
Saturday, September 10, 2016

2 Paines and Counting

Brooklyn Paine is five weeks old! We thought you would enjoy comparing her baby photos to those of big brother Carson Paine.

Due to Erin Paine's blood clotting disorder, both her children arrived more than three weeks before their due dates. Carson weighed exactly 6lbs, while Brooklyn weighed 6 lbs, 6oz.

Here are Carson's newborn photos, courtesy of the talented Taryn Yager...

 And here's little Brooklyn (photos also by Taryn Yager)...


  1. Oh my goodness! These are precious pictures! Thank you bunches for sharing them! Love the ones with big brother Carson. How adorable! God bless their sweet family!!!

  2. The babies are adorable, but those curled up poses, as if the child is still in the womb, give me the creeps.

  3. I used to be a big fan of the Bates family. Recently, however, I am disappointed in the manners shown by the older siblings. I think they show very little respect for others' homes and seem to be proud of the fact that they are the "late Bates". It was Dr. Phil who said a few years ago, (paraphrased) "people who are always late think the world revolves around them and they usually grow out of that when they're 3". I only watch now when the program revolves around the married Bates' siblings.

  4. Definitely siblings.

  5. My baby is 34 years old and I'm wondering if keeping a baby all bound up is the trend now. I can see if they need comforting being "swaddled" and held close might work. But otherwise I think babies need freedom to stretch and move about. Not asking this as criticism but genuinely curious since it has been so long since I had an infant.

    1. Beautiful babies, but the very tight swaddling does look weird. My baby is 30 and was not swaddled like this, either.

  6. I just love love this family, its a pleasure getting to know them better each week😁

  7. I am not a fan of swaddling either, but I think this is just for newborn pictures, not something they necessarily do all the time (?)
    I think the pictures are really cute and you can see their faces really well.

  8. So tiny! And so cute! Compared to my son who was 11 lbs he looks like a preemie! God bless!

  9. Pretty sure this tight swaddling is just for the photos.

  10. Nice seeing the comparisons of both ses of siblings. Thanks!!


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