
Friday, June 3, 2016

Makeshift Snowboards

"Around our house...anything athletic is always a competition, especially between the older boys."
-Josie Bates

It's a winter wonderland! In this scene from the Bringing Up Bates season four premiere, the kids hit the sledding hill, where Lawson and Trace turn their sleds into snowboards. Are you looking forward to a summer filled with Bates family fun? Episode two airs next Thursday on UP.

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. Please,really? who goes sledding with a skirt on ? Why can't you girls wear pants for some things ?

    1. I do. I do all sports in a long skirt. Stop trying to make them do what they obviously don't believe in doing.

    2. Agreed. The "boys" were dressed appropriately including snow pants. Tell me how girls sledding in leggings and skirts is even ok just due to a snowy activity. Their legs must have been freezing. And...sledding in skirts is not the least bit modest. Time for some common sense to kick in.

    3. Lots of people do. I for one would if my parents would let me!

    4. Why do you care? It's none of your business what they wear for what activities.

    5. If they post things publicly, which is obvious, it becomes public business. So being nasty about it being "none of your business what they wear" is a little condescending. People care because this is another example of the males in this circle being taken care of more appropriately than the females. It is just not wise to be in snowy weather in a skirt and leggings. The males are protected even from the climate while the females are still required to adhere to certain modesty standards even at the expense of the climate and activities involved. That's why people care and make it their business.

    6. To Anonymous June 5,2016 at 8:51AM. They can wear what they want sledding. Sledding is skits is very modest. Were I live I see a lot of people sledding in skirts. And they said it's fun.

    7. Agree with the original commenter. Sledding and especially swimming in knee length skirts is ridiculous and not safe.

  2. For modesty reasons and warmth, it makes more sense to wear pants while sleigh riding, skiing, and engaging in other sports. But to each his own.

  3. Don't you mean next Thursday not next Tuesday?

  4. Do you mean the episode will appear next Thursday?

    1. They just show it on the June 3Rd episode.

  5. Its their parents decision til they marry off really. But why do you even care what shape the garments they chose to wear are?

  6. A person can sled just as well in a skirt with leggings or other layering underneath as they can in pants. I know from experience. :)

  7. My brothers and I used to slide down our driveway standing up in our sleds, and we'd have competitions to see who could go the farthest before crashing. It was a blast, and I had fun proving girls can keep up with the boys. But then I crashed and messed my wrist up for years to come, so it's definitely a bit riskier than normal sledding!

  8. We used to sled down are neighbors hill on garbage bags it was fun.


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