
Saturday, September 17, 2016

3 Granddaughters and Counting

Gil and Kelly Bates added two granddaughters to their crew this summer, and they are looking forward to welcoming another in January 2017. Here are a few snapshots of the latest additions, Kaci Bates and Brooklyn Paine...

 Michael and Brandon Keilen meet Brooklyn Paine

 Michaela Keilen, Erin Paine, and Brooklyn Paine

 Whitney Bates and Kaci Bates

Kaci Bates

And here's a new photo of Zach and Whitney Bates, proud parents of two children under the age of two!

Zach and Whitney Bates

Photos courtesy of, Zach and Whitney Bates,


  1. Congratulations to the four happy families!!! Such beautiful pictures and blessings! Love y'all and I'm still waiting for a grandchild to bless our family (my son and daughter have been hoping for a few years now, but still no word from God).

  2. Keep procreating, Conservative voters! Remember the Supreme Court. No candidate is perfect, but the Supreme Court will be lost for a generation if the wrong person is elected.

  3. Why don't they show Brooklyn's head? I want to know what color her hair is

    1. In all the pics with Michaela you can see her head!

  4. I haven't seen one picture of Chad and Erin's daughter with her eyes open. I hope something isn't wrong. :(

    1. Um you do know newborns sleep a lot, right?

  5. I thought posting Michaela and Brandon's picture first after a title about new babies was not truthful and unfair to them especially if they are suffering from fertility issues.

  6. Michaela and Brandon probably want to save money before they have a babies. Also they need to get a big place their apartment is so small

  7. I love the pictures


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