
Thursday, June 30, 2016

Recap: "Tough Decisions & Large Ambitions

Bringing Up Bates "Tough Decisions & Large Ambitions"

  • Chad, Erin, and Carson join Zach, Whitney, and Bradley for dinner. They enjoy talking about their little boys and their soon-to-arrive baby girls. Bradley loves giving cousin Carson hugs and kisses.
  • Back at the Bates house, a somber Nathan knocks on his parents’ bedroom door for some “large talk.”
  • “Ashley, she’s one of the best girls that I’ve ever met,” says Nathan. “Neither one of us have anything about the other one that we look at and don’t like, but we’ve come to the decision that we’re going to separate.” He and Ashley will still be friends and talk as much as they can, but they will no longer be a couple.
  • Gil asks if their relationship is “on hold.” Nathan clarifies: He and Ashley broke up, but the decision was mutual and was on good terms.
  • “Our main goal has been to try to pray about it and find out what God’s will is for us,” says Nathan.
  • Nathan tears up as his parents give him a big hug. “It’s life,” he says, smiling through the tears.
  • In Nashville, Tennessee, Lawson meets with an agent name Charles Dorris to discuss his budding music career and the tour he is planning for fall.
  • “I think the future for Lawson is pretty bright,” says Charles. “Though there’s a lot of steps between where he is now and major stardom as a music artist, I think he’s on the right path.”
  • The Bates heat their home with a wood stove, and their water comes from a spring. Since Gil is in the tree business, firewood is free. Three weeks after his surgery, he joins the boys outside to split some wood. “Hey, Dad, the ‘70s is calling; they lookin’ for their glasses,” jokes Jackson when he sees his father’s old school protective glasses.
  • In the midst of the chaos of nearly a dozen guys chopping firewood, Gil accidentally runs over the front tire of Judson’s new bike with his truck. “Judson was probably as crushed as his bike was,” says Lawson. Thankfully, Gil is able to fix it.  

Tonight: Tough Decisions, Large Ambitions

"I think the wood stove is my dad's favorite thing because he doesn't have to run heat all winter."
-Tori Bates

And when you chop down trees for a living, firewood is free! What could be better than free heat all winter long? Tune in to UP tonight at 9pm ET/8pm CT for an all-new episode of Bringing Up Bates (summary and sneak peek below).

Thursday, June 30
8pm Et/7pm CT: A LOVEly Day
8:30pm ET/7:30pm CT: Sunshine State Bates
9pm ET/8pm CT: Tough Decisions and Large Ambitions (NEW)
Change is afoot for all the Bates boys. Lawson travels to Nashville and makes exciting new plans for his music career, but when he shares his plans with the family, they worry he may have bitten off more than he can chew. Meanwhile, expectant couples, Zach and Whitney and Erin and Chad bond over their upcoming baby girls. And Nathan shares some unexpected news about his courtship.

Photo/video courtesy of UP

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Family Resemblance?

A few days ago, we posted snapshots of siblings Bradley Bates and Kaci Bates and asked if you saw any resemblance. One of our readers requested that we share photos of parents Zach and Whitney Bates as young children, and we were able to find some. Do you think the kids look more like Mom or Dad?

Zach and Whitney Bates as children

Bradley Bates and Kaci Bates

Photos courtesy Zach and Whitney Bates

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Tori and Bobby

Have you had a chance to "meet" Tori Bates' boyfriend, Bobby Smith? With two younger sisters, he comes from a small family, which explains why Tori was a bit nervous about introducing him to her super-sized family. Bobby currently attends college in Florida.

How cute is this photo of the new couple? They joined Gil and Kelly Bates for a double date at Rickard Ridge BBQ, located inside Cove Lake State Park in Caryville, Tennessee.

Tori Bates and her boyfriend, Bobby Smith

Photo courtesy of

Monday, June 27, 2016

'Unexpected' Courtship News

Happy Monday! Hope you all had a relaxing weekend. For those wondering about the status of Nathan Bates' courtship with Ashley Salyer, Thursday's new episode of Bringing Up Bates will include an update.

Check out this promo video below, and then let us know what you think the "unexpected news" will be via the comment section. 

Photo/video courtesy of UP

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Sibling Resemblance?

Siblings Bradley Bates and Kaci Bates are 20 months apart--Bradley was born October 29th, 2014, while Kaci arrived June 20th, 2016. Do you see any resemblance between these two? Which of their features look more like Zach, and which look more like Whitney?

Photos courtesy Zach and Whitney Bates

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Recap: Sunshine State Bates

Bringing Up Bates "Sunshine State Bates"
  • Kelly and Erin stop by Zach and Whitney’s house to see their latest renovations. Whitney explains that the next project is to turn the nursery into a bedroom that can accommodate both Bradley and Kaci. Kelly and Erin share their ideas.
  • Down in Florida, Alyssa and John give viewers an update on their lives. They start by sharing that they are not pregnant. “Since Whitney announced that she was having Kaci, everybody has been asking me, ‘Are you pregnant yet? When are you going to be pregnant? When are you going to tell us?’” says Alyssa.
  • The mom of one says she is content with where she is at now. “No rush, no rush, at all no rush,” she states, laughing.
  • According to Alyssa, she and John are spoiled to have such an easy baby. Allie began sleeping through the night at one week old, and on the rare occasion that she wakes up, she always takes a bottle and goes right back to sleep. 
  • How many kids do the Bates think John and Alyssa will have?
    • Chad: 6-8
    • Jackson: 2-4
    • Callie: 3-4
    • Isaiah and Addallee: 10
    • Gil and Kelly: 8-11
  • John works 8-5, Monday thru Friday, in his family’s heating and air conditioning company. To supplement their income, John and Alyssa have a cleaning business that the operate in the evenings. They currently clean an ice cream shop and a dance studio, while Allie watches from her playpen. Coming from a large family, Alyssa says she is used to spending a lot of time cleaning.
  • Every week, John, Alyssa, and Allie spend an evening with John’s family. The men play softball or basketball in an organize league while the ladies chat and cheer them on. John’s siblings present at this week’s softball game are Jordan, Brent, David, and Tori. His parents, Congressman Daniel Webster and Sandy, also attend. Olivia is Jordan’s wife, and Regina is Brent’s wife.
  • “Our family is always getting together around music or food mostly,” says Lawson. “And the Webster family, I think sports really brings them together.”
  • The Bates also enjoy sports, but the kids say there is a big difference. “The Websters play organized sports,” states Zach. “In our family, we don’t do anything organized.” 
  • “We play chaos sports,” adds Kelly. Gil shares an example: tackle basketball.
  • Back in Tennessee, Lawson heads over to the children’s hospital to surprise his friend AJ at his end-of-treatment party. AJ is a young cancer patient who has been through 41 chemo treatments and is not yet in remission.
  • Lawson brings his guitar and sings “Amazing Grace” with AJ, who is always thrilled to spend time with his buddy Lawson.
  • Later, Gil and the boys finally finish the tree house fort. Gabe, a family-friend who builds buildings for a living, lends a hand. The girls put on old clothes and paint the metal roof pieces, while the guys give them a hard time for allowing the wind to blow leaves onto the paint. Carlin's response? "Well hello obvious!" The gals say they can see the leaves sticking to the paint but that they can't help it because they can't control the wind.
  • Kelly jokes that the boys are so proud of their work that they might decide to move into the finished fort. “After seeing their room, we might let them,” says Gil, chuckling.

New Episode Tonight!

It's Thursday, and you know what that means. An all-new episode of Bringing Up Bates airs tonight on UP!

If you watch the preview below, you'll hear Carlin make a sarcastic remark while she and the rest of the Bates gals are helping the boys finish the tree house fort. What do you think she is referring to? Post your guesses below, and then read our recap this evening for the answer.

9pm ET/8pm CT: Sunshine State Bates
While Alyssa, John, and Allie Webster may live far from the rest of the family, they're never far from the Bates' hearts. We check in with the Websters in Florida to see what life is like for the family of three - from their family business to their favorite pastimes. Meanwhile, expectant moms Erin Paine and Whitney Bates get together with Kelly Bates to talk about all things baby girl. Later, Lawson Bates visits his friend AJ at the children's hospital, and the entire Bates family lends a hand to finish the tree house fort. 

Photo/video courtesy of UP

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

More Photos of Kaci Bates

Zach Bates, Whitney Bates, and Kaci Lynn Bates

In the super-sized Bates family, there is always an exciting milestone to be celebrated.

Zach and Whitney Bates welcomed daughter Kaci Lynn Bates on Monday at 10:32pm. Their little bundle of joy weighed 7 lbs 8 oz and measured 21.5 inches long. (Click here for more information and two photos that include Bradley Bates.)

A few weeks ago, we had you guess Kaci's arrival date and weight. Here are the winners...

K. Cochran: June 19th, 7 lbs 8 oz
Ester: June 20th, 7 lbs
Crystal: June 20th, 7 lbs 1 oz
Ericka and Verna: June 23rd, 7 lbs 8 oz

 Kaci Bates

 Proud Aunt Erin Paine and Uncle Chad Paine with Kaci Bates

Photos courtesy Taryn Yager Photography, Zach & Whitney Bates, Chad & Erin Paine

John and Alyssa's Career

On tomorrow's new episode of Bringing Up Bates, "Sunshine State Bates," John and Alyssa Webster share a sneak peek into their busy lives. John works Monday through Friday in the heating and air conditioning industry, and in the evenings, he and Alyssa run a cleaning service (video preview below).

Photo/video courtesy of UP

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Kaci Lynn Bates is Here!

She's here! Zach and Whitney Bates welcomed daughter Kaci Lynn Bates last night, June 20th, at 10:32pm. Kaci, who arrived five days ahead of her June 25th due date, weighed in at 7 lbs. 8 oz. and was 21.5 inches long. Congratulations to the "little Bates family."

The proud parents shared this message via UP:

We were overcome with emotions that just cannot be described when we saw our little Kaci Lynn and held her in our arms for the first time....We thank the many who have prayed for us and have sent sweet messages throughout this pregnancy. We also thank the Lord for His protection and His gift of our two precious children.

Photos courtesy of Taryn Yager Photography

Monday, June 20, 2016

Erin and Carson...So Cute!

How adorable is this photo of Erin Paine and Carson Paine? Just two more months until Erin's August 30th due date, although she plans to be induced early due to the health issues she has experienced.

Photo courtesy of Erin and Chad Paine

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Bates Couples Compete

On Thursday's episode of Bringing Up Bates, the entire Bates family--including Tori's boyfriend, Bobby, and Nathan's girlfriend, Ashley--gathered in East Tennessee to celebrate I Love You Day. To see how well they knew each other, the couples each played a game similar to Taboo (video below).

Photo/video courtesy of UP

Friday, June 17, 2016

Recap: "A LOVEly Day"

Bringing Up Bates "A LOVEly Day"...
  • "As the family grows, its harder and harder to get everyone together, but the whole family will be coming home to celebrate “I Love You Day," and we’re excited about seeing everyone and being together” says Gil.
  • It’s Ashley’s first visit to the Bates home since she and Nathan started courting. Gil and Kelly take the couple out to eat. Nathan and Ashley take the opportunity to speak to Gil and Kelly about concerns with their relationship. “Over time it is clear that there are some opposites in personality, and I think at first we kind of overlooked it, and although I am confident in Nathan and I love him, these differences have concerned both of us I think” says Ashley, “We want to act appropriately, and we don’t want to just make a decision based on our emotions because it’s for life.”
  • Kelly and Gil encourage the couple and let them know that communication is key. “The courtship goal is to keep the physical and other parts on a check so you can really get to the deeper issues that relationships are really built on”, states Gil.
  • Tori has her eye on Bobby, a fellow who attends college in Florida. He is joining the Bates for Valentine’s Day. “I kind of felt sorry for Bobby, coming into this blindly, especially since he has two sisters and there’s like 20 of us," says Tori.
  • Alyssa, John, and baby Allie arrive from Florida, and Michaella and Brandon are in from Chicago. “I like being here and being married," states Michaella. "It’s better than being here and being single." Grandma and Grandpa Bates join the group, as well.
  • This year for Valentine’s Day the guys are cooking for the gals. “This is Sunday dress, so everybody put on your best," announces Kelly. "We’re going to have a lots of games; it’s going to be fun.  Oh It’s going to be sweet."
  • The kids draw names and exchange gifts with their siblings to help them connect which each other.
  • Erin and Chad come up with a unique way to let their family in on a secret.  They add a new name to Kelly’s handmade grandbaby quilt...Brooklyn. They are expecting a girl!
  • After a delicious Valentine’s dinner served by the males, the ladies of the family are serenaded with original Valentine’s songs.
  • “This, I Love You Day has topped every I Love You Day in the past," declares Nathan. "I can’t wait ‘til next year."

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Bates Boys Sing Love Songs

Tonight's all-new episode of Bringing Up Bates is sure to be memorable. You all have been eagerly waiting for the unmarried Bates kids to share relationship updates, and it's finally time to hear some! Tune in to UP tonight at 9pm ET/8pm CT. Scroll down to read the episode summary and watch a sneak peek video. (Click here for another video.)

Bringing Up Bates "A LOVEly Day"
The whole family arrives at the Bates house to celebrate their favorite holiday, ‘I Love You Day,' and there’s someone new at the table – Tori’s beau, Bobby Smith. Bobby, who lives in Florida, only has two sisters, so Tori is a little apprehensive about introducing him to the "Bates mafia."

The Bates are thrilled to see Michaella and Alyssa return home, as well as Nathan’s girlfriend, Ashley, who arrives for the celebration to have a very important conversation with Gil and Kelly Jo. Later, someone in the family makes a very special announcement.

Photo/video courtesy of UP

Monday, June 13, 2016

"Big Boy" Toys

What happens when the Bates boys gather at Zach and Whitney's house for Trace and Jeb's joint birthday party? As usual, there is plenty of friendly competition in the air. One-year-old Bradley doesn't quite understand why a bunch of grown men are so enthralled by his toy car set (video below).

Initially, Trace Bates had planned to celebrate his 19th birthday with the older boys, but when soon-to-be-four-year-old Jeb Bates heard about it, he assumed the party would be for both of them. Selfless Trace couldn't bring himself to exclude Jeb, so they went ahead with the joint party.

Photo/video courtesy of UP

Saturday, June 11, 2016

New Courtship?

You have all been predicting which Bates children are in relationships, and now it's time to see if you're correct. We usually don't post a preview of the upcoming episode this soon, but this one is too good not to share right away. Love is in the air! Check out this video for a sneak peek of Bringing Up Bates "A LOVEly Day."

 Photo/video courtesy of UP

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Recap: "Bates Boys Birthday Bash"

Bringing Up Bates "Bates Boys Birthday Bash"...
  • Jeb and Trace have a special bond. They were born on the same day 15 years apart. “Jeb was
    born on my birthday," says Trace. "I prayed for it, and he came a little bit early, and that
    was awesome."
  • Trace plans a birthday party for himself with the older boys. Jeb assumes that the party is for
    the both of them and starts planning the event. Trace is totally okay with that. “Jeb thinks it’s his party," Trace says. "So it’s going to be his party and mine now. It’s going to be really special and fun for him.”
  • On the day of the party, all the guys go go-kart racing. No girls allowed, per Jeb’s rules. Jeb rides with Gil, but the ride is a little too fast for him, and he states that he is "never going again." But it doesn’t take long, and Jeb is cruising again with his best buddy Trace.
  • The party continues at Zach’s house. Warden makes a delicious pink cake with white icing (also Jeb’s request). Warden is learning the art of cooking from Erin.
  • Erin and Chad attend an all-girls Valentine’s banquet to help an American Heritage girl scout named Micah earn her Stars and Stripes award. Micah begins the banquet by saying, “No girl should be depressed on Valentine's Day. I think we all should be just celebrating God’s love for us and really enjoying fun together. We do not need a guy to be happy, especially when we have a God that loves us more than any human is possibly capable of."
  • Erin is nervous about speaking: “It’s funny, if I was playing the piano, I would be comfortable
    playing in front of 10,000 people, but when you say I am going to say something, I get scared to death. I really do.
  • Erin speaks to the girls about finding contentment in who you are. Find a cause, encourage
    somebody, and you will be the benefactor. 
  • Chad shares with the girls that he was drawn to Erin because of her heart for people.
  • Erin and Chad say they went to the Valentine's banquet for the purpose of encouraging the young girls, but Erin says that she and Chad "were the ones that really left encouraged that evening."

'Bates Boys Birthday Bash' Tonight

Will you be watching tonight's new episode of Bringing Up Bates? It airs at 9pm ET/8 PM CT on UP. Here are a few clips:

Videos courtesy of UP

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Jeb is a HOOT!

On tomorrow's new episode of Bringing Up Bates, Trace and Jeb celebrate their birthday. Watch this video to get to know the youngest member of the Bates family a little better. He's a hoot!

Photo/video courtesy of UP

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

New Episode Thursday

I (Ellie) am struggling with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.  For the next two weeks, the posts on here may be spotty, as I give my wrists a rest. Please bear with me:)

The second episode of season 4 of Bringing Up Bates airs Thursday at 9pm ET/8pm CT. Here is the promo video. I hope to post a recap, but I will just have to see how my wrists are doing.

video courtesy of UP

Monday, June 6, 2016

Draw That Bates...Episode 1

In this clever webisode, the Bates family plays their own version of Pictionary. What do you think of Lawson Bates' wedding cake?

Photo/video courtesy of UP

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Bates Daily Routine, Circa 2011

It's time for a blast from the past. A loyal reader asked us to dig up this throwback video, which features clips from ABC News anchor and correspondent Ryan Owens' visit to the Bates home in January 2011.

Gil and Kelly Bates had only 18 children at that time, and all the kids still lived at home (video below).

Video courtesy of ABC News

Friday, June 3, 2016

Makeshift Snowboards

"Around our house...anything athletic is always a competition, especially between the older boys."
-Josie Bates

It's a winter wonderland! In this scene from the Bringing Up Bates season four premiere, the kids hit the sledding hill, where Lawson and Trace turn their sleds into snowboards. Are you looking forward to a summer filled with Bates family fun? Episode two airs next Thursday on UP.

Photo/video courtesy of UP

Jeb's Sledding Mishap

All the mothers out there will be able to relate to this video. How many times have your young children jumped the gun and done something before they were supposed to and ended up in your arms sobbing?

Jeb Bates made that mistake during a big snowfall earlier this year, but it looks like he learned his lesson (video below).

Photo/video courtesy of UP

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Recap: "Big Family, Big Changes"

Bringing Up Bates Season 4 Premiere, "Big Family, Big Changes"

  • “It makes you real nervous, with everybody growing and moving and shaking,” says Gil,  as he and Kelly discuss the changes that are happening in the Bates family.
  • Gil is preparing for surgery to correct his diverticulitis, a problem with the intestines that causes pockets to form.
  • Before his surgery, Gil helps the boys fix up the swing set fort, but the father of 19 ends up at an urgent care facility when he slides down a 2 by 4 and gets a huge splinter lodged in his arm. 
  • "I knew he was in a lot of pain because Gil doesn't deal with pain really well. He gets a little moody when he's in pain,” says Kelly Bates. 
  • "I’m allergic to two things,” jokes Gil. “Paying and pain, and I’m afraid that that day, I got to do both.” 
  • Lawson heads to Nashville, Tennessee, to work with producer/writer Matt Rovey and singer/songwriter Jason Wyatt. He is planning a small tour for this fall, during which he will perform in a number of cities, predominately in the Southeast. 
  • The Bates kids, who think of their dad as “invincible,” are sad to see him have to endure major surgery. “He’s always been the biggest kid in the family,” says Zach. 
  • While Gil is recovering, Nathan, Gil's right-hand man, along with Lawson and Trace, head out to do a tree job for Bates Tree Service.
  • Gil says he could climb trees until at least age 65, but Kelly doesn’t agree. “He’s in denial,” she says, laughing. 
  • While Gil and Kelly are away at the hospital, Carlin, Tori, and Josie help the little kids make cards for Dad. 
  • Whitney shares an update on her pregnancy, which she says has been "awesome." “I’ve actually been able to go several days without getting sick and not having to take any medicine,” says the expectant mother. “I’m still pretty tired, but other than that, it’s really been good.” 
  • Zach and Whitney stop by the house to announce the name they have chosen for their baby girl: Kaci Lynn Bates. Her first name is in honor of Kelly, as it starts with a “K” and sounds similar. Whitney’s mom’s name is Lynn. 
  • Later, the kids FaceTime with Gil, who is on strong medications while recovering at the hospital. “He sounded like a very sick frog,” says Ellie. 
  • Although he is still in great pain, Gil says that coming home to his family jump-started his recovery. 
  • A short while later, East Tennessee receives a big dump of snow, and the kids head outside to go sledding. Gil, who is still on the road to recovery, has to sit this one out.
  • For those who are wondering, the song playing in the background towards the end of the episode is "Give Me Some Love," written by Jesse Epstein and David Choi. 

    Show Starts Soon!

    Less than seven hours until the season four premiere of Bringing Up Bates! What are your predictions for this season?

    Photo courtesy of UP

    Season Premiere TONIGHT

    "I knew he was in a lot of pain because Gil doesn't deal with pain really well. He gets a little moody when he's in pain." (Kelly Bates)

    On tonight's season premiere episode of Bringing Up Bates, Gil undergoes major surgery, but shortly before his schedule appointment, he visits an urgent care facility to have treatment for a more minor medical emergency (video preview below). Tune in to UP tonight at 9pm ET/8pm CT.

    Photo/video courtesy of UP

    Wednesday, June 1, 2016

    Erin Paine's Eye Shadow Tutorial

    Erin Paine has another makeup tutorial to share! Last week, we watched her demonstrate her foundation routine, and this week, she is going to show us one of her favorite spring/summer eye shadow looks.

    Video courtesy of Erin Bates Paine