
Monday, June 27, 2016

'Unexpected' Courtship News

Happy Monday! Hope you all had a relaxing weekend. For those wondering about the status of Nathan Bates' courtship with Ashley Salyer, Thursday's new episode of Bringing Up Bates will include an update.

Check out this promo video below, and then let us know what you think the "unexpected news" will be via the comment section. 

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. Are they calling their courtship off?

    1. Saying "we're still going to be friends" leads you to believe that, but we shall see.

    2. From the look on Kelly and Gil's face it does look like a breakup. Maybe they'll stay friends but it doesn't look like a progression in their relationship.

  2. Nathan saying they're still going to be friends leads me to believe that they arr going to stop courting. That is wise if they feel like their hearts are not on the same page. I commend them for being so mature if indeed this is the case. Whatever they do, I wish them all the best.

  3. Sounds like we will be freinds,not a couple

  4. I think they are calling off their courtship. Nathan is a good country boy and I can't see him living in the city. Ashley is very much a city girl. Nothing wrong with that either, but I think in the long run, it would make their compatibility difficult.

    1. I agree completely. I just never saw the chemistry between them that the other Bates couples hadve.

    2. You two are ASSUMING that because one lives in an urban city and another one lives in a rural area, that their relationship would never work. Look at Brandon and Michaella, he lived in Chicago after he graduated from Bible college and now they are married.

  5. I think they are going to continue to court & get to know each other but nit progress to proposal for a while.

  6. I think they are calling off the courtship and going to be just friends. They are a cute couple and I wish they would get married.

  7. Unfortunately, I think it's a break-up. They are just not compatible.

  8. I'd say they broke up.

  9. It looks like they are just going to be freinds! oh no! I hope they are just cooling it down and not talking as much but still courting. I wish both of them the best. Whatever they decide I know is what both of them beleive is the right decision.

  10. Sorry it's over, Nathan. Ashley is a New Yorker through and through. It was too hard for her to give that up, even for you. If she was G-d's choice for you she would've followed you to the ends of the earth. There's a princess out there waiting for you. I hope you meet her soon.

    1. That was harsh and uncalled for. How about not blaming Ashley for not giving up her beloved NYC. How about if Nathan giving up country life for Ashley if he loved her enough. I hope Ashley meets her Prince very soon. Ashley is lovely and I would hate to see her compromise herself to fit Nathan's values.

    2. Or he could follow her.....

    3. Smart move by Ashley. It would be a culture shock to leave NYC for small town Tennessee.

  11. Totally called this... during the episode in NYC, there was some comments about her coming to live there in the country and I saw the look in her eyes-- she was thinking NO WAY!

  12. I think they are going to stop courting and remain best of friends.

  13. I think they are going to stop courting.

  14. ohhh nooooooooo....they are not ending their courtship are they???????

  15. The difference is what they were unable to get past. Country giy, city gal.

  16. I think they're ending the courtship as friends but still keeping in touch to see what the future brings.

  17. If they aren´t courting anymore... in my opinion that´s good. From the beginning I couldn´t imagine Ashley as a Bates´girl. She is completely different and doesn´t match in some way... sorry, can´t explain my feeling ;)
    But if they still courting, I hope the best for them!! :)

    1. I had the same feeling. I think it is better so

  18. It sounds like they're ending the courtship. They were a cute couple and I wish the best for both of them.

  19. Is UPtv ever going to be coming to Canada? I like many of the shows, but my
    favourite is The Bates Family. They are so down-to-earth, and full of joy. It's obvious how much Gil and Kelly love each other, and have a wonderful marriage. They seem to be more interactive with their children than other large families I've seen; although The Willis Family. who are Christians and have 12 children also seem to be more down-to-earth and interactive with their children.So for now,I guess I'll have to read the blog and watch clips; and I can follow the Willis family on TLC.

    1. Call you cable provider and tell them you want UPTV

  20. The way the promo was made it sounds like they have ended their courtship, but you never know. Maybe they ended the courtship and have decided to still communicate as before but sort their feelings out. Who knows.

  21. I am thinking that they are ending their courtship. If they are, it will be hard for sure, but, in the long run, it is better to still remain friends, then have a struggle in marriage later....

  22. Why does UP not let them announce stuff earlier?

    1. $$$$'s a reality TV show. Mystery equals ratings which equals money. It's just that simple.

  23. To all the people mourning this relationship, please don't! It's unrealistic and dangerous to want all courtships to lead to marriage. It puts too much pressure on young couples to get married for the wrong reasons (like initial attraction or family pressure) before they know each other very well. We should feel happy for Nathan and Ashley, they did themselves a favor! They're brave for not giving into pressure and listening to their intuition if something didn't feel right. Mariage is for LIFE and everyone deserves a partner they feel very well matched with. Sometimes, people need several months of courtship to see past the initial attraction and discover deeper differences that would make mariage very difficult. That's what courtship is for!

  24. seems like the end of a courtship, even the way Nathan's voice sounded when he was talking kinda indicated something might have went a wry
    too bad, but never did think they were the best match

  25. Lily or Ellie, I was wondering if you could possibly find out what the songs are that play throughout Bringing Up Bates and post it? I love some of the catchy tunes, but can't seem to find a list or anything that tells me. Thanks!


    1. Hi Mary,

      We will add that to our to-do list. :) Most weeks after the episode airs, readers ask what songs were playing during the episode, and we post the titles in the comments section. When we have some time, we will compile a list. :)

      Lily and Ellie

    2. I dont think it is the end of a very good relationship, however I believe they are taking a step back to sort out their differences before marriage.

    3. I dont think it is the end of a very good relationship, however I believe they are taking a step back to sort out their differences before marriage.

  26. Maybe it's tricky marketing and Nathan is actually saying that they're still going to be best of friends in marriage perhaps? But personally I don't think they're compatible at all.

  27. I wish, I could watch the shows...I'm from Germany. But I am so glad I can at least follow the blog entries. Thank you Elly

    1. I wish I could too (I'm from France)! I don't know if we are going to watch those episodes one day...

  28. I am REALLY sorry to hear that, I just hope you will take this as positive step, on the road to something better, if you get my meaning, and I hope only good things for you!!!!!!!!!! Puck-up-COWBOY!!!!!!!!!

  29. Ashley was at the graduation party in April so that's good news :)

  30. Sounds like the courtship is over. Michaella moved to Chicago for Brandon. Alyssa moved to Clermont, Florida for John (it's not a big city, but it's not the country either). Chad moved to TN for Erin. But Nathan and Ashley don't seem capable of making a compromise.

  31. Sounds like they are just going to be friends. I wish them the best in their decision. Praying for them.

  32. I don't believe the courtship on or off is the important issue. I think that they showed great maturity and respect for each other in their conversation with Gil and Kelly Jo. Distance is the least of their concerns along with city vs. country. (I personally have overcome those issues). There are some deeper issues concerning faith, family values, long term goals, complimenting/completing each other, partnership expectations, parenting expectations.... These are only some of the areas that need to be discussed & negotiated (at times) for any healthy, loving, long-term relationship to even begin. If they need time to continue to grow, learn and communicate genuine feelings then they should take it. Courtship is the time meant for prayer, asking questions, pondering situations, seeking guidance and finding solutions. Each person has to decide to give of themselves unselfishly and become part of a God led, graced partnership that can see the value in all of the blessings that are to come.

  33. I think they break up. Nathan, find yourself a good southern girl. Nothing wrong with being from up north (I've been all over as an Army brat), but I don't think Ashley likes they country as much as the city.

    1. I hope Ashley finds someone better too!

  34. This would have been right after valentine's day yet there are pics of Nathan and Ashley hanging out with her family on memorial day???

  35. I think folks are making way too much of this relationship, simply because it was dubbed a "courtship." In some ways, I think this puts too many expectations on a couple because others assume it will lead to marriage. These are two young people who live very sheltered lives and have not had an opportunity to date outside of the watchful eyes of chaperones. If it works out for them, that's great... But give them some space!

    1. I agree, but this what happens when you call a relationship a "courtship," rather than just "dating." There are elevated different expectations.

  36. They are breaking up, but will still remain friends . They don't mesh well anyways. I think they'll be happier with other people .

  37. What if they learned some tips from TLC on how to mislead viewers....what if the "unexpected" news are not bad news and instead they are now engaged and he is talking about how into engagement/marriage they will continue to be friends and talk on a regular basis.

  38. I think they will be breaking up. I was not happy to see Ashley "tease" Nathan about being a cowboy when he went to New York to set up a courtship. In my opinion these concerns should have been in the forefront all along. Why did she string Nathan along if she didn't want to move out to TN or didn't like the way he dressed. I think she used Nathan and he will be better off finding someone who loves him for who and what he is. (this is my 2nd comment my first one must have gotten lost)

    1. Why should it be an expectation that the woman uproot herself and move?

    2. It's pretty harsh to say that she was just using him. If you're implying it was just to be on tv, I think at this point in order to be in a courtship with a Bates kid you'd have to be willing to be filmed (just like the Duggar kids too) so that is always going to be a factor and attract and detract certain types of people. That's a side effect of filming a reality show. That doesn't mean she was using him.

    3. I notice that too & I didn't like how he teased him either. Nathan works in the family tree business & I don't see him moving to NY. I believe he mentioned in one of the episodes that him & Ashley has discussed where they would live if they got married & that Ashley agreed to move to TN. I personally think she got scared once she saw things getting serious.

  39. There have been some very wise comments made and I agree with them. Personally I was rooting
    For them to work out and get married one day, but it's obvious how different they are. I agree with the person that said she had a look when asked about moving to TN. then her comment was "I could use a little elbow room, Just don't move me 70 miles from the nearest shopping mall.
    It was also obvious how embarrassed she was too at the ice skating rink. People were gawking at them and congratulating them because they assumed it was a proposal taking place.
    I think they are so cute together but they need to seek God and put Him first in all of this.


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