
Thursday, May 5, 2016

Trace Bates' College Plans

We just posted a video of Carlin Bates explaining what the future has in store for her, now that she has graduated from high school. (Click here to view.) Watch this video to find out how Trace Bates plans to spend his early adult years:

Trace Bates' Post-Graduation Plans

Photo courtesy of Taryn Yager Photography; Video courtesy of UP


  1. I think it would be awesome to see him work at the Dixie Stampede.

    1. A wild child should seek their parents advise. Kelly know each of her children Well, I am sure she will guide Trace,and I hope he will listen. I regret not seeking adults advise when I was young, maybe my life would have turned out differently. My advise to Trace, don't put off college. You will regret it. The years will fly by and you will wish you had spent the money on an education before you are married and the kids come and the bills pile up. Trust me.Go to college.Seek your parents advise. They won't steer you wrong !

  2. how come trace is 19 and carlin is 17 yet they are graduating together

    1. Carlin is 18. Trace graduated in December.

    2. She is 18, they're just 14 months apart. From their videos about college you can clearly see that she loves studying more than him, put together that with the fact that he was also working... No wonder he got a year behind. He's still young anyway, I don't see a problem in finishing high school at 19.

    3. Carlin probably worked ahead.

    4. A lot of homeschoolers pair kids together. It gives more impetus to finish for those that are competitive. My brother and I did the same thing for a long time.

    5. A lot of homeschoolers pair kids together. It gives more impetus to finish for those that are competitive. My brother and I did the same thing for a long time.

    6. Carlin turned 18 in April. Trace was 18 when he finished high school in December.

    7. Why is it a catch phrase " I'm praying about it" when they don't want to do something. Does that just make them feel more spiritual? He clearly doesn't want to go to college. Just be honest--

  3. They are barely a year apart. It would be easy to get them on the same grade.

  4. It's a shame they only accept Crown College in their family, because there are colleges and universities that offer degrees related to horses...equine studies is the term (I think).

    1. I agree. They are so afraid of " the world" they miss out on great opportunities. Moses was instructed in Egypt. He turned out pretty well.

    2. I think putting God first in all things is a priority for Christians. And so it is only fitting that the Bates prefer Crown College. Does not the Bible speak of yolking with unbelievers ? Don't be too crucial of their stand. It takes more courage and inner strength to be be obedient to the Word of God than doing what others are doing. I have a lot of respect for the Bates Standards. No college is finer than Crown College.

    3. This family is not afraid of the world. They are very strong in their faith with strong character traits. Look at Lawson in the music field. Do you really think he hasn't seen the world ? Look at Erin. Do you think she hasn't seen the world as it is ? And what about Nathan who has been in other countries in the missionary field. He is a very outspoken guy. And how about Zach who is pursuing the police field? We aren't talking about the Duggars. And look at the two married girls who live in different states. Come on. You have this family stereo typed! They are not shy backward kids now.

    4. I think they have chosen Crown College to prepare them more for the world as they prepare for the future. Wise decision ! They will be more solid in their Fiath! Way to go !!

    5. My daughter went to a college that wasn't faith based. What a mistake !

    6. This family is genuine. When they say they are praying about something, I believe they are ! With such Godly parents I believe they were taught and trained to take all things to God. Have you forgotten that their father is a Pator?

  5. As a graduate that isn't going to collage and does not have it figured out, it's encouraging to see someone else who's not completely sure what to do next. I feel like a lot of graduates expected and pushed to go to collage when that is not the way to go for them (now if the person has a goal that requires collage, then that is a must.). In the end they waste time, get into debt, and sadly some still don't know what their passion is. I commend Trace and encourage him to keep seeking God and do what ever task given well.

  6. I do hope Trace attends college. It would be a wise thing to do. He should take some business source. I see him owning his own business one day. I picture Carlin doing hair dressing or interior decorating or jewelry designer. She has style and class.


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