Monday, July 25, 2016

Bates Snapshots July 2016

Here are a few Bates snapshots that we just couldn't resist sharing. Kaci Lynn Bates is five weeks old, and she is as cute as a button. Over the weekend, several of the Bates attended a wedding. Chad and Erin Paine also added a new (furry) member to their family!

 Kaci Bates, 5 weeks old

Carson Paine and his new puppy

 Alyssa Webster and Allie Jane Webster

Tori Bates, Carlin Bates, Erin Paine, and Josie Bates

Photos courtesy of, Chad and Erin Paine, Alyssa and John Webster


  1. This is an honest question. I am not being critical or nasty. I know these girls value modesty. I see them wearing these figure-hugging dresses and t-shirts, and I wonder how that fits with their modesty standards. I know most of them will not show their shoulders or knees. Is it just the skin itself that is immodest? It seems to be okay to show the form of the body -- including the breasts, midsection, etc. -- but not the skin. If anyone knows, I am just curious. Thanks.

    1. Those dresses look lovely on the girls. Very modest. Should they be wearing potato sacks to hide their bodies? I think they are just fine.

    2. Different females within the family have different standards for one thing.

    3. Good question.

    4. They seem to be a lot more into fashion now. You would not have seen them wearing these more form fitting clothes a few years back. I suspect they are more conscious of how they look being on TV rather regularly now and probably don't want to appear frumpy and old fashioned. Still, they do seem to have swung farther than you would have thought. I find it more puzzling that when pregnant they really go for the skin tight clothing which is completely immodest.

    5. I think it's because they got older not because they are on TV. For the millionth time anyone attracted to a pregnant belly needs to see a psychologist asap.

    6. If a pregnant woman doesn't wear clothes that are at least a bit form fitting she really ends up looking like a potato sack!
      There's absolutely nothing wrong in taking care of yourself and wanting to look cute.
      I do think that for them modesty is about how much skin they show, not about the tightness of clothing. They seem perfectly happy with their choices!

    7. But to be fair....I've noticed big changes in the Duggar family as well. It can't be helped I guess but being in the public eye changes things and people. I too have noticed much more stylish trendy clothes on the girls, which is great but sometimes the clothes do appear a bit too tight. Maybe it's a way of compromising but still when things don't fit properly, they can still be imodest.

    8. Seriously? Kim Kardashian and her trashy family pose nude and do anything for attention, and no one bats an eye. These girls wear things that "appear a bit too tight" and y'all have something to say? Perspective, people. Get some.

    9. The styles for dresses have changed this is what's popular so unless they make their clothes they get what's available. I know for me the skin is more of an issue though! Also their pregnancy choices I think are being frugal and not going to buy maternity clothes just using what they already have.

    10. Pride comes before the fall ;)

    11. Kim Kardasian doesn't profess to be like the Bates family at all. So how is that even a fair comparison. I would expect Kim to wear tight clothing because of her reputation, but not a Bates girl. Compare apples to apples please.

    12. Agreed! Modest is modest. It's not just covering your knees or your shoulders but it's being modest in what you are wearing. I try very hard to dress in modest apparel as the scripture teaches and I could wear a skirt to my feet but if it is form fitting and accentuates my body, then it is not modest. If your clothing draws attention to parts of your body, other than your face, it is immodest. I have seen this a lot in their recent episodes. It does cause people to say things because of the stand they say they take to dress modestly.

  2. I think that Allie and Alyssa look a lot a like.

  3. Kaci Lynn is SO cute!! looks a lot like her mommy!!! Love the new little puppy!
    Allie and Allysa are adorable:) love all the girls dresses!
    ~ Vanessa

  4. Kaci is adorable and Carson and the puppy are so cute
    Allie looks so much like Alyssa
    Love Carlins hair.

  5. Alyssa looks a little on the thin side. Maybe those big sunglasses are just making her look thin. I hope she isn't dieting. She is thin enough.

    1. Alyssa is naturally petite and always has been. It's more noticeable now because she wears clothes that fit her.

    2. Alyssa has not always been thin so I would not assume she is "naturally petite". I'm hoping she is just active and conscious of her choices because she is looking unnaturally thin for her. I remember seeing her as a mid-teen looking quite round in the face. Still a gorgeous gal though.

  6. can not wait to see Brooklyn's photo love the whole family

  7. I hope they rescued that puppy from a local animal shelter or pet rescue group. There are so many puppies and young dogs in shelters it's sad to think people ignore the problem and buy a puppy.

    1. I doubt it. Animal shelters in Tennessee are too expensive and make you jump through a ton of hoops to adopt.

    2. Yes hopefully so.... There are even older dogs in shelters that deserve a good home

  8. I hope this puppy gets to stay with his new family for his whole life. What ever happened to Mackenzie's kitten? Where is the grown cat?

    1. Amen!! So many irresponsible pet owners these days. But on the flip side if they don't teach and enforce that the kids respect the animals I would prefer the dogs and cats go to responsible families.

    2. Maybe the cat died? Tends to happen a lot in rural areas and has absolutely nothing to do with being "responsible".

    3. who is mackenzie? not a bates and this is a bates page. I am assuming you are thinking of Josh and Anna Duggar's daughter but not sure what her kitten has to do with the bates son and his wife getting their child a puppy.

  9. Lyn..........................July 29, 2016 at 11:24 AM

    I think the girls in the Duggar family and the Bates family all have a high degree of modesty and everything they wear. They are absolutely stunning and I've never seen them out of place in any scenario. They have a show for our enjoyment and they show what it's like to be in a very large family with a lot of diversity and still be very connected to each other and and still be individual in their lives I think they're all amazing...

  10. Why do they call Michaela Michael? Such a pretty girl with such a masculine name and Michaela is such a pretty name.

    1. Her legal name is Michael. Michaela is a nickname.

    2. Yeah I always call her Michaella. You couldn't pay me a million dollars to call a female Michael. It's ridiculous.

    3. Wow seriously? �� Because my given name is Mikal (pronounced Michael).

  11. You can buy all the new episodes on iTunes or Amazon!!!


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