
Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Lawson's Over-Sized Wardrobe

During the Bates' spring cleaning extravaganza, Lawson Bates attempts to rationalize his need for so many clothing items, shoes, and hats. When she sees Lawson's closet, Kelly Bates begins to wonder whether her cleaning project is going to be worth the struggle of trying to convince her kids to pitch their junk.

"We don't like to get rid of stuff in this family," admits Zach Bates. "We might need it someday." Tune in to UP tomorrow at 9pm ET/8pm CT for a new episode of Bringing Up Bates (promo video below).

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. Was is 54 pairs of shoes or 54 total shoes?

    1. As a Christian--and as the Bates express themselves as Christians--can someone explain how owning 54 pairs of shoes, shirts, hats etc is not gluttony and greed? I understand they are wealthy, and I don't believe poverty is in anyway more "Godly" but there is a line between comfortable and greed. I'm not sure if this episode was funny or disturbing. Just a thought...

    2. Owning a lot of clothes does not mean youre greedy. Geez. Would a greedy person spend his time singing at children's hospitals and doing mission trips?

    3. Maybe they were all purchased at the thrift store.

    4. Who cares if it's from a thrift store?? That does not negate greed. As for singing at children's hospitals--that too does not mean owning 54 pairs of anything is not greedy.

    5. Another thing about cowboy boots is that yes they are worn as shoes but they are also collected. I've literally seen people who use them to decorate their house with. The original poster is obviously looking for something to gripe about.

  2. Lawson is an adult. Adults move out of their parents' home. Then he can collect all the hats and boots he wants!

    1. @Heidi: I think if someone wants to live with their parents and they contribute to the family and the parents want their kids living with them then it's fine for the kids to live at home. My husband was 28 when he married me and he had lived with his parents his whole life and i don't see any problem with that.

  3. Why shouldn't he collect all the hats and boots he wants under his parents roof, as long as he pays for them? I read somewhere that he contributes to his parents household up keep every month since he runs his own lawn maintenance business and has revenues from his album sales. He also volunteers his time at a hospital each month. Sounds pretty responsible to me.

  4. Again, people ridiculing others when they have no idea what goes on behind the scenes. Gil and Kelley may prefer Lawson to be there to provide him a place in a home that loves him while he helps the family out and mentors the younger ones. We don't know - so who are we to say the world knows best and he should be doing "A-B-C".... But it's easy to criticize behind a computer - at he end of the day they are real people with real feelings and should be treated with respect

  5. As always, I enjoyed the show and recorded it so I can watch it again.
    ONLY comment/question I have is, with the empty "old section rooms" why don't they set one up as a guest room for when Michaella & Brandon or Alyssa & John/Allie come to visit? Makes sense to me?
    But perhaps there is a guest room that has not been mentioned??

  6. Its 54 shoes....27 pairs thats not that bad


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