
Thursday, July 28, 2016

Lawson's Biggest Fan

How would you like to see a deleted scene from tonight's episode? While visiting Alyssa and John Webster in Florida, the Bates also have a chance to meet Bobby Smith's family. (For those who haven't heard, Bobby is Tori Bates' boyfriend.)

Bobby has two younger sisters (a very small family compared to the Bates). His youngest sister, Amanda, has a major crush on Lawson. The two families meet up at a restaurant and are very entertained by the way Lawson and Amanda interact. You'll see why in the video below:

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. So sweet and Lawson handled it well.

    1. I don't think he did. He seemed uncomfortable

    2. Yeah, he seemed really awkward. Like he isn't used to be around people who are so open about expressing feelings, even if it's just an early teenager.

    3. I'm not sure being uncomfortable equates with not handling it well. :) He responds to her and even gives her a high five at the end. I know guys who would have just ignored her or treated her like a little kid in the same situation.

  2. That is so funny!!!'

  3. I think lawson handled that very well. Giggling :')

  4. Wow, Lawson, what a good sport you are! Most people I know wouldn't know how to respond to a situation like that (perhaps sit at the farthest side of the table)!

    1. I know right? He was really smooth and I admire that.

  5. I think he handled it well, he was kind and yet distant. Poor girl is going to have her heart broken when he starts courting, bless her.

  6. I feel sorry for her. I would be mortified to have my obvious crush broadcasted and giggled at.

  7. Omg!!! So funny. I must have watched that over 100 times!!! Lawson was such a good sport. I feal bad for him. Lol

  8. Wow, really not cool to invade Amanda's privacy and possibly embarrass her by including this scene in the show. I'm surprised they did this.

    1. Amanda is a ham..didn't appear at all embarrassed, but rather loving the attention. Lawson is a 24 year old man. He should be out dating and socializing with people his own age. He was the one I was embarrassed for..not Amanda.

    2. She knew the cameras were there. If she didn't want it on the show, she shouldn't have been all awkward.

    3. I'm sure she knew she was being filmed, which explains why she was acting the way she was! She seems like a goofy young teenager hamming it up for the camera. :)

    4. Including this scene with all the joking seems insensitive at best, sadistic at worst.

  9. Dealing with awkward situations so smoothly like that shows that he'll someday make a good dad to his daughters, and set a great example to his sons.

  10. This poor girl is going to be embarrassed by this someday.

  11. He was very nice to give her attention during the supper. It was a generous and kind thing to do and made a young girl so very happy.


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