
Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Michael and Alyssa on Marriage Advice

"One of the things that my parents encouraged us to do was read aloud together, and that's probably one of my favorite things that we still do."

-Michaella Keilen

In the video below, Michaella Keilen and Alyssa Webster share the best marriage advice they have received. Not so surprisingly, all the tips they mention are from their beloved parents, Gil and Kelly Bates.

Photo courtesy of courtesy of UP


  1. It's hard to take their advice seriously, they've only been married a short time. I'd take advice from someone who'd been married for 25+ years not from newlyweds.

    1. They are recounting about the advice they received...
      Also, even as newlyweds thy might have experience that those who are about to marry might find useful. Alyssa has been married two years, after all: yeah, not 25, but still a decent amount of time to have faced some difficulties, as she says.

    2. Newlyweds still have some knowledge. You can never learn too much.

    3. Yes, but newlyweds have a unique insight with everything being fresh and new. They can still be an encouragement to those who've been married awhile by bringing marriage advice which may have fallen by the wayside during the years. Besides God can use anyone to be an encouragement especially when it comes to marriage.

    4. Ok, I will take you up on that. I have been married longer than 25 years. The best advice came to me from my great-aunt, when she explained why she never married. "I was so busy looking for the perfect man, that when I thought he had finally come along, turns out he was looking for the perfect woman." In a nutshell, two people bring all their good and not so wonderful qualities to a relationship. Along with love, be prepared to do a lot of compromising, and above all...don't keep score.

    5. I believe they are telling what the best advise they got from other people was, as opposed to giving advise.

    6. well gil and kelly jo have been married for 28 years and Michael said she got the advice from them.

  2. I agree...Gil and Kelly should be giving advice...not newly weds when everything is still grand!

  3. Understand your thoughts here but I think the idea of the post was What Advice the girls were given (not giving), have appreciated and are trying to execute within their marriage--no matter how short or long.

  4. They are speaking of advice given to them that they've applied to their own marriages from older wiser couples...Their parents for example have been married for over 25 yrs. Sound advice.

  5. Love the sisters relationship! So sweet.

  6. Didn't read or watch anything besides the headline, did you?

    1. I did read the heading, and listened to the video. They were clearly giving marriage advice, which with all due respect is silly. They have neither the time nor experience to give advice on anything.

    2. The advice given was mostly from Michaels parents who have been married 28+ years. But I understand where you're coming from.

  7. Wow people are being so rude on this blog. I bet most of them are christians. It's a good thing Michael and Alyssa don't listen to anything that doesn't come from a godly heart.

    1. How are they to say who's heart is godly? Are we as Christian's allowed to make that assumption?

  8. Ok so just my 2 cent, share as much advice as they like, but we can tell by body language , Brandon seems like he would have been happier becoming a priest or a monk, michael seems a bit depressed for whatever reasons who knows alyssa seems happy that she got outta dodge when she was young enough and john just seems like he's riding the waves and keeping his Jackie O happy until he becomes the president. let's keep it real.

    1. you know I did notice some different body language between the couples but I think that's because they are DIFFERENT. everyone has a different style of showing affection and love and remember everyone is gonna slightly adjust themselves when in front if the cameras or act a bit aloof sometimes especially if you aren't comfortable with it. I think each couple loves each other and are committed and that's more than alot of us can say about us and our spouses , even their good friends the duggars! just look at the mess of anna and josh , & jessa and ben. I feel so sorry for Ben for some reason. but that's just my perspective , behind closed doors who really knows . but no one is perfect and if they seem less than perfect in their marraige, that's ok too. but I do agree that the Websters are priming john and alyssa for future political domination, she would read well with the conservatives without being too right winged. they both will.

    2. Anon 1:53...Hilarious!


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