I know you probably didn't mean to, but your comments have come across harsh and angry. That's certainly not the gentle and quiet spirit of I Peter 3:4, if we want to really talk about what the Bible says about beauty. It's ok if you want to disagree with her choice and express your opinion, but you might consider Ephesians 4:15 before you post next time. Speak the truth in love, sister.

    6. What a tirade! I personally don't wear make up because I feel ugly, I do it because it enhances my features. When I have big bags under my eyes, I'm tired and pale during winter, it gives me a healthy glow that I really like. In fact I play a lot with lights and shadows on my face, reproducing the lights and shadows that the sun naturally produces on it when it's summer.
      At the same time when I don't feel like wearing makeup I just don't, so no pressure.
      As you see not all women are prisoners of the industry and not all of them use makeup because they've been convinced that they're ugly without it.

    7. I'm sure the Lord is more interested in my heart and in how I treat others than in what's on my face. ;)
      Everything in moderation is always a good life philosophy.

    8. Erin should wear makeup because she clearly enjoys it, and is very talented at it. Makeup is not dangerous -- it's not like she's eating it! If it's something that brings her joy and makes her happy, why do you care? It's not harming you.

      Nobody is saying that she needs it because she's ugly, or because nobody would love her if she didn't wear it.

    9. Alright first I never said anything about women not being able to find a man without makeup. I didnt even mention a man. Women should wear makeup for themselves and nobody else. I never said Erin was ugly without makeup. She is beautiful either way. However, it is obvious she feels more comfortable with makeup. She should wear what makes her feel most beautiful. Yes there is such a thing as makeup shaming. First it was Jinger Duggar, than Josie and Katie Bates, and now Erin Paine. They are getting shamed for what others call "too much" makeup. It's great that you called her beautiful but it's sickening that you tries to guilt her by saying she was undermining God which she is not!

    10. Love it! At anonymous 10:36am

    11. I think the point is that make-up isn't a right or wrong issue in most cases (not saying it can't be overused/abused). It's every woman's choice. Just like those who don't wear it wouldn't like to be told they SHOULD wear it, so those who do wear it don't like to be told they SHOULDN'T wear it. It's a personal decision.

    12. Wowzers!! I am happy for you that your husband wanted a plain, sturdy, practical girl. But, please don't assume that for all of us. Some husbands actually prefer their wives to take some time and effort with hair and make-up, and most of us are also hard working, have common sense and personality. You didn't say if you had a good personality---just personality. I have also gone as far as having plastic surgery to be attractive to my husband per his request after our 4th child. He wanted the original version of his wife back! I wasn't offended but oh my the Church Ladies were about to tar and feather him for wanting me to do that. Yupparoo the very same women who pride themselves on being submissive to all their husbands needs and requests as they consider them the head of the house. The very same women that preach being available 24/7. Apparently the only thing that ruffles the feathers of those cluckity clucks is a husband (a lovely Christian man by the way) who wants his wife to maintain her physical appearance up to and including plastic surgery. Well it has been many years since that procedure. I still wear make-up, color my hair, do my nails, exercise vigorously and keep my appearance because it makes my husband proud. We both love the Lord and our children love and serve the Lord. We know what is truly important in this life and eternity. But...there is no sin in looking your best on this side of Heaven!

    13. Men care. They are just to afraid of long lectures by women like you to say so.

    14. If men don't notice then why are you and so many on here so worried about a woman being modest? If men don't notice then why is the adult industry so invasive? You do notice. They notice when a woman takes healthy pride in her appearance. It shows she cares enough to want to present her best self. Men notice confidence, and any man secure enough in himself loves a confident woman. By the way women notice too. They notice when a man is clean and shaved. They notice his clothing and if it's neat. It's human nature. Read Song of Soloman. It's a whole book on beauty and enticing love. So you could surmise that if God put a whole book in the Bible about "noticing" each other then it's just plain human nature.

  6. Erin is a lovely person! Merci de partager ces vidΓ©os!

  7. You go girl!! Wear as much make-up as makes your hear merry! That's just you being youπŸ˜€πŸ˜€

  8. Erin, you are beautiful! Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to make this tutorial! May God continue to richly bless you and your little family.

  9. Wouldn't just wearing one powder be enough..

  10. Erin looks better without too much color. Personally, she looks great without makeup at all, and with just basic foundation and blush. Her eyes are beautiful and don't need help. Nevertheless, she definitely has the talent on how to apply make-up products properly. Sometimes I look at the products on the shelf and wonder how to use them, let alone consider how much the total cost is.

  11. Erin looks like Katie or Josie I couldn't really resemble that much but she look much like one of them!!!!(Just one tip of advice please don't use so much make-up I mean you look absolutely beautiful with or without make-up but it does look like you have way too much make-up)

  12. You're a beautiful person inside and out! Thanks for the makeup tips. Blessings to you sweetheart.

  13. Wow, Erin looks so much like Katie without any makeup on. What beautiful girls!

  14. Erin looks pretty without make-up. She should go without make-up some days. Be more natural.

    1. She probably does off camera.

    2. Maybe she does. How would we know what she does everyday? And if she doesn't, that's fine too.

  15. Hope she is using cruelty-free make-up. You can buy inexpensive cruelty-free products now-a-days, you just have to check. The Beagle Freedom Project has a list and phone app to use.

  16. Erin you are beautiful even without makeup. Almost didn't recognize you with your hair straight down. God Bless

    1. Her hail like this is absolutely gorgeous. I've really only ever seen it curled with her ringlet style. She should start wearing it like this! It's beautiful. Heck, I would love a tutorial on how to make mine look that good straight!

  17. Are there any hair tutorials??

  18. Guys- relax. It's just makeup. She is still the same Erin,with or without makeup. it's also incredibly judgmental to comment the way the majority of you have been. God looks at the heart, after all.

  19. Thanks Erin for doing this tutorialπŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ I was FINALLY GLAD TO HAVE MET YOU at Carlin's grad partyπŸ˜„πŸ˜‰ you are really nice and i love the way you dress. Though I was wondering if you and your other sisters could do a tutorial on how you find cute modest feminine clothes... It's really hard but I try to scrap clothing together...

  20. Erin is gorgeous, with or without makeup. And if we looked the same without makeup there would be no reason to wear it! She is absolutely beautiful.

  21. Thank you Erin. You are so sweet and very beautiful.

  22. So sweet of her to share!

  23. All the Bates ladies and young ladies are beautiful, inside and out. Erin's make up is tasteful and doesn't take away from her inward beauty either. It is actually very natural looking. She did the make up tutorial as a request for fans. If you did not show interest in the tutorial or see the need for a make up tutorial, you shouldn't have viewed it or had an opinion. I am proud of the Bates girls. They have found a way to be in the world but not of the world.

  24. Wonder if that make-up is cruelty-free? She should check. The Beagle Freedom Project has a free phone app that she could use to scan the bar code to easily find out.

  25. I don't know much about makeup so I have a question: can you really apply liquid makeup with a brush? Wouldn't you need a sponge?

    1. You can use both brushes and a sponge, and also your hands, but to each their own: you can choose your favourite method.

    2. You can use a couple of different types of brushes. Some you would swirl the makeup on, others you would stipple. I prefer a beauty blender over a brush which is a large sponge but if I didn't have a beauty blender I would use a brush over my fingers or those little sponge things you buy at the drugstore. A brush or a beauty blender will give you more even coverage with less product. It saves money which is my biggest thing because I have to buy higher end makeup and I like being able to stretch it out for as long as possible.

    3. I wear liquid foundation, and although I used to apply it with my fingertips, I now use a brush. It works really well for me, and gives me a smoother finish tnan my fingers.

    4. Anyway the most important thing is that whatever touches your skin (hands, brushes, sponges) is clean! :)

  26. Definitely not too much make-up. Erin is beautiful with and without make-up.

  27. It is so kind of Erin to do these tutorials! I love her ideas and refer back to her previous tutorials often. She is such a great teacher, she makes it easy to understand. I've always admired the even tone of her skin and thought it looked so natural - now I have the chance to recreate it!

    As for suggestions for new tutorials, I'd love to see how she does some of her hairstyles (twists, buns, etc) as they always look so pretty and feminine.

    To those who take exception to the makeup she wears: she's a beautiful girl whether she's wearing makeup or not. The makeup accentuates her best features and gives her the look she likes. She is wearing slightly more noticeable eyeshadow in this instance, but generally her makeup looks very natural, and either way is completely tasteful. Please take the negativity elsewhere.

    1. Your comment was tasteful and respectful; thank you

  28. Thanks for the tutorial. She did great!

  29. Wish I looked that good without makeup!

  30. Love Erin's makeup look. Absolutely gorgeous. Doesn't look caked on or over-the-top like so many girls' do today. Definitely enhances her natural beauty.

  31. Beautiful! I would love for you to be one of my Acti-Labs girls!

  32. Beautiful with or without. I think too much concealer around the eyes. Looks too light.

  33. What color of concealer do you buy? Would love to see any favorite recipes! Thank you!

  34. Thanks so much, Erin, for sharing your techniques! I'd love it if you could do an eyebrow tutorial if you can find time! I so love your show and your family! So refreshing!!!

  35. I think Erin as beautiful either way, especially good for being six months pregnant :) (don't get me wrong I think pregnant women are beautiful it was meant as a compliment)

  36. You are so beautiful & classy. Love your tutorials! You wear your makeup very well. Thank you so very much for sharing! Keep them coming - these are fun! :)

  37. She looks better with no curly hair ( if I may say )

  38. You are so beautiful and I watch y'all all the time . Your nails look awesome do you use jamberry products? If you don't I could send samples .or my website so you can see what jamberry is all about I love the products they have gel enamels and nail wraps . They last along time don't flake or chip off and make your nails strong . And if you would like something you could do from home and make some extra money or you just love the products and have fun with it . It's a wonderful business to be in . Just message me back and I could give you information on it . Once again thanks for your time God bless you and your precious family

  39. Lovely just a doll.nothing is wrong with looking your best.thanks Erin for posting these and the best of luck with your family and daughter who is arriving this summer.

  40. Erin is truly a beautiful woman - I wear makeup and would never judge anyone if they did or did not.
    As long as she is not vane. It is what is on the inside of people - and I think ALL the Bates children are lovely to their core.
    Just want to add - Erin does not "need" a speck of makeup & the straight hair is very attractive.

    Josie is stunning and would be a perfect model with that figure.

  41. All of the he ladies in the Bates family are lovely. I applaud Erin for doing these tutorials. She is a natural teacher. I think her makeup is darling. Nothing wrong with feeling pretty Im sure God wants us to put our best version of ourselves out into the world. Don't all of you?

  42. I like Erin. She seems like good people!


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