
Thursday, May 12, 2016

New Photos: Allie & Carson

Gil and Kelly Bates are fixin' to welcome two new granddaughters this summer! Zach and Whitney Bates are expecting Kaci Lynn Bates on June 25th, and Erin and Chad Paine are looking forward to the arrival of Brooklyn Elise Paine, who will most likely be delivered before her August 30th due date. 

Erin Paine and Alyssa Webster recently took some adorable photos of their babies that we just had to share!

Allie Jane Webster turned one year old last month...

Allie Jane Webster

And Carson Paine will celebrate his first birthday in two days...

 Carson Paine

Carson Paine

Photos courtesy Alyssa and John Webster, Erin and Chad Paine


  1. Love, love, love Allie Jane's little over-all's!! And..Carson..just precious. Totally Blessed😊

  2. Wow her hair is long!

  3. Aww! So adorable! But Allie is wearing pants!

    1. So what? She looks adorable in them! Alyssa has been wearing pants too. You can still be a good Christian and wear pants.

    2. Technically, overall's don't count as pants. Overall's are a one-piece clothing. When you where pants, you also wear a shirt; and I'm pretty sure that the Bates make sure their kids wear shirts that are rather long so that they don't show too much skin when they're playing.

    3. There's nothing at all wrong with pants! Why are we only true and holy Christians if we wear skirts? I can wear pants and jeans and be perfectly modest and a Christian. A true Christian radiates their faith from within and through their actions; through their charity, virtue, humility, what they speak, and zeal. Not by walking around in a skirt. Sometimes that only attracts attention and gives off the idea that we have a self-righteous pride in our faith. I love skirts, and I love pants. They both have a place, but let's not restrict ourselves and our faith to what we wear.

    4. Not sure why you put the "but Allie is wearing pants"? Surely you are not criticizing? I can't imagine being critical of a baby toddling around in some over-all's. Alyssa is the vision of classy no matter what she wears--she is passing that onto Allie-Jane as well.

    5. Oh wow--now being corrected that over-all's are not technically pants. Well, they are pants so move on. And let's be honest the only children who would be chastised for showing skin are girls. No child should be worried about showing skin while playing or doing anything else. I don't care if they are doing cartwheels in a dress --anyone who sees a child's "skin" as anything remotely sexual--needs serious help. Anyone who teaches their daughters they are responsible for those thoughts for showing their skin needs serious help also.

    6. LOL!! Over-all's don't count as pants! Pretty sure a shirt is needed underneath, two-legged, one-piece clothing garment.

    7. There is no Bible verse that says woman shall wear pants. Move on.

    8. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7

    9. Yes, Annoymous 9:32. I think that is why so many of us find the whole pant/no pants or kissing/no kissing before marriage etc. so completely ridiculous. A pair of blue jeans or a kiss before marriage is not in anyway sinful. It is not unScriptural. They are man-made rules and obligations to make those who adhere to them feel more holy. It's a "look at me--I'm so righteous" syndrome. I'm not saying they don't love the Lord, but putting extra rules into practice doesn't make them better Christians.

    10. Anonymous at 12.42: the Bible doesn't say men should wear pants either. I don't think God bothers about what we wear. He's probably more interested in what we think or do...

    11. Whoops I meant to put the bible doesn't have a verse that says woman shall NOT wear pants. I'm team pants personally.

  4. wow! Allie is lookin to be tall like her Daddy!

    and Carson is his daddy all over again! so cute!

    1. Yeah, I wonder if Alyssa and John's kids will be all different heights with such a tall dad and short mom!

  5. So cute! Allie is getting so big! I can see both Erin and Chad in Carson!

  6. Alyssa wears pants. That's old news.

  7. carson shares my birthday!!! how cute and allie jane is absolutely adorable. alyssa is gorgeous and allue probably will be too.

  8. Both babies are so adorable!! They are just growing up to fast. Love the pictures.

  9. Beautiful kids. I wish people wouldn't judge. Wearing skirts all the time does not mean they are being self righteous. They feel this is pleasing to the Lord and that's why they do it. Alyssa has different views and that's ok too. I wear pants and skirts, but if I felt the Lord wanted me to wear skirts and dresses all the time that's what I will do. It doesn't make me self righteous or judgemental. People have to follow their own convictions and stop judging.

  10. They are lovely children. I just can not understand why these families (Bates, Duggars and their extended children) keep putting their children on social media. Why would a parent continually open that door of criticism and/or anything unsafe? The amount of money they make has surely warped their sense of priority.

    1. How is it unsafe to take a picture of your baby?

    2. There's been cases of public figures or celebrities children being stalked by the paparazzi if they recognize them as well as kidnapping attempts or plans of celebrities kids or public figures. I think they're saying they don't know how they can put their kids out there with those risks. Anything in life has risk though especially when it comes to bringing up children.

  11. Thank you for sharing the wonderful photos. These moments go by so quick. Seems just like yesterday that my son was that age. He is now a teenager. Enjoy your children and share what brings you joy and happiness. In my opinion it is not the clothing or what one looks like that matters. It is the love and the connection that is created. Kindness and what is in one's heart is what often is said when post are written that offer opinions. However, when we can look beyond these things and realize that causes and conditions are are the reasons for some of the responses above then we can show compassion.

  12. You must seriously not have much contact with social media if you are asking that. Taking a picture of your child of course is not dangerous. Posting pictures of your children all over social media can be very dangerous. Any pedophile or child pornographer can see these images. By posting your children's pictures so publicly and so frequently you are inviting a world into your personal life that just might not be in your child's safest interest.

    1. No its not unsafe. Yes I know about social media. You can easily keep your child safe from pedophiles even with pictures of them in the internet.


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