
Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Brooklyn Paine...3 Days Old

Did you hear Erin and Chad Paine's exciting news? Their daughter, Brooklyn Elise Paine, arrived on Saturday morning, weighing 6lbs, 6oz. (Click here for more details.)

How did the Paines decide what to call their new addition? Brooklyn is just a name they both like, and Elise is Erin's middle name. The couple's first child, Charles "Carson" Stephen Paine IV, is named after Chad.

Do you think Brooklyn looks more like Mom or Dad in this picture?

Photo courtesy of Chad and Erin Paine


  1. She looks JUST like Carson!! SAME face! I just compared the newborn pics of carson and of brooklyn... she is adorable

  2. Congrats on your baby girl, I am so happy for you guys!!!!! ♥

  3. Thank you Erin and Chad for sharing this picture of your newest sweet bundle of joy! Hard to tell if she looks like daddy or mommy. Enjoy her!

  4. Adorable!!! She looks like Chad, I think. But both Erin and Chad are very good looking, so their kids are bound to be beautiful! Congratulations

  5. Definitely Chad. But she's a cutie pie, that's for sure.

  6. She definitely looks like daddy!
    She is one lucky little girl😇

  7. Have they said how long she was when she was born?

  8. Congratulations Erin and Chad - so glad things went well for Erin and now you have two angels to care for. A Canadian Fan

  9. Looks like her Daddy

  10. Well i think she looks alot like carson and erin but as she gets older she may end up looking like chad but whoever she ends up looking like she is absolutely beautiful from the inside out. may god bless you and your family

  11. Looks like her daddy! So adorable!

  12. Hey Ellie, I'm brazilian and have commented here a few times and you've even anwsered me sometimes!!
    I just want to let you know that the Bates show it's now airing here in South America!!!
    We're about to watch Bradley's birth, and the most interesting it's that they've got new voices it's soo cool!!
    Aand they've a different show name it's Multiplicando os Bates wich means multiplying th Bates!
    Hope you like to hear this, with lots of love,

    1. Thanks for sharing, Luiza! That's very neat to hear! What South American country are you in?


    2. Hey, I'm from Brazil, so in the show they speak portuguese that is our language, here is a link if you want to know more...
      Love the job you do with those blogs, I hope Ican read them forever!!!

    3. Another brazlian here!!!
      Love watching their show here

    4. I'm brazilian too and i've just watched the episode when Erin hears Carson's heartbeat for the first time!!!
      It's icredible seeing her with two babies after all she has been trough.
      Hope they keep bringing new episodes to Brasil!!

    5. It's neat to see how many Brazilians read our blog! Thanks for sharing the Facebook link, Luiza. :)

      Lily and Ellie

  13. Congratulations Erin and Chad, what a sweet little angel, you are so blessed.

  14. Brooklyn is sooooooooooooooooooo cute!!!!

  15. I think Brooklyn looks like her daddy in this picture. I'm so happy for them to have two sweet blessings after all the trouble they've had with pregnancies. And having a boy and a girl is fun. It's fun that Zach and Whitney have one of each also. I wonder if Alyssa will have a boy next, so that she has one of each. And I hope Michael has a baby next year!

  16. She looks like Chad...

  17. Aaw she is just soo cute and tiny!!!
    Soo happy for Erin nad Chad, sending best wishes from a brazilian fan!!!!

  18. I think she resembles both Carson and Chad. Congratulations, she is beautiful! A true masterpiece from the hand of God!

  19. She is so tiny, and adorable. Looks more like Daddy in this picture. Such a precious miracle, congrats to Erin and Chad, also Little Carson xoxo


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