
Monday, May 16, 2016

Erin: 'That's the worst thing ever!'

Well it's a good thing Chad Paine is Mr. Fix It. Watch the following video, and you'll see why we say that.

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While visiting Erin and Chad Paine, Lawson Bates decides to try out his brother-in-law's new pull-up bar. After he does about 15 pull-ups, Erin challenges him to do a flip.

Lawson accepts the challenge and successfully completes a flip.

But the moment his feet hit the ground, he falls back and smacks against the wall...

...Leaving a Lawson-sized hole in the sheetrock.

Erin erupts into shrieks of laughter: "Chad! Oh my goodness! That's the worst thing ever!"

Josie joins in, but Chad keeps his cool and calmly grabs a broom to clean up the mess. How hilarious is that? Even Carson looks surprised!

Video/photos courtesy


  1. Oh My Goodness! Yes, I know Chad can fix this. Poor Lawson. You know.. I am glad that your Father did not do this. Once you get to our age, well you understand. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Ohmygosh! My brother did the same thing!

  3. Carson's expression is priceless!

  4. What kind of wall is it, that it breaks so easily? I guess it's a good thing or Lawson would have hurt himself, but I find it strange that it's so non resistent..

    1. Well if its his full body weight and maybe at a speed it could certainly do that. There's been many wall patch ups we've had to do in my family it doesn't come as much of a surprise.

  5. LOL!! So glad Lawson and the Bates have a sense of humor. I watched the episode where Lawson was helping his Dad lose weight and took his sweet tea away, and made him keep running. A little humbling perhaps was thrown Lawsons's way---anyway it was funny!

  6. Is Tori courting?!

    1. No Tori is not courting. I asked her at Carlin and Trace graduation party.

      She tired of people asking.

    2. Someone should notify Wikipedia then, because they have Tori listed as courting and name the young man. You would think Wikipedia would check with the source before doing something like that.

    3. Wikipedia can be edited by anyone online. It's not like people tell the truth all the time.

    4. Wikipedia is edited by the public. You could go in and edit that if you wanted.

  7. that is hilarious

  8. LOL. I throught it was funny. I hope Chad can fix the hole.
    Lawson's face is priceless.
    Good think Lawson wasn't hurt.

    1. It should have said Good thing Lawson wasn't hurt. Sorry about my cat walked on my tablet when I was typing. LOL

  9. Lawson and Chad should perform a rap where they take turns rapping and beatboxing.


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